2019–20 Impact Award Winners

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2019–20 IMPACT Awards gala event was cancelled. But we still want to celebrate the achievements of the following incredible students and student societies, and highlight just some of their many outstanding accomplishments.

Congratulations to you all, and thank you for all your contributions to our community!

Residence Life Leadership Awards

Raphaela Marie Magboo

Arts & Social Sciences, Angono, Rizal, Philippines

  • Served as Residence Council member, Residence Assistant, Senior Residence Assistant
  • Organized communal events to educate residents and promote harm reduction on campus
  • Head Food Representative on 2016 Shirreff Hall Council
  • Grant Committee Member for DAL After DArk
  • Volunteer Sub-Committee Member for the East Coast Student Leadership Conference
  • Student Volunteer and Committee Member for DAL Lead conference

Brittany Somers

Arts & Social Sciences, Miramichi, NB

  • RA and Senior RA for three years
  • Mentored young women of ĢAV through academic and residence life; passionate about helping and advocating for others
  • ĢAV Association of Psychology Students academic executive
  • Secretary and President of ĢAV’s Golden Key Society Sparks for Change; prepared meals for IWK families, assisted with blood collection drives
  • Front Desk Staff, Gerard Hall
  • Member of ĢAV Students Supporting Sick Children Society

Residence Life Impact Award

Alison MacDonald

Science, Riverview, NB

  • VP of Student Life with the ĢAV Science Society, member of DMCRT, DSSC, assisted with the Risley Hall Council, volunteered with the IWK and a non-profit fertility clinic
  • Senior RA; involved with programming, mentoring, and supporting students, and positively impacting student experience in residence
  • Support and mentor for over 15 RAs to be their best and impact residence experience

Most Impactful Residence Council

Shirreff Hall Residence Council

  • Council consists of four dedicated students who worked extremely hard to gain new members, plan inclusive, engaging programs, and create an extremely welcoming inclusive residence community
  • Communicated and connected with residents to explore areas of student interest and incorporate into programming
  • Hosted Halloween Haunted basement, traditional Harry Potter Night, Gala, Plants in Res (part of Eco-Olympics), House Cup/Spirit Week

Off-Campus Leadership Award

Raad Habib

Science, Corner Brook, NL

  • Inspired by his mother's struggles acclimating to Canada because of language barriers, he established an ESL charity program in Corner Brook, offering free English lessons to hundreds of immigrants/refugees
  • Implemented a daycare to help those who couldn’t afford a babysitter
  • Expanded program to include practical duties (completing tax forms, creating resumes, getting driver's licence, etc.)
  • At ĢAV he remains connected to ensure that the charity runs smoothly; spends school breaks fundraising so it remains a free program
  • Empowered and enabled students to integrate into community, build relationships and a sense of home

Most Impactful General or Special Interest Society

ĢAV Medical Campus Response Team

  • Provided first aid and mental health coverage to dozens of society events on campus, DSU orientation week, in residence, and at residence life events
  • Completed in-depth training to best support students in many different aspects of mental health, challenges related to self harm, sexualized violence, and physical first aid
  • Certified over half of volunteers in ASIST suicide intervention to better support students
  • Provided mental health support to students via DMCRT email service
  • Formed 2020 Relay for Life team supporting Canadian Cancer Society

Most Impactful Sports Society

ĢAV Rugby Football Club

  • Returned after 2014 suspension committed to become leaders for anti-hazing behaviour, using the power of sport to better community
  • Created and presented workshops to other teams highlighting safe team bonding ideas and risks of alcohol
  • Partnered with GetReal to combat homophobia, wearing pink GetReal socks during games
  • Recognized by Canadian Blood Services for their collective blood clinic donations
  • Nova Scotia Division 1 Championship this year
  • Bought new league trophy to replace lost one; named new trophy after rival team’s coach, Ed Carty, a founding member of STFX rugby team and respected coaching legend

Intramural Award

Steven Jackson & Ross Kelleher

Steven Jackson
Science, Truro, NS

Ross Kelleher
Management, Georgetown, ON

  • Enthusiastically worked together to create multiple intramural sports teams from their residence
  • Created an inclusive and positive culture within their teams, directly inspiring others to join and contribute to their community
  • Their efforts provided important outlets and vital connection for students, directly impacting fellow student’s lives on a regular basis

