Book Chapters

1) Abbey, L., Abbey, J., Leke-Aladekoba, A., Anku, K., Gunupuru, L., Ijenyo, M. and Okoli, C. (In press). The role of nanomaterials in plant production and fortification for food and nutrition security. In: Nanotechnology for Food, Agriculture and Environment. Sanjeetha, J. (ed.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

2) Abbey, L., Abbey, J., Leke-Aladekoba, A., Iheshiulo, M-A. E. and Ijenyo M. (2019). Biopesticides and Biofertilizers: Types, Production, Benefits, and Utilization. Chpt. 20, Pp. 479-500. In: , and (eds). Biowaste Products. Submitted to John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Hoboken, NJ, USA. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119383956.ch20

3) Abbey, L. (2016). Cucurbits physiological stages of growth. In: Pessarakli, M. (ed.). Handbook of

Cucurbits: Growth, Cultural Practices, and Physiology, Pp. 151-170. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

4) Abbey, L. (2007). Rakkyo (Allium chinense G. Don). CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium: Wallingford, UK.

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications (underline names are HQPs)

5) Abbey. L., Cai, J., Gunupuru, L.R., Ijenyo, M., Esan, E.O. and Lin, S. (2020). Nutrient-release pattern and greenhouse-grown swiss chard response to biochar inoculated with vermicast. Intl J. Agron., Article ID 7852187: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/7852187.

6) Abbey, L. Wang, L. and Veitch, S. (2019). Combined effect of Rock Dust and Vermicompost on Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata) Plant Growth and Development. Acta Hort. 1266: 71-77. Online at: DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.11.

7) Vehniwal, S.S. and Abbey, L. (2019). Cut flower vase life – influential factors, metabolism and organic formulation. Hort. Intl J. 3(6):275‒281.

8) Qiu, Z., Esan, E.O., Ijenyo, M., Gunupuru, L.R., Asiedu, S.K. and Abbey, L. (2019). Photosynthetic activity and onion growth response to compost and Epsom salt amendments. Intl J. Veg Sci. Online at:

9) Cai, S., Leke-Aladekoba, A., Veitch, S., and Abbey, L. (2019). Potential effect of microwaved vermicast on dahlia plant growth and flower production. Hort. Intl J. 3(4): 195‒199.

10) Yu, H., Iheshiulo, M-A.E. and Gunupuru, L. and Abbey, L. (2019). Microwave power level and exposure time alteration of compost tea efficacy, and growth of Plectranthus amboinicus. Hort. Intl J. 3(4): 179-184.

11) Esan, E.O., Abbey, L., Yurgel, S. (2019). Exploring microbial potential of long-term plastic degradation in compost. PloS One 14(3): e0214376. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0214376.

12) Rao, S.A., Abbey, L. and Khakbazan, M. (2019). Impact of solar energy on greenhouse climate

and crop production. Proc. Int. Symp. on New Technologies for Environ. Control, Energy-Saving and

Crop Production in Greenhouse and Plant Factory. Acta Horticulturae – Greensys 1227: 151-158.

13) Abbey, J.A., Percival, D., Abbey, L., Asiedu, S.K., Prithiviraj, B. and Schilder, A. (2019). Biofungicides as alternative to synthetic fungicide control of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) – prospects and challenges. Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 29(3): 207-228.

14) Vidal, N.P., Pham, T.H., Manful, C., Pumphrey, R., Nadeem, M., Cheema, M., Galagedera, L., Leke-

Aladekoba, A., Abbey, L. and Thomas, R. (2018). The use of natural media amendments to produce kale enhanced with functional lipids in control environment production system. Scientific Reports 8(1): 14771. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32866-5.

15) Iheshiulo, E.M-A., Abbey, L. and Hammermeister, A. (2018). Nutrient sufficiency levels for haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) using the boundary-line approach and spatial variation of bush growth rate and nutrition. Can. J. Plant Sci. .

16) Abbey, L., Pham, T.H., Thomas, R., Annan, N. and Leke-Aladekoba, A. (2018). Chemical composition of kale as influenced bydry vermicasts, potassium humate and volcanic minerals. Food Res. Intl. 107: 726-737. .

17) Grewal, A., Abbey, L. and Gunupuru, L. (2018). Production, prospects and potential application of pyroligneous acid in agriculture. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 135: 152-159.

18) Abbey, L., Annan, N., Asiedu, S.K., Oluwaseun, E.E., and Iheshiulo, E.M-A. (2018). Amino acids, mineral nutrients and efficacy of vermicompost and seafood and municipal solid wastes composts. Intl. J. Agron. 8: 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6419467.

19) Abbey, L. and Rao, A.S. (2018). Differential response of plant species to greenhouse microclimate created by design technology and ambient conditions. Can. J. Plant Sci. 98(2): 300-308.

