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Progress updates

University-wide progress updates

We want to extend a warm thank you to all of you who have taken the time to contribute and remain committed to working towards creating a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment at ĢAV. Wela’lin. We know this is not easy work to do and at times it may not go as fast as we would like. We are reminded of an African Proverb that says, “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.” We want to go far, and we hope that all of you will join us on that journey.

Each year when we prepare this report, we are extremely impressed by how much work we have done over the past four years. That is not to say we don’t recognize there is still work to do, there is but we are moving in the right direction The report speaks to our progress on the key tasks that we committed to perform under ĢAV’s first Diversity and Inclusiveness Strategy. The strategy was built from five foundational reports and their recommendations. There is lots more great work happening on all our campuses. This report does not capture all of it , but it provides an excellent representation of the path we are on. We hope you all see yourselves reflected in these initiatives in some way.

Nationally ĢAV is a lead institution striving to build a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. We may not get everything right all the time, but we are committed to continuing to learn from our mistakes, history, and you.

Our strategy continues to focus on four primary pillars of campus activity: 1. Climate, 2. Student Access & Success, 3. Education & Research, and 4. Structures. All four are critically important to ensuring that our work touches all that we do as an institution. The report is organized under those pillars for ease of seeing the direction we are moving.

We encourage you to take the time to go through the report. Take the time to make notes, ask yourself questions and share those questions. ĢAV is OUR University.

There is an ancient Iroquois philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. We want our equity, diversity, and inclusiveness efforts to make us stronger for our students, faculty, and staff seven generations from now, and beyond.


Strategic Priority Co-leads:

Jasmine Walsh, Assistant Vice President, Human Resources

Barb Hamilton-Hinch, PhD Assistant Professor, School of Health, and Human Performance