Varsity Athlete Award

Maya Venkataraman

Science, Summerland, BC

  • Exceptionally active with volunteer commitments while also achieving high accolades in varsity soccer
  • Achieved dean’s list each year
  • Granted Hector McInnes Memorial Scholarship, Dal Alumni Leadership Scholarship, Graham Family Athletic Award, Sir William Young Scholarship
  • Academic-All Canadian Award winner, showcasing excellence in both academics and sport
  • Engaged in community volunteer work, including Dal Student Athlete Mental Health Initiative, Varsity Council, St. Andrew’s Church Sunday Suppers

Student Wellness Award

Catherine Robertson

Science, Cotherstone, UK

  • Mental Health Volunteer, Senior Mental Health Volunteer, and Director of Mental Health of ĢAV Medical Campus Response Team (DMCRT)
  • Peer supporter through the Stay Connected Program at ĢAV
  • Volunteer with the sexual assault and harassment phone line
  • Managed mental health-related events, directed mental health volunteer team; initiated innovative healthy lifestyle event ideas including “Meet the Counsellors,” removing the stigma associated with mental health and encouraging students to use ĢAV’s mental health resources
  • Helped to create the Stay Connected Program for peer to peer support as one of its first employees and runs the program’s promotional activities

Rising Star Awards

Mazen Brisha

Health, Cairo, Egypt

  • Involved in MUN society, Egyptian Dal Society, volunteers with Dal After Dark and International Centre
  • Keynote speaker at DalLead conference
  • Executive member, ĢAV's Enactus society
  • Project leader for Let’s Sprout, non-profit group promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility in youth, empowering socially tolerant change makers
  • Organized a youth empowerment art auction where young students were inspired to express themselves through art; proceeds went to Greater Love, a local non-profit providing food and resources for homeless
  • International student leader, advising new students on the challenges of immersion in a new culture, and helping others get involved

William Johnson

Health, Dartmouth, NS

  • Member of ĢAV Indigenous Student Collective; exploring Mi’kmaw heritage, learning ancestral language, exploring traditional ways, sharing his knowledge
  • Works at the Indigenous Student Centre; contributes to positive community foundation
  • Demonstrates gratitude; values kindness because he sees the value of its impact
  • Worked at ĢAV camps for Indigenous high school students interested in medicine
  • Volunteers at Friendship Centre Culture youth program, and Leader with Scouts Canada; enjoys working with youth, especially those at risk

Most Impactful Charitable/Community-Based Society

Relay for Life

  • Hosts various fundraisers on campus and at sporting events for Canadian Cancer Society, supporting cancer research at ĢAV as well as patient/caregiver services at the Lodge that Gives
  • Chapter re-opened March 2019. Raised $31,000; plans to double that this year when 200 people participate in Relay for Life youth event
  • This small group is dedicated to raising funds for important research while creating successful community bonding events

Green Award

Courtney Witter

Arts & Social Sciences, Ipswich, Suffolk, England

  • Developed a series of workshops on making low-waste wellness products such as soaps and toothpaste
  • Completed four-month internship with CEED in Uganda as Community Events Intern, creating environmental sustainability, youth advocacy and communications, youth entrepreneurship, and video documentary projects
  • Created open-source data sets for homeless shelter resources in Halifax
  • Finance and Development Director, and Executive Director for Trips by Transit; helped increase trip attendance, created membership program, promoted environment sustainability through walks and talks addressing environmental racism and gentrification
  • Planned and executed rallies and fundraisers for Divest Dal
  • Steering Committee member, part-time staff, and Breakfast Club Commissioner for ĢAV Student Union Sustainability Office (DSUSO); organized the 2019 Green Gala and addressed food security issues on Sexton Campus by providing free breakfast three days a week

Student Activist Award

Naomi Bird

Architecture & Planning, Saskatoon, SK

  • Divest Dal participant, volunteer for DSU Market, trip leader for Trips by Transit
  • Made a 4,300 km trek from Halifax to Saskatoon to promote cycling to others
  • Secretary and President of Dal Bike Centre
  • Vice-President of ĢAV Indigenous Student Collective and DSU Indigenous Representative
  • ĢAV BIPOCUS group – 2019 Chair of Education and Knowledge.
  • Devoted to environmentally inspired initiatives focused on Indigenous perspectives, including leading bike ride for the RedDress project, co-organizing Indigenous sovereignty and resistance panel that raised funds for Unist’ot’en camp and for local Grassroots Grandmothers