20) Udechukwu, M.C., Abbey, L., Nwodo, U., Udenigwe, C.C. (2018). Potential of Moringa oleifera seeds

and leaves as functional food ingredients for human health promotion J. Fd Nutr. Res. 57(1): 1–14.

21) Yurgel, S., Abbey, L., Loomer, N., Gillis-Madden, R., and Mammoliti, M. (2018). Microbial

communities associated with onion storage. Phytobiomes 2(1): 35-41.

22) Natesh, H.N., Abbey, L., and Asiedu, S.K. (2017). An overview of nutritional and antinutritional factors in green leafy vegetables. Hort. Intl J. 1(2): 00011. DOI: 10.15406/hij.2017.01.00011.

23) Abbey, L. and Appah, P. (2017). Effect of excessive application of manure compost on leaching of

soluble chemicals and plant growth in pots. Acta Hort. 1164: 241-248.

24) Abbey, L., Udenigwe, C., Mohan, A. and Anom, E. (2017). Microwave irradiation effects on vermicasts potency, plant growth and antioxidant activity in seedlings of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis). J. Rad. Appl. Sci. 10: 110-116.

25) Abbey, L., Dowsett, E. and Sullivan, J. (2017). Use of problem-based learning in the teaching and learning of horticultural production. J. Agric. Educ. Ext. 23(1): 61-78.

26) Iheshiulo, E. M-A., Abbey, L. and Asiedu, S.K. (2017). Response of kale to single-dose application of K humate, dry vermicasts, and volcanic minerals. Intl J. Veg. Sci. 23(2): 135-144.

27) Zhang, B., Wijesundara, N.M., Abbey, L. and Rupasinghe, H.P.V. (2016). Growing medium amendments effect on growth, secondary metabolites and anti-streptococcal activity of two species of Plectranthus. J. Appl. Res. Med. Arom. Plants, 5: 53-59.

28) Abbey, L. (2016). Food system approach to domestication of fiddlehead fern. J. Agric. Res. 1(3): 000115.

29) Abbey, L., Rao, S.A., Hodgins, L.N. and Briet, F. (2013). Drying and rehydration of vermicasts do not

affect nutrient bioavailability and seedling growth. Amer. J. Plant Nutr. Fert. Technol. 3(1): 12-21.

30) Abbey, L., Young, C., Teitel-Payne, R. and Howe, K. (2012). Evaluation of proportions of vermicompost and coir in a medium for container-grown Swiss chard. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 18(2): 109-120.

31) Abbey, L. (2010). Ontario Consumers are concerned about food origins. The Ontario Agrologists, 5(1): 5-6.

32) Abbey, L. (2010). Should Canada apply a hands-on health care strategy? The Ontario Agrologists, 5(1): 9.

33) Abbey, L. (2010). Why food matters. The Ontario Agrologists, 5(1): 11.

34) Abbey, L. and Joyce, D.C. (2007). Quality assessment of diced onion (Allium cepa L.) using an electronic nose. Ghana Journal of Science, 47: 83-90.

35) Abbey, L., Bonsu, K.O., Glover, A.M. and Ahenkora, K. (2006). Evaluation of some common leafy vegetables used in Ghana. Crop Research Institute, Kumasi. Ghana Journal of Horticulture, 5: 23.

36) Abbey, L., Joyce, D.C., Aked, J., Smith, B. (2005). Evaluation of eight spring onion genotypes, sulphur nutrition and soil type effects with an electronic nose. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 80(3): 375-381.

37) Abbey, L. and Frimpong-Manso, P.P. (2004). Correlation studies on yield and yield components of two cultivars of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). Ghana Journal of Science, 44(1): 3-9.

38) Abbey, L., Joyce, D.C., Aked, J., Smith, B., Marshall, C. (2004). Electronic nose evaluation of onion headspace volatiles and bulb quality as affected by nitrogen, sulphur and soil type. Annals of Applied Biology, 145: 41-50.

39) Abbey, L. and Joyce, D.C. (2004). Water-deficit stress and soil type effects on spring onion growth. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 10(2): 5-18.

40) Abbey, L. and Kanton, R.A.L. (2004). Fertilizer type, but not time of cessation of irrigation affect onion development and yield in a semi-arid region. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 9(2): 41-48.

41) Kanton, R.A.L., Abbey, L., Gbene, R.H. (2003). Irrigation schedule affects onion (Allium cepa L.) growth, development, and yield. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 9(1): 3-11.

42) Abbey, L., Joyce, D.C., Aked, J. and smith, B. (2003). Electronic nose-based discrimination among spring onions grown on two different soils at three water-deficit stress levels. Acta Horticulturae, 600: 479-484.

43) Kanton, R.A.L., Abbey, L., Hilla, R.G., Tabil, M.A. and Jan, N.D. (2003). Influence of transplanting age on bulb yield and yield components of onion (Allium cepa L.). Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 8(2): 27-37.

