BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Faculty of Computer Science//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241002T182156Z DTSTART:20241002T200000Z DTEND:20241002T220000Z SUMMARY:ShiftKey Lounge DESCRIPTION:ShiftKey Lounge is a collaborative project with the Faculty of Computer Science to introduce new students to all the amazing things they can do with a Computer Science education. This informal drop-in session will take place every Wednesday from October 2\, 2024 until November 13\, 2024.In each of these sessions\, you’ll get to meet upper-year students\, recent graduates\, industry professionals\, and advisors to help you get the tools you need to learn more about what you are most passionate about. Learn about important resources and events\, what it is like to work in different fields\, and ask all your curious questions at ShiftKey Lounge.\nFood will be provided at each drop-in session. Registration is not required.\nDetails for this session:\nThe theme for the ShiftKey Lounge drop-in session on October 2 from 5:00PM-7:00PM is Software Engineering. To talk all things software engineering\, we’ve got a great panel of guests lined up.\n\nYara Ahmed\, FCS Alumni and Industry Professional working as a software engineer at Global Relay\nVansh Sood\, upper-year BCS student and freelance software engineer\nAcademic Advisors in the Faculty of Computer Science\n\nOther sessions this term: \nOctober 9 – UI/UX\nOctober 16 – AI\nOctober 23 – Data Science\nOctober 30 – Game Dev\nNovember 6 – Cloud & Cybersecurity\nNovember 13 – Entrepreneurship as an International LOCATION:Goldberg Computer Science Building URL:/faculty/computerscience/news-events/events/2024/10/02/shiftkey_lounge.html UID:/faculty/computerscience/news-events/events/2024/10/02/shiftkey_lounge/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR