Student Supervision

Supervised projects

Post doctoral fellows

J.K. Kim. (PhD Univ. Connecticut): Aug 2008-Nov 2010

Expertise in Marine macro-algae. Worked on the NSERC strategic project “Integrating red macroalgae into land-based marine finfish aquaculture”.

Mosharraf Hossain (PhD. Kochi. University, Japan): Oct 2009-June 2010

Expertise in finfish aquaculture. Worked on striped bass broodstock development project.

M.Sc. graduate students

Qi Liu: 2013 - Present
Research subject: Controlling the incidence of sexual maturation of Arctic charr.

Juan Manriquez: 2010-2013

Thesis Title: Interaction of irradiance and stocking density on nutrient uptake by red macroalgae. Implications for bioremediation of fish farm effluent. 167 p. (Co-supervisor: D. Garbary, St. Francis Xavier University).

Gina MacInnis: 2010-2012

Thesis Title: Spatio-temporal distribution of eggs and age-0 striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Shubenacadie River estuary. 210 p.

Julia Sampson: 2009-2011

Thesis title: The role of superficial neuromasts in the non-visual feeding in larval striped bass. 115p. (Co-supervisor: R. Croll, ĢAV)

Peter Corey: 2009-2011

Thesis title: Nutrient removal by Palmaria palmate and Chondrus crispus in bioremediation of aquaculture effluent. 118p (Co-supervised by D. Garbary, Saint FX and B. Prithiviraj NSAC. J. Duston MSc committee member and project principal investigator)

C. Reesor: 2008-2012

Thesis Title: Temporal distribution of Morone saxatilis eggs and larvae and Neomysis americana in the Shubenacadie estuary. 100 p.

Jennifer MacPherson: 2006-2012

Thesis Title: Effect of salinity, photoperiod, temperature, and restricted food intake on growth and incidence of sexual maturation of Labrador Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). 106 p. (Co-Supervisor – Dr. T. Astatkie)

Gaye MacDonald: 2002-2005

Thesis title: Effect of algal species and diet preparation on growth of American Oysters 231p. (Co-supervisor: Dr. C. Enright)

K. MacIntosh: 2002-2006

Thesis title: Ontogenetic changes in the eye and effects of light intensity on prey capture by larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis). 99p.

Kathryn MacIntosh: 2001-2006

Thesis title: Effect of light intensity on feeding rates of larval striped bass.

Adam Cook: 2000-2003

Thesis title: Growth and survival of age 0+ Shubenacadie River striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in relation to temperature and salinity. 201p.

Cynthia White: 1999-2001

Thesis title: Ontogenetic change in the effects of light intensity and turbidity on prey capture by larval striped bass (Morone saxatilis).104p.

B.Sc. 4th Year Research Projects

All undergraduate degree students at the Faculty of Agriculture must complete a research project. Since 1996 I have supervised/co-supervised over 60 projects.


  • R. Blank:Egg production by Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr.
  • C. Chen:Striped bass early juvenile growth
  • H. Chen:Striped bass over wintering in ponds
  • W. Guo: Mysids in the Shubenacadie estuary
  • F. Lin: Rainbow trout acclimation to seawater
  • J. Lan:Arctic charr sexual maturation and photoperiod
  • Q. Su: Copepods in the Shubenacadie estuary
  • Y. Zhang:Egg quality striped bass and Atlantic halibut


  • Y. Chen:Copepods in the Shubenacadie estuary
  • J. Choi: Striped bass tolerance to hypoxia
  • S. Harding:Striped bass eggs and larvae in Shubenacadie estuary
  • J. Leck: Buoyancy and changes in striped bass eggs and larvae
  • Q. Liu: Saprolegnia isolation and identification
  • Z. Lin: Striped bass juvenile grow out
  • A. MacDonald: Invasive green crab, PEI
  • R. Walker:Chondrus crispus nutrient uptake
  • Z. Wu: Striped bass overwintering in ponds
  • Z. Zhang: Disinfection of salmonid eggs during water hardening


  • C. Corkum:Arctic charr grow out. Diploid versus Triploid
  • B. Ji: Striped bass juvenile grow out
  • X. Lin: Atlantic salmon broodstock. Photoperiod manipulation
  • R. MacLellan: Salmon anemia virus
  • Q. Wu: Atlantic salmon growth performance post-vaccination
  • A. Richford: Arctic charr broodstock: effect of photoperiod on timing of ovulation
  • D. Roman:Striped bass grow out in freshwater ponds
  • Z. Ye: Striped bass larvae otoliths age and growth
  • Y. Zhang:Rainbow trout osmoregulation: effect of photoperiod.