International Student of the Year Award

Beatrice Chiang

Science, Singapore

  • Vice-President Events and President, ĢAV International Students' Association (DISA)
  • Organized DISA Holiday Celebration, International Night Gala, Fight the Fees Campaign
  • Chinese New Year celebration – Singapore Style (Winter 2019): Cultural food appreciation event
  • Presenter on international student leadership at East Coast Student Leadership Conference
  • Helped organize off-campus activities: skating at the Oval, skiing at Ski Martock, Kejimkukik camping trip, apple picking, Maritimes road trip
  • Undergraduate student representative for International Students Support Rapid Task Force
  • Member of DSU Policy Issues Committee, Orientation Week Steering Committee, Dal Mental Health Awareness Week Committee
  • Collaborated with NSPRIG to create a repository of resources for international students living in Nova Scotia

Most Impactful Emerging Society

Women in Technology Society (WiTS)

  • Committed to increasing diversity and student interaction in technological fields through equality, learning and engagement
  • Membership increased approximately 250% since 2017–18 with 70 current registered members
  • Launched peer mentorship for female-identifying students, supporting academic journey, increasing sense of community, improving retention  
  • Contributed heavily to recruitment, outreach events and to wider conversations around gender gap in technology and current issues faced by female computer science students
  • Welcomed over 100 female high school students for annual Women in Tech Day
  • Hosted “We Talk Tech” to help students connect with industry professionals including IBM, MDA and a host of local start-ups and covers important topics relevant to supporting students with their next steps
  • Many members participate as mentors for community organizations such as Canada Learning Code

Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Nicholas LaValle

Management, Toronto, ON

  • Creating a water filtration device with support of partners in Halifax and ĢAV
  • Entrepreneurship Major allowed him to receive university credit for his innovation.
  • Completed work term partnering with the Norman Newman Centre at ĢAV working on his project
  • Working with engineers and other professionals trying to streamline his design
  • Passionate about creating something useful and possible life-changing for many people

Most Impactful Cultural or Spiritual Society

ĢAV Chinese Students and Scholars Association

  • Largest Chinese students’ community in Atlantic area, established 1989
  • Builds and improves Chinese students’ community at ĢAV, helping new students adjust to Canadian life
  • Fostered positive relationships with Chinese embassy, Chinese Society of Nova Scotia, ĢAV International Centre, Dal Security, ĢAV Student Union, Chinese Students Association from other universities, and local businesses who help to sponsor events
  • Assisted with online New Student Orientation program; conducted three live streams to new students and their parents in China
  • Created and delivered New Student Handbook for new Chinese students to Canada, Nova Scotia, Halifax, and ĢAV; preparing English version for all incoming international students
  • Partnered with International Centre to host International Students Orientation for over 300 new students

DSU Dal-King’s Impact Award (for a King’s Student)

Lily Barraclough

Science, Toronto, ON

  • King’s University entrance scholarship, the Dr. W. Bruce Almon Scholarship; and the Margaret and Elwin Malone Memorial Scholarship
  • ESRI Canada Centres of Excellence student associate; recognized as an advanced student scholar in geographic information systems theory and technology
  • Helped organize a youth retreat at the Thinkers Lodge in Pugwash, NS, to discuss the climate crisis
  • Instrumental in expanding the Climate Reality Project Canada through iMatter Canada, present in over 25 cities across Canada
  • Helped to encourage the city of Halifax to pass a motion to achieve net zero CO2 emissions for municipal operations by 2040

Most Impactful Social or Environmental Justice Society

Women in Engineering Society

  • Facilitates the success of female engineering students, promotes diversity and equality within the engineering industry and encourages engineering as a career choice to local youth
  • Active organization on Sexton Campus for over 10 years; this year the society grew from 30 students to 100
  • Asked to participate in the monthly Engineer Nova Scotia Women in Engineering meetings
  • Initiated the first "Skill Building Workshops" for female engineering students; provided them with a non-judgmental environment to to gain hands-on technical skills with the help of professional female engineers
  • Hosted Go Eng Girl event where over 115 girls and 35 parents attended the day-long campus orientation to engineering, including presentations from female students on the disciplines of engineering offered at Dal
  • Invited to participate in the national December 6 memorial service, due to ĢAV’s diligence in hosting an annual public December 6 memorial service

