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Spring Bulletin

Posted by Classics Department on May 9, 2016 in News

Three national doctoral scholarships for three classics graduate students

Kaitlyn Boulding (First Class Honours 2013; MA 2015), who came to us as a Visiting Undergraduate from the University of Winnipeg, has been awarded a Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Scholarship by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Her MA thesis, entitled “γαστήρ,νηδύς, andθαῦμα: Feminine Sources of Generation and Deception in Hesiod'sTheogony”, was supervised by Dr Jack Mitchell. From it she published "Pandora as Stomach, Womb, and Wonder in Hesiod'sTheogony&ܴdz; Dionysius33 (2015). During her MA studies Kaitlyn was supported both by SSHRC and Killam Trust scholarships. She taught a 3000 level seminar on Greek and Latin Epic at St Mary’s University last Fall and lectured on “Textual Culture in Late Antiquity” in the King’s Foundation Year Programme. Kaitlyn has accepted an offer to enter the PhD programme in Classics at the University of Washington. She writes “Before beginning the PhD, I have an internship this summer with the Paideia Institute in Rome, where I will be aiding in the development of their nationwide Latin educational programming. I am very grateful to the Classics Department at ĢAV for all their encouragement and support!”

Daniel Heide (First Class Honours in Classics and Religious Studies, with the University Medal in Religious Studies, 2014)has been awarded an annual $35000 Canada Graduate Scholarship “Super SSHRC”. During his MA studies Daniel was supported both by SSHRC and Killam Trust scholarships. He is currently completing a MA thesis on the doctrine of Ἀποκατάστασις in Origen and has published "Ἀποκατάστασις: The Resolution of Good and Evil in Origen and Eriugena" in Dionysius33 (2015) as well as articles in Pseudo-Dionysius. For further work in the Faculty of Divinity at Cambridge University on Origen and his influence, Daniel will join Evan King (First Class Honours 2010; MA 2012), working on Berthold of Moosburg; both are supervised by Dr Douglas Hedley. They are thus in the succession of Dr James Bryson (Honours in Classics and Early Modern Studies, 2005; MA, 2007), now a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill. From Manitoba, Shelburne,and Halifax respectively, all three are graduates of the King’s Foundation Year Programme and wrote their MA theses under the supervision of Dr Wayne Hankey. Danielwrites: “Agreat gift and a tremendous opportunity, this would not have happened without your supportand I thank you from the bottom of my heart. When the son of a small Manitoba farmer is able to get into Cambridge, there is still hope in this world...”

Kevin William Walker (First Class Honours in Classics and German, with the University Medal in German, 2014)has been awarded a SSHRC doctoral Fellowship. During his MA studies Kevin was supported by a SSHRC scholarship. He is currently completing a MA thesis on Meister Eckhart under the supervision of Dr Wayne Hankey. Kevin is taking up an offer from the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill to do research on Eckhart at the doctoral level directed by Dr Torrance Kirby (First Class Honours in Classics 1977; MA 1980). Dr Kirby is also supervising Peter Bullerwell (First Class Honours in Classics 2009; MA 2012) who is now working on Richard Hooker, having written a thesis on Eckhart under Dr Hankey. From Calgary, Dartmouth, and Lower Sackville respectively,Dr Kirby, Kevin, and Peter are all graduates of the King’s Foundation Year Programme.

Pythian Games Winners

Stunningly imaginative, clever, learned, frequently gruesome & very funny, and often beautiful performances were rewarded:

Res Publica Prize ($50): Ben von Bredow, Jen Hall, Brighid Odenthal, Simon Blake of the King’s Chapel Choir, all graduates of the Foundation Year Programme: “The Hankey Hymns: a Tribute.”

The Patrick Atherton Prize ($100): Katie Middleton, a graduate of the Foundation Year Programme, “Aeneas' Trip to the Dentist.” Alumni Prize ($100): Cristalle Watson, “TDZ쾱’s Ring, A Sonnet Redoublé.”

Chair's Prize($150): Alexander Edwards,Foundation Year Programme graduate, with First Class Honours in Classics, 2014, now writing a MA thesis on the function of analogy in Aristotle’s Metaphysics supervised by Dr Eli Diamond, “Seikilos Epitaph on Keytar” & Michéla d'Entremont, “Bach's Gigue from the Cello Suite in G Major on Viola.”

The Howard Murray Prize ($250): Dr Fournier's Supremely Stoic Intermediate Latin Class, “Selections from Seneca's Thyestes.”

Canadian Association of Classics Competitions:

Essay: Allison Graham, who won the Classical Association of Canada's sightreading competition in Ancient Greek last year, received first place in this year's Junior CAC essay competition with her paper: "Inhumane Philanthropy and Philanthropic Tyranny: Prometheus and Zeus in Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound." She was published in Pseudo-Dionysius XVII last year on this topic.

At the Senior level, Philippe Mesly also took first place with "Theological Semiotics in Books III-V of Eriugena’s Periphyseon," developed through his work in Dr. Hankey's seminar last year. Philippe, who graduates this May with Honours in Religious Studies and Philosophy, has been accepted into the Master of Theological Studies at St Michael’s College in the University of Toronto. From St Margaret’s Bay, this graduate of the King’s Foundation Year Programme continues his work on the translation and publication of the writings of Jean Trouillard, in a project directed by Classics alumni, Elizabeth King (MA 2013) & Dr Matthew Furlong.

Sight Translation:Cristalle Watson took first place in the Junior Latin competition & Megan Kitt (a graduate of the Foundation Year Programme) took second place in the Junior Greek competition.

Other News and Awards:

Ancient Philosophy Society's Emerging Scholar Prize was awarded to Aaron Shenkman whose paper "Multus Homo Es: Desire, Identity, and Conquest in Catullus' carmina," has been accepted for this year's annual meeting of the Society.

Nicole Knox Memorial Prize for the best undergraduate student in the Classical languages is awarded this year to Allison Graham, a graduate of the King’s Foundation Year Programme and a Honours student in Classics.

Pius Aeneas Prize is awarded occasionally to students who give exceptional service to the Department. Last awarded in 2011 to Ellen Shaffner, this year two were given. One went to William Coney, President of Res Publica, the Classics student association, graduating with a Major in Classics and entering a graduate programme in the Faculty of Agriculture in Truro. The other was awarded to Aaron Shenkman (First Class Honours in Classics and German 2014) writing a thesis on Roman masculinity in Catullus for Dr Peter O’Brien with the support of a SSHRC MA scholarship. Aaron is one of the many proud graduates of the King’s Foundation Year Programme in this list of prize winners.

Patrick Atherton Prize in Latin for the best student in Introductory Latin goes this year to Aidan Ingalls, a graduate of the King’s Foundation Year Programme.

Donald Hambrick Book Prize in Greekawarded annually to an undergraduate student in Introductory Ancient Greek who demonstrates outstanding ability and promise in the language is split this year between Alex Elvidge (a Foundation Year Programme graduate) & Cristalle Watson. Both are students in the Classics Honours programme.

These prizes depend on the generosity of our friends and alumni. Donate at

Introductory Sanskrit I & II In the 2016-17 academic year Dr Chris Austin will offer a full year of Sanskrit for the first time at ĢAV. Join him MWF at 10:35.

Summer Latin with Dr Christopher Grundke from May 9 to June 24 is almost full. Book a place now.

Dionysius 33 for 2015 is in the post and online for subscribers. Go to