Dr. Floris Goerlandt

Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Risk Management and Resource Optimization for Marine Industries

Email: floris.goerlandt@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-3263
Mailing Address: 
Office: 5269 Morris Street, Morroy Building, Room 203; Mailing: Industrial Engineering PO BOX 15000 Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Risk Analysis and Management
  • Safety Engineering
  • Safety Management
  • Oil Spills from Ships
  • Oil Spill Response
  • Search and Rescue
  • Accident and Incident Analysis
  • Arctic Shipping
  • Maritime Transportation Modeling
  • Uncertainty Assessment
  • Validation

Personal Profile

Dr. Floris Goerlandt obtained a degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Marine Technology) from Ghent University (Belgium), and a degree of Master of Science in Maritime Sciences from Antwerp University (Belgium). After a period in the shipping service industry, with technical and operational assignments in Belgium, Norway, Singapore, China, and Finland, he obtained the degree of Doctor of Science (Tech.) in Marine Technology, with a focus on Risk and Safety, from Aalto University (Finland).

Following an assignment as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), a part-time assignment at the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (Finland), and a faculty position as University Lecturer at Aalto University (Finland), he took up the position of Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering Department at ĢAV. He currently also holds the Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Risk Management and Resource Optimization for Marine Industries. In this context, he is co-lead of the Maritime Risk and Safety (MARS) Group, working together with Dr. Ron Pelot.

His research interests cover several aspects of applied risk management for marine industries, authorities, and associated stakeholders. Current projects focus on analysis and modeling of risks to coastal communities due to shipping disruptions caused by major natural hazards, oil spill risk assessment and management, and development of decision support tools for tactical and strategic oil spill response. He also contributes to foundational issues in risk research and safety science, with topics focusing on mapping safety science, uncertainty assessment, and validation. He has authored or co-authored about 30 peer-reviewed journal articles on these topics, about 20 conference articles, and a number of technical reports.

Dr. Goerlandt serves on the Editorial Board of the Safety Science journal, and currently is the lead Guest Editor for a Safety Science Special Issue on “Mapping Safety Science, Reviewing Safety Research”. He also is an active member of the ICES Working Group on Risks of Maritime Activities in the Baltic Sea.

Research Profile

Selected Peer-reviewed Publications

Valdez Banda O.A., Goerlandt F. 2018. A STAMP-based approach for designing maritime safety management systems. Safety Science 109:109-129.

Tabri K., Heinvee M., Laanearu J., Kollo M., Goerlandt F. 2018. An online platform for rapid oil outflow assessment from grounded tankers for pollution response. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135:963-976.

Goerlandt F., Khakzad N., Reniers G. 2017. Validity and validation of safety-related quantitative risk analysis: A review. Safety Science 99B:127-139.

Goerlandt F., Goite H., Valdez Banda O.A., Höglund A., Ahonen-Rainio P., Lensu M. 2017. An analysis of wintertime navigational accidents in the Northern Baltic Sea. Safety Science 92:66-84.

Goerlandt F., Reniers G. 2016. On the assessment of uncertainty in risk diagrams. Safety Science 84:67-77.

Nordström J., Goerlandt F., Sarsama J., Leppänen P., Nissilä M., Ruponen P., Lübcke T., Sonninen S. 2016. Vessel TRIAGE: A method for assessing and communicating the safety status of vessels in maritime distress situations. Safety Science 85:117-129.

Goerlandt F., Montewka J. 2015. Maritime transportation risk analysis: Review and analysis in light of some foundational issues. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 138:115-134.

Goerlandt F., Montewka J. 2015. A framework for risk analysis of maritime transportation systems: A case study for oil spill from tankers in a ship-ship collisions. Safety Science 76:42-66.