Winter 2024 MPA Course: Perspectives on the Contributions of Allan J. MacEachen

Minister of Health Allan J. MacEachen in a debate regarding the Medical Care Act in the House of Commons, 1966.

Throughout his life, the Honourable Allan J. MacEachen kept memoirs chronicling his beginnings in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and his political journey from Member of Parliament for Inverness-Richmond (now Cape Breton-Canso) in 1953, to his tenure in several ministerial positions in Prime Ministers Lester B. Pearson's and Pierre Trudeau's cabinets. These memoirs have thus far gone unpublished.

Through the generosity of Mr. MacEachen’s estate, the MacEachen Institute has been given a unique opportunity to use Mr. MacEachen’s unpublished memoirs to review and critically discuss the role he played in shaping important political, social and economic policies in Canada and the impact of those policies.

In a Master of Public Administration course hosted at the MacEachen Institute, experts from different fields will provide students with perspectives on various policy areas and how they have changed over the decades, and provide comments on Allan J. MacEachen’s contributions.

Guest speakers come from a variety of backgrounds in the public, private, and academic sectors, and several have held prominent positions in both federal and provincial elected offices. A number of guest speakers were employed as political staffers by Mr. MacEachen at different points in his political career.

The course, Perspectives on the Contributions of Allan J. MacEachen, serves as an opportunity to examine Mr. MacEachen’s many contributions to the development of progressive public policy, discuss the evolution of the policy areas he played a role in shaping, and explore how these policies have and continue to impact public life in Canada today.

We are particularly pleased to welcome the Honourable Dr. Mayann Francis, who will share her experiences of growing up in Cape Breton’s Whitney Pier, and former Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate Dr.George Elliott Clarke, who will share with the class his thoughts on scholar, M.P. and civil rights activist Howard McCurdy. Francis and Clarke will enrich our discussion of key issues during MacEachen’s time in office.

To read more about the life and legacy of the Honourable Allan J. MacEachen, click here.

Guest Speaker Schedule

Week One:Introduction to Allan MacEachen / The Values and Challenges of Memoir

January 18, 2024

Dr. Jerry Bannister

Associate Professor, History, ĢAV

Jerry Bannister teaches History at ĢAV. Within ĢAV, over the past twenty years he has served in a number of roles, including Director of the Marine Affairs Program and Coordinator of the Canadian Studies Program. Outside ĢAV, he has served on national organizations, including the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Awards Committee, the Council of the Canadian Historical Association, and as Chair of the Editorial Board of the Canadian Historical Review.


Kenzie MacKinnon, K.C.

Burchells LLP, Former Chief of Staff for Allan J. MacEachen

Week Two:Faith and Politics; Antigonish Movement/Moses Coady

January 25, 2024


Gary Burrill

MLA for Halifax-Chebucto, United Church Minister

Gary Burrill is an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada and the NDP MLA for Halifax Chebucto.

Week 3:Mayann Francis’s Memoirs

February 1, 2024


The Honourable Dr. Mayann Francis, ONS, Honourary Canon

Former Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia

The Honourable Dr. Mayann Francis, ONS served as Lieutenant Governor for the province of Nova Scotia, from 2006-2012.She was the first African Nova Scotian and second woman to be appointed as the vice regal representative.She is the second African Canadian to be appointed Lieutenant Governor in Canada.

Dr. Francis served from 2015-2020 as the first Distinguished Public Service Fellow, in the Faculty of Management, School of Public Administration at ĢAV.

In December 2020, she was appointed as the Dean’s Warden for The Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, NS.In May 2023, she was appointed Honorary Canon at the Cathedral.She was the first lay individual to be appointed as Honorary Canon in the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

She is the recipient of seven Honorary Degrees and an Honorary Diploma.She has served in many leadership roles including Chair of the Board for the Atlantic School of Theology.She is also the recipient of many awards.

