Internal Funding

ĢAV research grants for faculty and instructors

A variety of internal funding opportunities exist at ĢAV. Find the one that is right for you.

SSHRC Institutional Grant Programs

SSHRC Explore Grants Program

Explore Grants can be used to develop or pilot or to help seed an external grant application in the social sciences and humanities (e.g. SSHRC Insight Grant or Insight Development Grant). The maximum funding value per grant is $5,000.

Deadline: February 1, 2024 at 4:30pm AST

[PDF 210 kB].

For questions or to apply please contact GrantsandContracts@dal.ca.

SSHRC Exchange Grants Program

Exchange Grants can be used to fund knowledge mobilization (KM) activities, namely to travel to a conference or to organize a KM activity such as a conference or workshop. Proposed activities must help seed new external grant applications in the social sciences and humanities or disseminate the results of SSHRC-funded research.

The maximum funding value per grant is $2,000 to travel to a conference or $5,000 to organize a KM activity.

Deadline: February 1, 2024 at 4:30pm AST.

[PDF 247 kB].

For questions or to apply please contact GrantsandContracts@dal.ca.

Funds mandated by ĢAV Faculty Association

Reduced salary for a research grant when NOT on leave

As noted in Article 32.15 of the , DFA members who are not on leave may apply for a research grant of up to one year’s duration. 

Note that grants awarded under this program are considered taxable income and will be reported on a T4A slip as a research grant. No income tax will be deducted by ĢAV. The grantee is responsible for reporting this income to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), declaring against this income any eligible expenditures and dealing with any subsequent negotiations with CRA as per the .

Supplemental sabbatical/special leave grant and leave remuneration

As noted in Article 30.22 of the , the University's Board of Governors provides a fund each year for research grants to supplement salary, for faculty members granted sabbatical leave or special leave for part or all of that year.

Further, as noted in Article 30.28(b) of the DFA Collective Agreement, faculty members granted sabbatical leave or special leave may also apply for leave remuneration to be paid as a research grant.

Supplemental educational/special educational leave grant and leave remuneration

As noted in Article 30.32(f) of the , the University's Board of Governors provides a fund each year for research grants to supplement salary, for instructors granted educational leave or special educational leave for part or all of that year.

Further, as noted in Article 30.32(i) of the DFA Collective Agreement, instructors granted educational leave or special educational leave may also apply for leave remuneration to be paid as a research grant.

How and when to apply

Supplemental Sabbatical and Educational

Faculty members and instructors are requested to complete the [PDF 218 kB] for these grants, and submit this form through the ROMEO Researcher Portal. Select and complete the Investigator Checklist, and upload the application form to the Attachments tab.

Sabbaticals for 2024/2025 will cover the academic year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. They could take place from one of the following:

  • July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
  • July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
  • January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025

Deadlines are as follows:

  • Supplemental sabbatical/special leave grants: May 1 [Only One Deadline]
  • Supplemental educational/special educational leave grants: May 1 [Only One Deadline]
  • Leave remuneration paid as a research grant: May 1 or September 30

Please note that there is now only one form for the three above opportunities.

Reduced Salary for a Research Grant when Not on Leave

Faculty members and instructors are requested to complete the  [PDF 911 kB] and submit this form through the ROMEO Researcher Portal. Select and complete the Investigator Checklist, and upload the application form to the Attachments tab.

Notification of the award

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications by June 15 each year.

Note that income tax is not deducted from any of these awards. Financial Services will issue a T4A tax form for the award amount in the appropriate calendar year.

All expenses claimed against the grant for tax exemption must be supported by receipts to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Any questions about the eligibility of expense deductions and taxation regulations should be referred directly to the CRA; please consult the .

Operations & Maintenance Response Fund for Canada Foundation for Innovation Projects

Operations & Maintenance Response Fund (O & MRF) for Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Projects

In 2023, ĢAV updated the [PDF 167 kB].

For more information, please contact elspeth.white@dal.ca.

Ocean Frontier Institute: Seed Fund Program

Ocean Frontier Institute: Seed Fund Program

The Ocean Frontier Institute is seeking proposals for its Seed Fund, which supports ocean-related projects that have a high potential for innovation success but need small amounts of funding to help them move forward — and grow. Awards range from $10,000 to $15,000, with particularly compelling ideas considered for up to a maximum of $30,000. Faculty, staff and students of ĢAV are eligible to apply. .