  • Y. Fan:Striped bass juvenile grow out
  • H. Lin: Striped bass early growth in the Shubenacadie estuary
  • S. Mőeller: Mysids in the Shubenacadie estuary
  • Y. Sun: Chondrus crispus: effect of light and stocking density on growth
  • L. Wei: Arctic charr triploid vs. diploid growth
  • X. Xue: Soft-flesh syndrome among BC Atlantic salmon
  • E. VanToever: Integrating blue mussels and Atlantic halibut
  • C. Ye: Atlantic salmon growth performance post-vaccination


  • J. Bi: Striped bass induced spawning
  • H. Liu: Atlantic salmon: effect of temperature on smolting
  • A. Taylor: Arctic charr grow out: Yukon vs. Fraser triploids
  • Y. Wang: Arctic charr broodstock: body size vs. fecundity
  • Z. Zhang: Striped bass skeletal deformity vs. swimbladder inflation
  • W. Zheng: Arctic charr grow out: diploid vs. triploids
  • T. Zheng: Arctic charr broodstock: genetic influence on egg over-ripening


  • E. Hennigar: Salmonid response to clove oil anesthetic
  • N. Peck: Percussive stunning of Arctic charr
  • F. Xie: Arctic charr egg over-ripening
  • C. Zhang: Atlantic salmon smoltification: Inner Bay of Fundy stocks


  • M. MacDonald. Reducing the problem sexual maturation in Arctic charr.
  • A. Forman. Rearing temperature and meat quality of Arctic charr.
  • Lin Song. Egg over-ripening in Arctic charr broodstock
  • C. Reesor. Growth hormone and grow-out of Cobia (done at Virginia Tech, supervised by Dr. E. McLean)


  • G. Smith. Archic char: variations in growth
  • D. Marlborough. Arctic: grow out vs. sexual maturation
  • C. Phillips. Atlantic salmon: effect & sire size on life histories


  • R. Linds. Ammonia uptake by seaweed.
  • J. MacPherson. Salinity effects on growth of Arctic charr
  • J. Sanford. Smoltification in Arctic charr


  • D. Ricardo. Shrimp culture in a recirculation system.
  • J. Thomas. Arctic charr: stocking density and grading vs. growth variation.
  • J. Tozer. Atlantic salmon: sire size vs. life histories of progeny.


  • M. Clarke. Atlantic salmon. Incidence of male par maturity vs. food intake.


  • T. Kennedy. Impact of stocked hatchery reared brook trout on wild brook trout.
  • M. James. Influence on in-stream acclimation on recapture rate of stocked brook trout.
  • A.J. Vink. Morphometreic and crypsis analysis of wild vs. hatchery brook trout.


  • J. Crawford. Arctic Charr: Oxygen levels vs. growth rate.
  • J. Hynes. Striped bass: Temperature, body size and salinity vs. growth rate.
  • A. MacDonald. Arctic charr: Egg quality variation between individual female brood.
  • T. Marcoux. Siamese fighting fish: Social hierarchies.


  • C. Barter. Picorna virus in Atlantic salmon (with Dr. R. Cusack)
  • C. Brown. Effect of temperature and dietary fat on health of rainbow trout in seawater
  • E. Hart. Effect of temperature on survival of Arctic charr eggs
  • S. Thibodeau. Effect of photoperiod on incidence of sexual maturation in Arctic char.


  • P. Barrett. Aeromonas salmonicida in Atlantic salmon (with Dr. R. Cusack)
  • D. Betts. Lobster haemocytes
  • A. Cook. Growth rate of wild striped bass
  • P. Corey. Gastric evacuation rate of trout
  • K. Donovan. Fecundity of brown trout
  • J. Gaulton. Emamectin benzoate as treatment for S. edwardsii on trout (with Dr. R. Cusack)
  • K. Hewitt Emamectin benzoate as treatment for S. edwardsii on trout (with Dr. R. Cusack)
  • T. Kennedy-Kaulback. Ammonia excretion in eels.
  • B. Mahaney. Body-size and over-winter mortality in striped bass
  • S. Neary. Storage of brook trout gametes
  • D. Powers. Effect of temperature change on biofilter activity
  • P. Redmond. Performance characteristics of recirculation system
  • Mark Seaman. Ration and growth of striped bass
  • Mike Seaman. Pellet size and food intake of brook trout
  • D. Shaw. Effect of parr sire on life-history pattern of Atlantic salmon
  • M. Wambolt. Effect of ration on faeces production by trout


  • D. Buchanan. Fecundity in brown trout
  • B. Ettinger. Treatment of gill maggots on brook trout (with Dr. R. Cusack)
  • S.Frame Compensatory growth in trout
  • A. Harnish. Ammonia excretion rates in eels
  • T. Hayter. Photoperiod and timing of smolting in salmon
  • S. Hickey. Low oxygen tolerance of Arctic char vs. eels and trout
  • T. Huynh. Hydroponics. Using tomato plants to remove nitrate from recirculation systems
  • J. McDougall. Timing of stripping on survival of brook trout eggs
  • M. Santos. Ration and growth of brook trout
  • S. Upham. Use of Ballotini beads to determine ingestion rates of Arctic char
  • C. White. Gastric evacuation rates of larval striped bass


  • A. Cottreau. Lobster bacterial disease
  • P. Dennis. Fecundity in brown trout
  • C. Hominick. Fatty acid requirements of larval striped bass
  • E. MacCallum. Debert River: a potential aquaculture site
  • N. MacKay. Construction of water re-use system.
  • S. MacKeigan. Vaccination of trout and the immune response
  • M. Pauley. Striped bass swimming speed vs. growth rate
  • L. Peters. Bacteria in fish eggs. (With Dr. L. Brown, NRC, Halifax)
  • S. Scott. Protozoan infection in char (with Dr. R. Cusack)
  • J. Thomas. Artemia enrichment


  • S. Buchanan. Effect of stocking density on growth of elvers
  • S. Corbett. Trout genetic strain vs. growth performance