Dr. Francis graduated from St. Mary’s University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree and a Masters in Public Administration from New York University. In addition to her list of credentials, Dr. Francis can add author.

Nimbus Publishing published her first children’s book, “Mayann’s Train Ride” in October 2015, which was translated into French in 2018. Her memoir, Mayann Francis, An Honourable Life, was released in June 2019 and was listed in The Hill Times’ list of 100 best non-fiction books in 2019.The Hill Times is Canada’s Politics and Government Newspaper.Her memoir was also short listed for The Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction Award in June 2020. The audible version of her memoir is also available.

Her second children’s book, “One Summer In Whitney Pier” was recently published (May 2022) by Nimbus.The book launch took place on June 4, 2022.

She is in great demand as a speaker and is sought after for her leadership experience.

Week Four:The Nomination Process and Campaigning

February 8, 2024

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Mary Clancy

Former MP for Halifax

Mary Clancy was born in Halifax and educated in Halifax schools. She is a graduate of Mount St. Vincent University, ĢAV Law School and the University of London (UK). She articled with the Director of Civil Litigation (NS) and was called to the bar in 1976.

Following 18 months as Assistant Director of Continuing Legal Education at University of British Columbia, she returned to Halifax where she was appointed Special Advisor to the Minister responsible for The Status of Women. Following the defeat of the Liberal Government in 1978 she practiced law privately until she was elected to the House of Commons as MP for Halifax in 1988.

She was Official Opposition Critic for the Status of Women from 1989 until 1993 and was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration byPM Chrétien.

In 1996 she was appointed Chair of the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs. Defeated in 1997 she was appointed Canadian Consul General to New England and served until 2002.

She returned to Halifax in 2003, where she has served on numerous boards,as a commentator on radio, locally, nationally and internationally and contributed articles to a variety of publications.

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Dr. Alex Marland

Professor, Political Science, Acadia University

Alex Marland researches what goes on the backrooms of Canadian politics. He is trusted by politicians and political advisors to share their stories in an even-handed manner. A fierce consumer of Canadian political news and a frequent media commentator, he is the author or lead editor of over a dozen books including the award-winningBrand Command: Canadian Politics and Democracy in the Age of Message ControlandWhipped: Party Discipline in Canada. As a Jarislowsky Chair in Trust and Political Leadership he is actively developing programming to train the next generation of political leaders.

Week Five:The House of Commons / Working in the Minister’s Office

February 15, 2024

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Colin MacDonald, K.C.

Former Chief of Staff for Allan J. MacEachen

Colin is a graduate of St Francis Xavier (BBA), McMaster (MA Economics) and ĢAV (LLB). He is a retired partner of the national law firm Borden Lader Gervais where he practiced corporate law with expertise in Energy and Competition Law.

He has served on more than 12 boards of directors and currently is the Chair of the Board of an Alberta crown corporation: Alberta Pension Services Corporation. He is also the current chair of the Advisory Council for the MacEachen Institute.

Colin joined the office of the Hon Allan J MacEachen shorty after graduating from ĢAV Law School in 1977 and served as legislative counsel and Chief of Staff to Minister MacEachen from 1977 -79 and 1980 to 1982.

Colin was a candidate in the 1993 Federal election in Calgary Northeast and served for four years as the National Vice President of the Liberal Party of Canada (1990-1994)

He chaired the Board of Directors of three other organizations including Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame; Winsport Canada and the Forum of Young Albertans. He has also served on the Board of Governors of STFX, the Board of Directors of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation, Calgary Airport Authority, and Canada American Business Council.


  • Appointed Queens’ Council 2014
  • Grant MacEwan Lifetime Achievement for community service over 25 years by City of Calgary in 2010
  • Inducted into Bertha Wilson Honour Society by ĢAV Schulich School of Law for contribution to law and society in 2014
  • Elected as a Member of the Hall of Fame of the Antigonish Highland Games in 2019
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The Honourable Geoff Regan P.C.