Deadlines 2022: June 30

Global Research Seed Fund

Global Research Seed (GRSF) Fund

The Global Research Seed Fund (formerly known as the VP Research and Innovation International Seed Fund or VPRIIS) is an internal small grant which is intended to support the development of international research initiatives between ĢAV researchers and their global partners. 

Applications are accepted from researchers who are eligible for tri-agency funding; resulting grants are intended to support new or emerging collaborations, of up to one year’s duration, which require start-up support to develop research ties. Such collaborations will be funded up to a maximum of $5,000.

For the 2023 competition there will be funding reserved specifically for applications that propose to partner with collaborators at institutions located in India.

How and when to apply

The submission deadline for the 2023  competition is November 24, 2023.

[PDF 161 kB]


For any questions regarding the GRSF, please contact ovpri@dal.ca.

Past recipients


  • Dr. Ahmad Al-Mallahi, Agriculture, with Indian Institute of Techonology (IIT), India: "Collaborative research on precision agriculture by developing nutrient sensors and spraying mechanism for precise applications"
  • Dr. James Forren, Architecture and Planning, with University of Newcastle, United Kingdom: "Local Adaptation of Living Building Materials (LBM) to Achieve Net Zero Construction"
  • Dr. Lisa Berglund, Architecture and Planning, with Columbia University, USA: "Am emerging climate surveillance apparatus: Exploring the social implications of surveillance technologies for disaster risk management"
  • Dr. Silvio Digesto, Arts and Social Sciences, with Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil: "Combating linguistic prejudice and discrimination: Inherent patterns of linguistic variation in local varieties of French and Portuguese versus standard linguistic ideology"
  • Dr. Zeeshan Sheikh, Dentistry, with International Medical University, Malaysia: "Inhibition of Cancer Protease by using Novel K21 quaternary ammonium compound: Anti-Cancer Investigation and Understanding Cancer Protease Biology"
  • Dr. Jamila Ghadder, Management, with The American University of Beirut's Jafet Library, Lebanon: "Archiving histories of violence in Lebanon for mourning, commemoration, healing and hospitality"
  • Dr. Philip Tibbo, Medicine, with National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece: "Cross-validation of outcome prediction models in Early Intervention Services in Psychosis Programs internationally"
  • Dr. Sherry Stewart, Science, with University of Paris/Sorbonne, France: "An In-Depth Investigation of the Links of Sensation Seeking to Problem Gambling: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Future Empirical Study"
  • Dr. Kelvin Fong, Science, with Korea University, Korea: "Uncovering Air Pollution Exposure and Health Disparities to Advance Environmental Justice"
  • Dr. Joyline Makani, Libraries, with Northwestern University, USA; University of Johannesburg, South Africa; University of Ghana, Ghana; Univesrity of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe: "Advancing inclusive and effective online learning environments"


  • Dr. Mayra Donaji Barrera Machuca, Computer Science, with Kadir Has Unversity, Turkey; Aarhus University, Denmark; Lancaster University, United Kingdom: "Eye-Gaze interactions for 3D Sketching in Virtual Reality"
  • Dr. John Blake, Engineering, with Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil: "Optimizing the topology of regional blood supply networks"
  • Dr. Zhenyu Cheng, Medicine, with Hubei Academy of AgroSciences in Wuhan, China: "The application of microbiome in increasing crop yield"
  • Dr. Manuel Helbig, Science, with Northern Arizona University, USA: "Integrating weather balloon, ceilometer, and flux tower observations to quanitfy land-atmosphere feedbacks"
  • Dr. Israat Haque, Computer Science, with Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: "Scaling Multimodal Big Data Analytics at the Programmable Network Edge"
  • Dr. Kevin Hewitt, Science, with Aix-Marseille Université, France; Institute of Phototonic Sciences, Spain: "Molecular Holography: PI and PhD student mobility to introduce a 3D Highly Multiplexed Alternative to Fluorescence Microscopy to Phototonics Institutes Leaders in France and Spain"
  • Dr. Sean Myles, Agriculture, with University of California, Davis, USA: "Advancing CRISPR genome editing in apples"
  • Dr. Kyle Wilby, Health, with University of Otago, New Zealand: "Towards dismantling systemic racism and discrimination within case-based learning material in health professional training programs - a case study in pharmacy"
  • Dr. Haorui Wu, Health, with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SRA, China; University of the Philippines Diliman, the Philippines; University of Washington, USA; University of Colorado, USA: "From passive victims to empowered actors: Establishing a global disaster resilience network of older adults to enhance post-COVID-19 recovery"
  • Dr. Alexa Yakubovich, Medicine, with the University of Oxford, United Kingdom; University of Pennsylvania, USA; Harvard University, USA: "The gender-based impact of stand your ground laws: a triangulated analysis of homicide trends and legal cases"