Student Employee Award

Alana Cox

Arts & Social Sciences, Nassau, Bahamas

  • Positive attitude, contagious smile, eager to help and work, great example of a ĢAV employee and student leader
  • Has held various positions: Organizing DSU market; VP Finance, operations commissioner
  • Runs BIPOCUS, focusing on black and indigenous issues/celebrations and improving experiences on campus. Volunteers for Trips by Transit
  • Works with immigrant children at YMCA to acquaint them with Canadian culture

Most Impactful Faculty or Departmental Society

ĢAV Undergraduate Political Science Society (DUPSS)

  • Created ĢAV Political Networking Initiative (DPNI) to provide political science students with employment opportunities with provincial and federal politicians
  • Hosted monthly political or faculty-related events, such as “Meet the Profs,” to foster meaningful community engagement between students and faculty
  • Developing a political outreach and education program with Halifax high schools to teach students about their political institutions, filling a curriculum gap in Nova Scotian schools
  • Produces student political science journal, “The Podium,” where undergraduate students can share, publish, and celebrate their political science research

ĢAV Student Union Gold D

Sara Caroline Brushett

Health, Dartmouth, NS

  • Founded the Health Promotion Society, a student group for health promotion students that sent students to the PEI Global Health Forum
  • Chaired the Annual Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Research Conference, an international student-led conference hosted at Dal
  • President of the HPI Student Research Scholars; organized many training sessions requested by students from career development to networking and social events
  • Research assistant, teaching assistant, and member of several hiring committees for tenure-track faculty members
  • Currently developing a journal that will be a capacity building and mentorship opportunity for population health research students
  • Operations Coordinator at the Healthy Populations Institute (multi-faculty research institute between Medicine, Dentistry and Health)
  • Treasurer for SAHHPER for many years including running CPR classes for students that needed the certificate to graduate, advocating to help cover the cost of these fees
  • Volunteered to speak to honours students on a "Welcome to Grad School" panel for incoming graduate students
  • Presented on a panel at CPHA on being a student/ future health promoter and how to support students/early careers transition into careers and build health promotion in the future.

Tanaka Malobella Shumba

Science, Gweru, Zimbabwe

  • Peer Support Worker with Stay Connected Mental Health Project and ĢAV Counselling Services
  • Delivered presentations in residences on responding to friends in distress and navigating on-campus resources
  • Collaborated with DMCRT and DSU to plan ĢAV Annual Mental Health Awareness Week
  • Part of the Strategic Planning Phase III – Campus Health and Wellbeing self-study team
  • Resident Assistant and Senior RA; mentored first-year medical sciences students; organized chemistry help sessions, physician-shadowing, and mental health awareness booths in residence
  • Social Representative, and Vice President Internal for Shirreff Hall Council
  • Volunteer Coordinator of Dal Lead conference planning committee
  • Executive member of Imhotep Learning Community; organized programs supporting undergraduate students of African descent
  • BSAC mentor and tutor, assisting first-year chemistry, biology, psychology, physics students
  • Leadership team for Atlantic Association of Black Aspiring Physicians (AABAP); planned events on pathways for Black students to become a physician.
  • Volunteer and co-President, Bladder Cancer Awareness Society (BCAS), helped organize Halifax Bladder Cancer Walk

Outstanding Student of Distinction Award

Gracious Kasheke

Science, Halifax, NS

  • Represented Faculty of Science at various recruitment events for prospective students and families
  • Sports Representative, Vice-President, and President of ĢAV Undergraduate Neuroscience Society
  • Helped organize fundraisers for Direction 180, a harm reduction-based methadone clinic that supports members of the Mi’kmaq population
  • Helped found the Brain Tri(athlon), a for-fun triathlon to encourage professors and students to get acquainted in a relaxed and fun setting
  • Raised funds for Brain Injury Nova Scotia and Laing House
  • Volunteered with Undergraduate Program Committee, working with faculty members in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience to implement new ideas, curriculum changes, and improve the department’s overall student experience
  • Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, the Boys & Girls Club, Channel One Food Bank, Seasons Hospice and Listos Preschool and Childcare
  • Member of the Greater Love Street Team, providing outreach, support and a listening ear to individuals experiencing homelessness
  • Selected as an Academic All-Canadian 2018–19 while playing varsity soccer

Faculty Leadership Awards

Agriculture: Maddie Empey

Grand Bay-Westfield, NB

  • Dedication and outstanding leadership shown through involvement in WUSC, DalLead, AgriLead and East Coast Student Leadership Conference Committee member
  • Peer Educator, Golden Ram Editor, and supporter of many campus activities
  • Passion and dedication towards making the Faculty of Agriculture a better place and improving student life
  • Keynote speaker at leadership conferences; attended training opportunities to further develop leadership skills
  • Involved in outreach activities such as Coldest Night of the Year, Climate Action, Take Back the Night
  • Worked in Ethiopia as part of the ATTSVE internship which helped to develop lifelong friendships and collegiality with fellow universities and colleges

Architecture & Planning: Isabelle Nickerson

Quispamsis, NB

  • Active leader for the Society of Undergraduate Planners (SUP) for three years
  • Initiated activities to enhance student life within and outside of the program curricula
  • Ran a variety of fund-raising event to create a scholarship program for students
  • Organized annual student social, and software learning modules
  • Volunteered for any activity run by the School. Spent her time and energy above and beyond what we expect from a student
  • High academic achiever with an ability to understand more nuanced views of various societal issues relevant to planning
  • A student leader who thinks deeply about how to improve our program and works with faculty to make changes toward the common vision

Arts & Social Sciences: Selam Abdella

IDS & Political Science, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


  • Focused on helping support women and children in less developed countries to access education
  • Director of the DSU's Equity and Accessibility Office; established the first Equity and Accessibility Grants
  • Worked to assess campus food bank usage, provide free menstrual products for students, provide SAD lamps for students with seasonal depression
  • ĢAV African Heritage Month planning committee; helped organize first Dal Afrofest
  • Chair of Support with the ĢAV Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour Caucus
  • Programming and event coordinator with Books beyond Bars, an initiative to provide books to incarcerated women
  • Member of the Student Life Street Team; vice-president of communications with ĢAV's chapter of Amnesty International; program assistant with Women's Health Organization International, and a volunteer teacher with Berhan Amharic School

Computer Science: Alicia Wong

Vancouver, BC


  • President of the Women in Technology Society (WiTS)
  • Contributed greatly to CS events, We Are All CS-related program development, and FCS Peer Mentorship Program for female-identifying students
  • Presented at the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit and the Atlantic Technology Summit
  • Active member of Canada Learning Code- Girls Learning Code
  • Hosts special events, partners with Government of Canada and top female industry partners to show student body the importance of maintaining an inclusive and respectful environment
  • Awarded the Faculty’s Citizenship Award (2018) for commitment to building community within the Faculty
  • Received Ada Byron Award (2019) for dedication to making computer science more accessible for females
  • Schulich Leader, receiving a renewable computer science Schulich Scholarship

Dentistry: Mohammed Alshateel


  • A contagious, positive force in the dentistry building
  • Volunteers for faculty and student initiatives, always offers to help
  • Volunteer interpreter for the weekly Faculty of Dentistry New Immigrant and Refugee Oral Health Clinic; helped dentistry and dental hygiene students communicate with patients about their dental treatments; instrumental in making patients feel more comfortable and understood
  • Organizes all students for the Monday evening clinics
  • Student Representative for Dentistry Alumni Committee; leading new initiatives involving both alumni and students; added a new event for 2020: Alumni Prosthodontic Olympics
  • Student employee for Dentistry Continuing Education; uses every opportunity to network with the dental community and patients; willing to do whatever task is required, even supporting the facilities management staff
  • Builds relationships and knows everyone by name

Engineering: Sierra Sparks

Dartmouth, NS


  • Sexton Scholar; ambassador for Atlantic Region by the Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation, winning the Engineers Nova Scotia Award
  • Vice-President Outreach for the ĢAV Women in Engineering Society
  • Guide/facilitator for ENGage in Engineering event to inspire female junior and senior high school students; engineering Instructor with SuperNOVA
  • Instructor for ITS for Girls workshop, promoting STEM fields to young women grades 4 to 9
  • President of Diploma of Engineering Society; Vice President of External Relations for ĢAV Undergraduate Engineering Society
  • Bilingualism commissioner, IT commissioner, and Vice President of Communications for Atlantic Council of Engineering Students
  • Member of Corporate Relations and International Working Groups with the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students
  • International co-organizer for the Internet of Things (IoT) course, organized through the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST)
  • ĢAV Women’s Rugby Team, part-time lifeguard at Dalplex

