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A Look Back on Winter Co‑op

Posted by Faculty of Computer Science on May 26, 2016 in Students, News

Keerthana Kumar

Program, year of study, what co-op term is this?
Bachelor of Computer Science , 2nd co-op term

Where did you complete your Co-op term and what was your tile?
Jazz Aviation LP and my title was System Analyst

What have you been working on in your placement? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn’t thought about? Or has it confirmed that you are on the right path?
I worked on creating a internal web app for maintenance tools for flights, that will help the staff in the maintenance and repair process of aircrafts. This co-op placement definitely has helped me become more confident that I am in the field that sparks my passion and enthusiasm for technology. During the co-op I also was assured again that computer science can be applied to any field/department. After this work term I am definitely more interested in the aviation field now that I can connect aviation and computer science. 

Do you believe your Co-op experience has helped to prepare you for your future?
My co-op experience has taught me and provided me with new experiences, skills and knowledge that I would definitely carry on with me in the future and through out my career. Not only technical skills but I also gained a lot of soft (people/team) work skills.

Do you have any advice for students looking for placements? 
Apply to all the job postings when looking for a co-op as its a time to explore and learn more about what you enjoy working on or what you don't. 

Anything to add about your overall experience?
I would suggest everyone to apply for co-op as it definitely has given me great work experience and it is nice to be able to apply what we learn in classes in real life. 

Alex Nunes

Program, year of study, what co-op term is this?
Bachelor of Informatics, 3rd year of study, 2nd co-op term

Where did you complete your Co-op term and what was your tile?
I completed my Co-op work term at the Ocean Tracking Network at Ä¢¹½AV.

What have you been working on in your placement? Has it sparked an interest in a career/area of study you hadn’t thought about? Or has it confirmed that you are on the right path?
I built a tool to help researchers analyze their marine animal detection data and developed a visualization library for the same data. The most interesting part about Informatics and Computer Science is that they cross over into almost every field of study. Oceanography and Biology are generating so much information and data management has been apart of those fields for decades and will be for a long time.

Do you believe your Co-op experience has helped to prepare you for your future?
Work experience prepares people more than any course. Courses are often boxed in to teach concepts. Work is more about solving problems, which is one of the best skills that can be developed.

Do you have any advice for students looking for placements?
Don't worry about passing little interview tests. If you don't know an answer, say you don't know. Solve as much of the problem as you can. Most employers are looking at how you approach a problem, not if you solve it.