Former Speaker of the House of Commons

Geoff Regan retired from elected office in September 2021, after serving as the Member of Parliament for Halifax West for more than 24 years. He was the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada from 2015 to 2019. From 2003 to 2006, he was Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Minister Responsible for Nova Scotia. Prior to being elected to Parliament, Geoff practiced real estate and commercial law in Bedford and Halifax. He is married to the Hon. Kelly Regan, MLA for Bedford Basin, and they have three adult children.


Dr. Lori Turnbull

Professor, Public and International Affairs, ĢAV

From July 2015 until July 2017, Dr. Turnbull was on secondment to the Privy Council Office (PCO), first as a Policy Advisor in the Machinery of Government Secretariat, then as Departmental Liaison to the Office of the Minister of Democratic Institutions, and finally as a Policy Advisor at the Priorities and Planning Secretariat.

Dr. Turnbull’s research and teaching focus on parliamentary democracy and governance, public sector ethics, and democratic reform. She has taught political science and public administration at ĢAV, Queen’s, Carleton, and Acadia universities. She has published a number of articles and book chapters and freelances withThe Globe and Mail. She is a featured columnist with themagazine.

Her bookDemocratizing the Constitution: ReformingResponsible Government, co-authored with Mark Jarvis and the late Peter Aucoin, won the Donner Prize in 2011 and the Donald Smiley Prize in 2012.

Week Six:Economic Assistance and Redistribution (Canada Assistance Plan and Guaranteed Income)

March 9, 2024

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Dr. Lars Osberg

Professor, Economics, ĢAV

Lars Osberg is McCulloch Professor of Economics at ĢAV, Halifax. Borne in Ottawa, Ontario, he attended Queen’s University, Kingston and the London School of Economics and Political Science before working for Tanzania Sisal Corporation as a CUSO volunteer. He went to Yale University for his Ph.D. and was at Western before moving to ĢAV.He has had visiting positions at New York University and the Universities of Cambridge, Sydney, New South Wales, Essex and Queensland, as well as Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), Dar es Salaam, the Indira Ghandi Institute for Development Research,. Mumbai,theOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Parisand The Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford.

His first book wasEconomic Inequality in Canada(1981) andthere have been ten others since, plus four editions of an introductory economics textbook andover 150 refereed articles and book chapters. InJune 2019,his most recent bookThe Age of Increasing Inequality: The Astonishing Rise of Canada’s 1%was awarded theDoug Purvis Memorial Prize by theCanadian Economics Associationfor its contribution to Canadian Economic Policy.He was President of the Canadian Economics Association in 1999-2000 and wasappointed a Fellow of the Canadian Economics Association in June 2020.His current research emphasizes the measurement ofeconomic well-beingand the implications of increasing inequality,economic insecurity and inequality of opportunity.


Thomas Storring

Director, Economics and Statistics, NS Department of Finance

Thomas Storring is the Director of Economics and Statistics for the Nova Scotia Department of Finance and Treasury Board. His work focuses on macroeconomic and demographic conditions in the Province - how these conditions affect the government's fiscal choices and how government decisions affect the economy. He is the focal point for Statistics Canada with the Province of Nova Scotia, advising Statistics Canada on the Province's needs and priorities for the national statistical system. He completed his undergraduate degree in economics at Acadia University and did his Master's in economics at the University of Oxford, and teaches regularly in the evenings at both ĢAV and Saint Mary’s universities.

Week Seven: Medicare

March 21, 2024

Dr. Joanne Langley

Professor, Medicine, ĢAV

Dr. Langley is a pediatric infectious disease physician and vaccine researcher at the(CCfV) and Professor of Pediatrics and Community Health and Epidemiology at ĢAV.She is an active investigator in the CIHR-funded Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) and is the co-lead of its(CTN).

Dr. Langley’s research focuses on prevention and control ofrespiratory viruses (particularly influenza and respiratory syncytial virus)and other vaccine-preventable infections.

Dr. Langley’s work also focuses on vaccine policy and evidence-based decision making in immunization programs. During the COVID-19 pandemic she served as co-chair of Canada’s COVID-19 Vaccine Task Forceandas a member of the COVID-19 Expert Panel for the. She is currently co-chair of the Council of Expert Advisors to the Government of Canada’s Ministries of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and of Health, for the development of the Biomanufacturing and Life Sciences Strategy. Sheis a former member of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care and Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (Chair, 2007-2011).

*Fellow, Society of Hospital Epidemiology of America; Fellow, Infectious Disease Society of America; Fellow, Pediatric Infectious Disease Society

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Dr. Greg Marchildon

Professor (Emeritus), Health Policy, University of Toronto

Gregory P. Marchildonis Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto and the founding director of the North American Observatory on Health Systems and Politics. He has written extensively on twentieth-century Canadian history and contemporary public policy including comparative health politics and policy. He is currently completing a book on the history of Medicare in Canada. A member of the Order of Canada and a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, he is an avid canoeist and cyclist.


Dr. Katherine Fierlbeck

Professor, Political Science, ĢAV

Katherine Fierlbeck is Chair of the Department of Political Science, and McCulloch Research Chair, at ĢAV. She is also cross-appointed with the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine, is a Senior Fellow of the Healthy Populations Institute, and is on the research board for the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance.

Having completed a PhD at Cambridge University in 1990, she was awarded a

Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Alberta, and joined ĢAV’s Department of Political Science in 1991.

Specializing in the politics of health policy and health care governance (including multilevel governance), she has published eleven books, includingHealth Care in Canada: A Citizen’s Guide to Politics and Policies;Canadian Health Care Federalism; Comparative Health Care Federalism; Health System Profiles: Nova Scotia;Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Law and Policy from East to West; The Boundaries of Medicare: Public Health Care Beyond the Canada Health Act;andPublic Policy Challenges in Rethinking Public Health(in press), as well as numerous articles, chapters, and reports.

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The Honourable Anne McLellan P.C., O.C., A.O.E

Former Minister of Health and former Deputy Prime Minister

Honourable A. Anne McLellan, P.C., O.C., A.O.E.served four terms as the Liberal MP for Edmonton Centre, during which she was Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Minister of Health, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, and Minister of Natural Resources.

In May 2015 Ms. McLellan became ĢAV’s seventh chancellor, a position she held until May 2020.

Ms. McLellan serves on the board of Invest Alberta Corporation as vice-chair.Among her many community commitments, she is chair of the board of the TELUS Edmonton

Community Board. She also serves on the boards of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and the Institute of Corporate Directors.

Ms. McLellan is Co-Chair of the Coalition for a Better Future, a diverse group of over 140 organizations working together to focus on sustainable, inclusive economic growth.

From 1980 – 1992 she was a professor in the University of Alberta's Faculty of Law and served as both Associate Dean (1985 – 1987) and Acting Dean (1991 – 1992) of the Faculty.Ms McLellan holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Law degree from ĢAV and a Master of Laws degree from King's College, University of London.

Week Eight: Labour, Civil Unrest, and the Labour Code

March 28, 2024

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Dr. George Elliott Clarke

Former Canadian Parliamentary Poet Laureate, playwright, literary critic; assisted with the completion of Dr. Howard McCurdy’s autobiography

The 4thPoet Laureate of Toronto (2012-15) and the 7thCanadian Poet Laureate (2016-17), George Elliott Clarke is also a pioneering scholar of African-Canadian literature, having authoredOdysseys Home: Mapping African-Canadian Literature(2002) andDirections Home: Approaches to African-Canadian Literature(2012).A professor of English at the University of Toronto, Clarke has taught at Duke, McGill, the University of British Columbia, and Harvard.He holds eight honorary doctorates, plus appointments to the Order of Nova Scotia and the Order of Canada. Other recognitions include the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Fellows Prize and the Governor-General’s Award for Poetry.