Health: Tasnim Nashnoush

Halifax, NS


  • Volunteers with BEAM (Because Everyone’s Ability Matters), building friendships while developing communication skills of children with cognitive and physical disabilities
  • Helps QEII veterans with dementia and other cognitive conditions to play bocce ball
  • Runs an equity and inclusion committee at College of Pharmacy with ĢAV Student Pharmacy Society to provide educational opportunities on equity, diversity, inclusion, cultural competence and issues faced by marginalized communities
  • Involved in research project on inclusion activities in the college
  • Part-time drug information student at ĢAV, editing drug information website for health profession students
  • Attended “Person Before Patient” conference exploring the pharmacist’s role in caring for vulnerable and equity-seeking populations, to learn how to strengthen the patient-pharmacist relationship and build trust
  • Fitness advocate; turned to gym for focus and healthier lifestyle

Law: Catherine Phillips-Smith

Toronto, ON


  • Top of her class last year and always willing to help other students
  • Peer Mentor for first-year law students; Peer Educator for law students in the Indigenous Blacks and Mi'kmaq Initiative; dedicated to student success and has raised the bar on the Peer Mentoring program
  • Led academic success sessions for international students coming to ĢAV on exchange
  • Cultivates relationships with faculty and staff; approachable, warm, enthusiastic of faculty initiatives, always willing to help
  • Dependable and mature; a great example for other students

Management: Hayat Showail

St. Louis, Missouri


  • Recognized for strong academic efforts and leadership through national and local organizations
  • Cultivates lasting relationships with her peers, TAs and professors through strong work discipline and respect for others
  • Recipient of 2019 3M National Student Fellowship and represented ĢAV at the STLHE annual conference
  • Awarded the 2019 Vince Ginley Award for academic excellence
  • Strong believer in collaboration and team leadership; created study groups for classes so students can support each other’s success
  • Participates in Management Career Services events
  • Chosen as faculty representative in the Student Leadership Academy, and at a lunch for student leaders on campus with the incoming president, Dr. Deep Saini

Medicine: Nicholas Buckler

Halifax, NS

  • Volunteer with Special Olympics Nova Scotia; swimming instructor with SWAM Canada (Swimming With A Mission)
  • Volunteer with ĢAV Medical School's Sexual Health Outreach (SHOUT) program, ĢAV Medicine's Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) Program, ĢAV Medical School's iHear Program
  • Co-Chair of the 2020 Conference of Atlantic Medical Students; co-executive of ĢAV Medical School's Radiology Interest Group
  • Member of the Halifax Road Hammers running club—qualified for the 2019 Boston Marathon
  • Presented RIM Project at the 2019 IWK Summer Student Presentation Competition, ĢAV Medical School's Research in Medicine Day, and at the 13th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis
  • Has abstracts accepted to 27th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, and 2020 Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting
  • Received Behrooz A. Akbarnia, MD Award for Best Paper Nomination at 13th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis (as a co-author)
  • Captain of ĢAV Medical School's Movember 2019 Fundraising Team—organized a 5K Fun Run fundraiser; coordinated a team of 29 ĢAV medical students who raised $2,977

Science: Sean Wang

Halifax, NS

  • Founded and directs “HRM Academics” which provides affordable student-to-student tutoring to make learning more accessible to local students; tutored secondary school students in math, chemistry, biology, and English
  • SuperNOVA instructor to children in grades 1–10, communicating in English, French, and Mandarin; provided outreach camps to Indigenous and impoverished communities
  • Presenter at East Coast Student Leadership Conference
  • Director of Communications for Dal Science Society; President and Vice-President of the Medical Sciences Society; Medical Sciences Society Representative
  • Volunteer for Neurocognitive Imaging Laboratory at ĢAV; Refugee Medical Support Initiative with DSU; IWK Family Room, Ronald McDonald House Charities Atlantic; and IWK Hospital’s Emergency Unit and Information Booth
  • Pianist at Mulgrave Baptist Church; led the Medical Sciences Intramural Basketball Team; Head Coach for Halifax Hurricanes children’s basketball team