44) Abbey, L., Danquah, O-A., Kanton, R.A.L. and Nana S. Olympio. (2002). Comparative studies on performance of short-day onion cultivars in a semi-deciduous forest region of Ghana. I. Evaluation of storage ability. Ghana Journal of Science, 33(2): 24-26.

45) Abbey, L., Joyce, D.C., Aked, J. and Smith, B. (2002). Genotype, sulphur and soil type effects on growth and dry-matter production of spring onion. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 77(3): 340-345.

46) Kanton, R.A.L., Abbey, L., Hilla, R.G., Tabil, M.A. and Jan, N.D. (2002). Density affects plant development and yield of bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) in Northern Ghana. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, 8(2): 15-25.

47) Abbey, L. (2001). Notes on importance and prospects of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.): a lesser-known fruit crop in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, 33(2): 24-26.

48) Abbey, L., Aked, J. and Joyce, D.C. (2001). Discrimination amongst Alliums using an electronic nose. Annals of Applied Biology, 139: 337-342.

49) Joyce, D.C., Aked, J., Smith, B. and Abbey. L. (2001). Electronic nose-based discrimination among spring onions grown on two different soils at three water-deficit stress levels. VIII International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference, 600: 479-484.

50) Abbey, L. (2000). Effect of poultry manure and post-production application of fungicide on the shelf-life of onion cv. Bawku Red. Crop Research, 20(1): 87-92.

51) Abbey, L., Danquah, O-A., Kanton, R.A.L. and Olympio, N. S. (2000). Characteristics and storage performance of eight onion cultivars. Ghana Journal of Science, 40: 9-13.

52) Abbey, L., Kanton, R. and Braimah, H. (1998). Susceptibility of shallots to the timing and severity of leaf damage. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 73(6): 803-805.

53) Abbey, L. and Fordham, R. (1998). Growth and yield response of pot-grown shallots to water stress in a glasshouse experiment. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, 31(1): 61-65.

54) Abbey, L. and Fordham, R. (1998). Shallot root distribution and bulb yield as influenced by irrigation frequency. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, 31(1): 143-146.

55) Abbey, L. and Fordham, R. (1998). Abiotic stress affects shallot growth performance. Crop Research-HISAR, 16: 66-69.

56) Adjetey, J.A and Abbey, L. (1998). The limits of nitrogen fertilizer application in maize production in a Coastal Savanna ecological zone. UNISWA Journal of Agriculture, 7: 67-71.

57) Abbey, L. and Fordham, R. (1997). Growth and yield sensitivity of pre-bulbing and bulbing shallots to water-stress. Crop Research-HISAR, 14(2): 307-314.

58) Abbey, L. and Oppong-Konadu, E. (1997). Status of onion production in Ghana and prospects for improvement. Ghana Journal of Science, 37: 17-21.

Editorial Work

1) Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Plant Science May 2020 - present

2) Co-editor, Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research May 2016–present


1) “How troublesome sea lettuce is being transformed into plant food on PEI”. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Compass News, Charlottetown, PEI, July 16, 2019.

2) “Nova Scotia's greenhouse industry shrinking” by Maan Alhmidi, The Chronicle Herald, May 2, 2019.

3) YouTube video: “Transforming our global food economy for the 21st century, Ignite Dinner, ĢAV, Halifax, NS, September 28, 2018.

4) “How vertical farms and greenhouses in the Maritimes are satisfying the buy local trend in the region” by Jordan Whitehouse, Greenhouse Canada Magazine, March 7, 2018 (In press).

5) “Nova Scotia could be an island in 20 years thanks to climate change”. Vice News by Hillary Beaumont, posted November 17, 2017.

6) “While I don't wish anyone finding a poisonous scorpion in our produce, we might be ignoring an important point here...”. Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Mainstream News @ 90.3 FM by Felicia Latour, August 15, 2017 at 4:40 PM AT.

7) “Halifax Business Incubator Fills ‘Missing Piece’ between Immigrants, Commerce”. Canada Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) News by David Irish, posted June 24, 2016 at 9:00 AM AT.

8) “Compost Tea, Anyone?” Colchester Weekly News by Katherine Doyle, posted April 14, 2016, pp. 3.

9) “This Week on Campus: ACC Open House” The Brandon Sun by Tim Smith, posted December 8, 2014.

10) “Greenhouse Tour at ACC” The Brandon Sun by Tim Smith, posted May 4, 2013.

11) YouTube video: “A Career Path Success Story - Lord Abbey”. Ontario Institute of Agrologists Bridging to Employment for Internationally Educated Professionals in Agri-food and Agri-Science. Educational video series funded by Government of Ontario, April 2011.

12) YouTube video: “Journey to Employment - Lord Abbey”. Ontario Institute of Agrologists Bridging to Employment for Internationally Educated Professionals in Agri-food and Agri-Science. Educational video series funded by Government of Ontario, Sept. 2010.