  • Dr. Quan (Sophia) He, Agriculture, with Tsinghua University, China: “Exploration of Hydrothermal Liquefaction Mechanism via Computational Calculation”
  • Dr. Yuri Leving, Arts & Social Sciences, with St. Petersburg State University, Russia and Jacobs University, Germany: “Cold War Cultures: Constructing Identities on Both Sides of the Atlantic”
  • Dr. Stan Matwin, Computer Science, with IMT Atlantique, France: “Acoustic Detection of Fish with Deep Learning”
  • Dr. Richard Price, Dentistry, with Malmö University, Sweden, “Determining Longevity of Dental Restorations and to Identify Causes of Failure”
  • Dr. Floris Goerlandt, Engineering, with Technical University Delft, Netherlands; University of Ghent, Belgium; Aalto University, Finland; National Technical University of Athens, Greece; World Maritime University, Sweden: “Arctic Shipping Safety and Environmental Protection: Towards an EU-Canada Student and Staff Exchange Project” 
  • Dr. Alex Kalamkarov, Engineering, with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; German Aerospace Center; and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany: “Interacting Smart Composite Materials and Structures”
  • Dr. Catherine Mah, Health, with Monash University, University of Queensland and Deakin University,Australia: “Healthy Stores Practice Exchange”
  • Dr. Heidi Lauckner, Health, with University of Cape Town, South Africa and La Trobe University, Australia: “Advancing Community Development: North-South Dialogues”
  • Dr. Tony R. Walker, Management, with University of Manchester, United Kingdom, “Pollution Biomonitoring Using Honeybees”
  • Dr. Kimberley Hall, Science, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom: “Advance systems for solid state quantum emitters”
  • Dr. Djordje Grujic, Science, with ETH Zurich and University of Lausanne, Switzerland: “Direct Dating of Ancient Earthquakes”


  • Dr. Nandika Bandara, Department of Plant, Food and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, with University of Melbourne, Australia: “Renewable polymer-based edible packaging materials for improving microbial food safety”
  • Dr. Stephanie Collins, Department of Animal Science and Aquaculture, Faculty of Agriculture, with University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria: “In-ovo feeding of bioactives to promote broiler chicken health and reduce reliance on antibiotics”
  • Dr. Gail Eskes, Dept of Psychiatry, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, with University of Birmingham, United Kingdom: “Multimodal approaches to cognitive enhancement in aging and brain disease” 
  • Dr. John Gosse, Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Science, with ETH Zurich, Switzerland; University of Oslo, Norway; Uppsala University, Sweden; and Cambridge University, United Kingdom: “AAT Risk: Arctic and Atlantic Tsunami Risk Project”
  • Dr. Shashi Gujar, Department of Pathology, Department of Microbiology & Immunology and Department of Biology, Faculties of Medicine and Science, with Harvard University, USA: “Developing novel avenues to educate a patient’s own immune system to fight cancer”
  • Dr. Israat Haque, Faculty of Computer Science, with University of Pisa, Italy: “Mobility-assisted community service: a data-driven approach to smart service design”
  • Dr. Barret Kurylyk, Department of Civil and Resource Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, with WHOI and MIT, USA: “Salt marsh contamination and cycling along the Atlantic Coast of North America”
  • Dr. Andrew Medeiros, School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Management, with Northwestern University, USA: “Understanding how environmental change affects freshwater ecosystems and the services they provide across the circumpolar north”  
  • Dr. Derek Reilly, Faculty of Computer Science, with University College London, United Kingdom: “Fundamental issues and opportunities introduced by recent advances in AR technology”    
  • Dr. Kathy Russell, Faculty of Dentistry, with Penn State University, USA: “International Intercentre Outcome Study on the Burden of Care for Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate"
  • Dr. Amina Stoddart, Department of Civil and Resource Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, with University of Texas at Austin, USA, “Manganese (Mn) removal by biofiltration”
  • Dr. Dominika Wranik, School of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, with SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Medical University of Warsaw, Poland; Maastricht University, Netherlands: “Selecting drugs for public reimbursement: How do we minimize error?” 

