More publications

Peer Reviewed Articles

Kevany, K., Ma, J. and Mosher, J. 2013. Living Well in Atlantic Canada, Factors that Mediate Rural Well-being in two Nova Scotian Communities, Journal of Rural and Community Development, submitted

Kevany, K. and Huisingh, D. 2013. A review of progress in empowerment of women in rural water management decision-making processes. Journal of Cleaner Production, in press.

Kevany, K.M. 2008. Mobilizing for democracy through nurturing democratic intelligence. Community Change and Adult Education Compendium

Kevany, K.M. 2007 Building the requisite capacity for stewardship and sustainable development, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 8(2), (pp.107 – 122). doi:

Conference presentations

  • Kevany, K., Singh, S. and Singh K. (2013). An Appreciative Inquiry into Living Well in Atlantic Canada, Factors that Mediate Rural Well-being in two Nova Scotian Communities (CU EXPO)
  • Kevany, K. (2013). Learning from the Field: International Development Projects (CLT-DAL)
  • Kevany, K. (2013). Consciousness Development: (DAL Innovation Forum)
  • Kevany, K. (2012). Agriculture, Food,& Wellbeing, Making the Connections (Uni. Of Luxembourg)
  • Kevany, K., (2012). Policy and Practice Connecting Agriculture, Food, and Wellbeing (International Agriculture and Food Expo, Turkey)
  • Kevany, K. (2011). Shared Actualizing, Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education (CASAE).
  • Kevany, K. (2010). Sharing in Learning and Actualizing, Association for Contemplation in Higher Education
  • Kevany, K. (2010). Igniting Public Imagination, Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education (CASAE).
  • Kevany, K. (2008). Mobilizing for democracy through nurturing democratic intelligence. Community Change and Adult Education Compendium, [P].
  • Kevany, K. (2005). Stewardship: Creating a caring community, in the Proceedings of the Canadian Council on Adult Education, June, 2005
  • Kevany, K. (1990). Cross cultural relations, Notes to Adult Learners, Winter, 1990
  • Kevany, K. (1989). “Multiculturalism and Health Care” in Proceedings of the Canadian Council on Multicultural Health, First National Conference, March, 1989

Non-refereed articles

  • Kevany, K. and Stewart, R. (2008) “Making peace possible: Peace actions for rotary international, RI Newsmagazine, Autumn 2008
  • Kevany, K. (2005). Where in the world is internationalization going? dzܲԾé, 6(1), Fall, 2005, 17-20
  • Kevany, K. (2004). Facilitating friendly workplaces, SGI Quarterly, No. 35: January, 2004
  • Kevany, K. (2003). “The Choice”, Imagine Chatham-Kent 2023.

Articles under development

  • Kevany, K. and Pitts, N. (in process). Learning from the Field, International Development Projects
  • Kevany, K. M. (in process). Transformative learning and leadership on Czechoslovakia’s peaceful road to Democracy: Václav Havel’s approach to igniting public imagination
  • Kevany, K.M. (in process). Shared Actualization and Positive Psychology
  • Kevany, K.M. (in process). Igniting public imagination for peace: A Canadian Department of Peace

Editorial and advisor roles

  • Advisor and Guest-Editor of an extensive, international collaborative research project, 2010-2011, (in process). Water, Women, Waste, Wisdom, and Wealth. In the Journal of Cleaner Production.
  • Advisor to the Research Center of Excellence in Education and Law at the Universdad Arturo Prat, Victoria, Chile, 2008
  • McKinsey's Online Executive Panel for The McKinsey Quarterly, 2008
  • Journal for Sustainability in Higher Education- I was one of three Guest Editors for special editions of journals on Sustainability and Education for Sustainable Development, 2005 & 2006