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Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on June 7, 2021 in Announcements

Message from NSERC

We are writing to let you know that the (CGS M) are now available.

We would also like to inform you that the three federal research granting agencies―the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council―have revised the distribution of CGS ‒Master’s (CGS M) and CGS ‒Doctoral (CGS D) across the agencies. Please read the .

You will recall that, through Budget 2019, the Government of Canada significantly increased the number of CGS M and CGS D granted through the agencies. At the same time, the agencies were asked to review and revise the CGS distribution formula using the latest enrolment data across disciplines to ensure equitable distribution of scholarships among the agencies.

For the CGS D, the new formula is tied to Statistics Canada’s full-time doctoral enrolment data, excluding international students. At the master’s level, the formula is based on an average of doctoral and master’s enrolment, excluding professional programs and international students. The are recalculated on a bi-annual basis. The 2021-22 reallocations took the new distribution of scholarships by agency into account.

Please don’t hesitate to contact harmonization@cgs-besc.gc.ca if you have any questions about the institutional allocations and CGS distribution by agency.


NSERC Leaders Secretariat