ĢAV Belong Research Fellowships

ĢAV Belong Research Fellowships

In keeping with ĢAV's strategic plan and commitment to increasing diversity and gender equity, and to support and enhance research excellence across the institution, the Offices of the Provost & Vice-President Academic and the Vice-President Research & Innovation launched the ĢAV Belong Research Fellowship Awards in November 2018. The goal of the fellowship awards is to provide pre-tenure, tenure-track faculty members who are Indigenous and/or members of equity-deserving groups with support to further research in their respective fields. Up to four fellowships of $5,000 each are available annually.

 [PDF 175 kB]


Eligibility criteria:

  • Candidates must be pre-tenure, in a tenure-track appointment.
  • Candidates must be Indigenous and/or members of one or more equity-deserving groups as defined by ĢAV
  • Candidates must not hold a funded chair.
  • Candidates must not have previously held, nor currently hold, external research funds as principal or co-principal investigator.

Application packages will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Research problem or phenomena of interest is significant and clearly stated. 
  • Appropriate review of relevant literature is presented.
  • The objectives/aims/purpose are potentially significant, specific and feasible given proposed time frame and requested budget. If action research, the intended improvement in outcomes is clearly stated.
  • The proposed methodology is succinct, clear and written for an audience who are not subject-matter experts.
  • The proposal includes a clear explanation of how the projecct will further the applicant's overall program of research.
  • Budget includes total and itemized expenses, as well as an explanation or justification for how the funds will be used over each year in the period; equipped expenses do not exceed 25% of the budget request; conference travel is not an eligible expense.
  • The applicant shows strong research potential as evidenced by any of the following:

a) Non-traditional forms of scholarship and traditional ways of knowing, as appropriate to the applicant's discipline

b) Professional, academic and extracurricular activities, interactions and collaborations (e.g. community engagement, teaching, chairing committees, organizing conferences)

c) Awards or scholarships

d) Collaboration on research projects

e) Submitted or published articles in peer-reviewed journals or other peer-reviewed contributions (e.g. conference abstracts)

f) A ground-breaking and compelling proposed program of research

How and when to apply

* The submission deadline for the 2024 Belong Research Fellowship competition is February 9, 2024.

The application package must include the following:

1.  [Word Doc]

2. Supporting letter from the applicant's Head/Chair/Director providing comments regarding:

1) the applicant's need of funding and,

2) the applicant's research potential, making reference to the following (using their CV as an information source): 

a) Non-traditional forms of scholarship and traditional ways of knowing, as appropriate to the applicant's discipline

b) Professional, academic and extracurricular activities, interactions and collaborations

c) Awards or scholarships

d) Collaboration on research projects

e) Submitted or published articles in peer-reviewed journals or other peer-reviewed contributions (e.g. conference abstracts)                                  

3. An electronic copy of the applicant's current curriculum vitae.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to collect and collate all required materials including the support letter. The applicant is responsible for submitting the application package via the ROMEO Researcher Portal, allowing sufficient time for routing through Departmental and Faculty level approvals prior to the deadline.

Past recipients


Rina Wehbe
Faculty of Computer Science

Xiaohong Sun
Faculty of Agriculture

Research Project: Upcycling the side stream from potato starch industry: A new sustainable protein source

Cheryl Simon
Faculty of Law

Research Project: Reclaiming L'nuk Identity

Stacy Allison-Cassin
Faculty of Management

Research Project: Linked Data Tools and Indigenous Terminologies: A Preliminary Study

Sarah Ross
Faculty of Law

Research Project: Stores of Displacement


Mayra Donaji Barrera Machuca
Faculty of Computer Science

Research Project: Understanding how diverse users function in AR and VR environments

