

Minor in Medieval Studies

This minor is available to students registered in a 120 credit hour Bachelor of Applied Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Community Design, Bachelor of Computer Science, Bachelor of Informatics, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Medical Sciences) program.

Students seeking an interdisciplinary minor in Medieval Studies will be expected to take a minimum of 8 one-term courses (in credit hours, a minimum of 24 to a maximum of 27) beyond the 1000 level, with at least 4 courses (12 credit hours) at or above the 3000 level, and with courses taken from at least two of the participating departments or programs (students may decide to which departments to assign cross-listed classes). Students may substitute a maximum of 4 courses (12 credit hours) at or above the 2000-level in the following languages: French, Spanish, German, Latin, Arabic, Russian, Italian and Hebrew.

Medieval courses


CLAS 2001/HSTC 2001 Beginnings of Wisdom: Science in the Pre-modern World 

CLAS 2002/HSTC 2002 Medieval Natural Philosophy: From the Roman Empire to the Age of Dante 

CLAS2202/HSTC 2202 The Beginnings of Western Medicine: The Birth of the Body

CLAS 2281/RELS 2281 Christian Beginnings: The Orthodox and Oriental Churches 

CLAS 3017 Meetings Between Hellenism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam until the Renaissance

CLAS 3282/RELS 3282 Christian Beginnings: Catholicism 

CLAS 3283/RELS 3283  Gods in the Flesh: Iamblichus and Anselm

CLAS 3381/RELS 3381/PHIL 2381 Medieval Philosophy from Augustine to Anselm

CLAS 3382/RELS 3382/PHIL 2382 Medieval Islamic, Jewish and Christian Philosophy

CLAS 3411/RELS 3411 St. Augustine’s Confessions Books 1-9

CLAS 3412/RELS 3412 St. Augustine’s Confessions Books 10-13

CLAS 3413/RELS 3413 Augustine's Confessions

CLAS 3431/RELS 3431 St. Augustine’s On the Trinity Part 1

CLAS 3432/RELS 3432 St. Augustine’s On the Trinity Part 2

CLAS 3601/HIST 3509 Arab Caliphs, Turkish Commanders, and Persian Viziers: Islamic History, 750-1200

CLAS 3602/HIST 3511 Ancient and Medieval History of the Persianate World

CLAS 3842 Latin Philosophical Texts: Anselm and Bonaventure

CLAS 4010/RELS 4010 Islamic Philosophy: al-Ghazali

CLAS 4011/RELS 4011 Jewish Philosophy: Maimonides

CLAS 4018/RELS 4018 Christian Theology in the Lands of Islam: John of Damascus

CLAS 4060/RELS 4060 The Consolation of Philosophy

CLAS 4401/RELS 4401 Philosophy of the Greek Church Fathers

CLAS 4402/RELS 4402 Philosophy of the Latin Church Fathers

CLAS 4451 Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle (1)

CLAS 4451 Medieval Interpreters of Aristotle (2)


ENGL 2018 Arthur

ENGL 2020 Sampling Medieval Literature

ENGL 2235 Tolkien: Fantasy and Medievalism

ENGL 2237 Outlaw Tales

ENGL 3005 Canterbury Tales

ENGL 3007 Old English

ENGL 3009/THEA 3009 Middle English Drama

ENGL 3203 History of the English Language

ENGL 4202 Romances

ENGL 4023 Malory

ENGL 4612 The Auchinleck Manuscript

ENGL 4619 The Marginalized Middle Ages

ENGL 4025 Chaucer’s Dream Visions and Romances

Other fourth-year English courses may also fit; consult with the Co-ordinator.


FREN 2201 Introduction à la littérature, du Moyen Âge au XVIIIe siècle /Introduction to French Literature, Middle Ages to 18th Century 

FREN 3300 Medieval French Literature

FREN 4001 Histoire du français - Moyen Age/History of French - The Middle Ages

FREN 4300 Medieval Literature - Advanced

Other French courses may also fit; consult with the Co-ordinator.


HIST 2001 Early Medieval Europe

HIST 2002 Later Medieval Europe

HIST 2401/THEA 2401 Cave to Castles: Dress from Pre-history to 1450 

HIST 2503 Medieval Islamic Civilisation

HIST 3509/CLAS 3601 Arab Caliphs, Turkish Commanders, and Persian Viziers: Islamic History, 750-1200

HIST 3511/CLAS 3602 Ancient and Medieval History of the Persianate World

HIST 3916 Health and Disease in Medieval Society

HIST 3990/HSTC 3916/RELS3121 In Search of the Philosopher's Stone: The History of European Alchemy

HIST 4545 Scripture and Statecraft: History of Islamic Political Thought

HIST 4577 Books of Wonder, Tales of Amazement: Travel, Fantasy and Cosmography in the Islamicate Lands, 800-1700

History of Science and Technology

HSTC 2001/CLAS 2001 Beginnings of Wisdom: Science in the Pre-modern World 

HSTC 2002/CLAS 2002 Medieval Natural Philosophy: From the Roman Empire to the Age of Dante 

HSTC 2202/CLAS2202 The Beginnings of Western Medicine: The Birth of the Body

HSTC 3121.03/ RELS 3121/HIST 3990 In Search of the Philosopher's Stone: The History of European Alchemy 

HSTC 3501 The Nature of Time in Antiquity and the Middle Ages

HSTC 3610 Studies in Ancient and Medieval Science (topics vary; check with advisor)


ITAL 2201 Survey of Italian Literature I: from the Origins to 1600

ITAL 4040 Dante's Inferno


MUSC 4358 Studies in Medieval Music (topics vary; check with advisor)

MUSC 4359 Studies in Medieval Music (topics vary; check with advisor)


PHIL 2381/CLAS 3381/RELS 3381 Medieval Philosophy from Augustine to Anselm

PHIL 2382/CLAS 3382/RELS 3382 Medieval Islamic, Jewish and Christian Philosophy

Religious Studies

RELS 3012 Mystics of the Middle East

RELS 4010 Islamic Philosophy: al-Ghazali

RELS 4011 Jewish Philosophy: Maimonides

*see Classics for other cross-listed RELS courses


THEA 2011 Ancient and Medieval Theatre 

THEA 2401/HIST 2401 Cave to Castles: Dress from Pre-history to 1450 

THEA 3009/ENGL 3009 Middle English Drama