Qi Deng
Rowe School of Business, Faculty of Management

Research Project: How and Why Hashtags Influence Brand Engagement: Evidence from Twitter

Maria Dugas
Schulich School of Law

Research Project: The Impact of Race and Culture in N.S. Child Welfare System

Ana Maria Gonzalez Barrero
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Faculty of Health

Research Project: Shared-Book Reading in Children with Autism Specturm Disorders from Minority Language Backgrounds


Olabisi Akinkugbe
Schulich School of Law

Research Project: Illicit Financial Flows, Trade and Sustainable Development in Africa

Yang Gu
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial SciencesFaculty of Dentistry

Research Project: Do Th1, Th2, and TH17 mediated immune responses play active roles in oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid mucositis?

Asha Jeffers
Department of English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Research Project: Against: Rebellious Daughters in US Black Immigrant Fiction

Masud Rahman
Faculty of Computer Science

Research Project: Making Software Development Efficient Using Artificial Intelligence in Code Reviews

Tasha Richard
Department of Business & Social SciencesFaculty of Agriculture

Reserach Project: Indigenous Way of Knowing Entrepreneurship, A Preliminary Study

Alana Westwood
School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Management

Research Project: Setting a foundation for Indigenous knowledge-guided multi-species conservation planning in the Western Boreal Region of Canada


Sorayya Askari
School of Occupational TherapyFaculty of Health 

Research Project: Factors Describing Cognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis

Timothy Bryan 
Department of Sociology and Social AnthropologyFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Research Project: Hate Crimes in Nova Scotia

Lisa Binkley
Department of HistoryFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Research Project: Makazinanag: Many Tender Feet


Dr. Parisa Ghanouni
School of Occupational TherapyFaculty of Health

Research Project:  Challenges and Facilitators During Transition of Adolescents with Autism to Adulthood

Shauntay Grant 
Department of EnglishFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Research Project: Rewriting Canadian folklore, Repositioning Black Canada:  A case from old Nova Scotia

Dr. Barbara Hamilton-Hinch
School of Health and Human PerformanceFaculty of Health

Research Project:  Benefits or Challenges of Culturally-Specific Programs in Attributing to Students’ Success in Post-secondary Education

Civil Engineering (Structures and Solid Mechanics)Faculty of Engineering

Research Project: Reliability-Based Approach for Optimizing Tidal Turbine Base Foundation for Reduced Weight

Dr. Melanie Zurba
School of Resource and Environmental StudiesCollege of Sustainability

Research Project: Designing Governance Frameworks for Protected Areas with Meaningful Indigenous Participation


Mawkwil~mn~j - Let’s Look for it Together

ĢAV Indigenous Community Research Partnership Seed Fund

Mawkwil~mn~j - Let’s Look for it Together

Mawkwil~mn~j aims to provide financial support to Indigenous communities and ĢAV researchers seeking to build and grow relationships with each other. Applications for this seed fund can be initiated by Indigenous Nations, organizations, and communities within the Atlantic region or across other parts of Canada, or by ĢAV researchers who are able to demonstrate intention to address research priorities as identified by an Indigenous Nation, organization or community.

This seed fund encourages meaningful engagement, co-learning, and sharing, and is meant to honour cultural protocols and respectful processes for partnership development. This fund offers a unique opportunity for Indigenous communities and organizations to leverage the research talent, expertise, and resources at ĢAV, and enables communities and researchers to become better acquainted with potentially aligned interests and research priorities. The seed fund permits partnership development activities and connections to occur in preparation of subsequent grant cycles.


Up to $3000 per award, with an award period of up to two (2) years.


Indigenous Nations, organizations or communities who wish to work with ĢAV researchers, or

ĢAV researchers seeking to develop new or enhance existing relationships with Indigenous communities or organizations in support of shared research interests and priorities. Refer to the  [PDF 138 kB].

Priority will be given to new projects and/or partnerships.

How and When to Apply

To apply for support through the Mawkwil~mn~j, please complete the .

Indigenous Community or Organization: Submit the completed form via email to IndigenousResearch@dal.ca

ĢAV Researchers: Submit the completed form and confirmation of community interest via ROMEO.


  • May 30 (anticipated award date in July)
  • November 30 (anticipated award date in January)

Click here for additional resources on theapplication submission process.