Other Publications

Christopher Simms

Selected Publications

  • Chris Simms (2018) Biocitizenship and forced removals
  • Chris Simms (2018) Pandemic response: fear is inevitable, panic isoptional
  • Chris Simms (2018) The British and Canadian health systems at 70 and 60
  • Chris Simms (2018) CDC’s word ban—the placement of politics over science is part of a larger pattern
  • Chris Simms (2018) Brexit: acknowledging error Medicus Mundi Schweiz
  • Chris Simms (2017) The precarity of being indigenous: the case of Canada
  • Chris Simms (2017) Deregulation amid fires and hurricanes
  • Chris Simms (2017) Confederates and Canadian colonialists—imprisoned by the past
  • Chris Simms (2017) The World Bank in Kagame’sRwanda
  • Chris Simms (2017) Brexit and the vengeance of unintended consequences
  • Chris Simms (2017) Canada at 150—the racialization of healthcare
  • Chris Simms (2017) Russian dolls—revealing Trump’s diminution of the common good
  • Chris Simms (2017) Explaining Trumpcare: the appalling appeal
  • Chris Simms (2017) We need to prioritise cyber security in this age of global risks
  • Chris Simms (2017) Trump vs Obamacare—100 days in
  • Chris Simms (2017) Trump and the role of data driven resistance in global health;
  • Chris Simms (2017) Global Health and Mr. Trumps "New World Order". Lancet Link
  • Chris Simms (2017) The Global Risk Report 2016 Who Listened?
  • Chris Simms (2016) Path dependency - Trumy, Brexit, and the Future Europe"
  • Chris Simms (2016) "The rise of walls and the decline of values: from Trump to Calais"
    Chris Simms (2016) "Canada's new government: Climate change, 'regulatory capture' and 'cathedral thinking'"
  • Chris Simms (2016)The Iraq war, Chilcot, and cherry picking data: How to find a way forward?
  • Chris Simms (2016) Canada's Fort McMurray fire: mitigating global risks
  • Chris Simms (2016) Global risks and consilience: mapping a wayforward
  • Chris Simms (2016) Global health and Brexit—choosing when anxious
  • Chris Simms (2016) "Deracination-Canada's aboriginal suicides"
  • Chris Simms (2016) "Canada’s First Nations: The social and political determinants of health"
  • Chris Simms (2016) "Undoing the undoing of Canada as global healthcitizen"
  • Chris Simms (2016) "Canada needs a global health strategy", Border Crossing, the Diplomat Magazine, the Hague, Netherlands, April 2016
  • Chris Simms (2015) "Human Rights at the World Bank: inside out"
  • Chris Simms: (2015) Health and human rights in Canada: a global concern
  • Chris Simms: (2015) "Global health and altruism—the case of Canada and its treatment of refugees"
  • Chris Simms (2015) Canada's murdered and missing aboriginals
  • Chris Simms (2014) "What can Senegal teach the West about dealing with Ebola, The BMJ, November 20, 2014
  • Chris Simms (2014) "An overlooked WWI legacy: maternal and child health in sub-Saharan Africa", Lancet, Global Health, November 11, 2014
  • Chris Simms (2015) "Aboriginal health andthe rise of racism in Canada"
  • Chris Simms (2014) "A rising tide: the case against Canada as world citizen", The Lancet Global Health, Volume 2 May 2014 e264
  • Chris Simms (2014) "World Bank: can it learn from Silicon Valley?", Lancet Global Health, November 2014 Vol2, Issiue 11Page
  • Chris Simms (2014) "". American Psychologist, Volume 69 (1), Jan 2014, 94-95, Washington DC
  • Chris Simms (2014) "Asian Development Bank failing in its Mission to Protect the Poor" March 3, 2014, The Guardian, United Kingdom
  • Chris Simms (2013) "", International Journal of Clinical Practice, Volume 67
  • Chris Simms (2013) "", Bulletin of Medicus Mundi, Switzerland No. 127
  • Chris Simms (2012) "World Bank reforms must embrace racial equality and accountability", The Guardian, Transforming Institutions Hub, November 27, 2012 (including responses)
  • Chris Simms (2012) "",Bulletin of Medicus Mundi, Switzerland No. 127
  • Chris Simms (2012) "" The Lancet, Volime 380, Issue 9850, 13 October 2012
  • Chris Simms (2012) "" International Journal of Clinical Practice, Volume 66 Issue 4 (pages 333-336) April 2012
  • Chris Simms (2012) "From International Health to Global Health: How Africa's HIV/AIDS crisis influenced the rise of global health" Bulletin of Medicus Mundi Switzerland No.123, March 2012
  • Persaud, D. D, Lepnurm, R., Dobson, R., & Simms, C.(2011). Dynamic Learning Culture and the Sustainabilty of Health Care Systems. The Ashbridge International Research Conference. Ashbridge, England, July, 2011
  • Chris Simms (2010) International Journal of Clinical Practice: Health reform in Canada, Volume 64, Issue 4 (p 426-428)
  • Chris Simms (2010) International Journal of Clinical Practice: , Volume 64, Issue 4 (p 426-428)
  • Chris Simms, D.D. Persaud (2009) . Canadian Journal of Public Health, 100 (3): 176-179. Ottawa, May-June 2009.
  • Chris Simms and Mike Rowson, (2003) "." The Lancet Vol. 361, April 19th 2003 Pages 1382-1385.
  • Chris Simms "" International Journal of Clinical Practice - London, Volume 65 (3)
  • Chris Simms (2009) "", No. 113/11.2009 Switzerland
  • Chris Simms (2009) , International Journal of Clinical Practice, Volume 63, Issue 8, August 2009
  • Chris Simms, D.D. Persaud (2009) ": Rich Countries' Response to Vulnerable Populations". Canadian Journal of Public Health, 100 (3): 176-179. Ottawa, May-June 2009.
  • Chris Simms, (2009) "Inequalities in the American healthcare system", The Lancet, April 11, 2009, Volume 373, Number 9671
  • Chris Simms (2009) Review, ", 2008–2009", New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 360: 1265, March 19 2009
  • Chris Simms and Mike Rowson (2009) "", The Lancet, January 10, 2009, Vol. 373 No. 9658 pp 123-124
  • Mike Rowson, Chris Simms and David McCoy, (2008) Chapter The World Bank and International Monetary Fund? Global Health Watch, Zed Books, London, October 2008
    Chris Simms (2008) "", (Response to Dr. Lars O. Kallings UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia), Journal of Internal Medicine, Volume 264, Issue 5, October 8, 2008, 504-08
  • Chris Simms (2008) "" The Lancet, March 2008, Volume 371, No. 9618, 1070-1.
  • Chris Simms (2008) "", The Lancet 371, Number 9608, 19 January, 2008
  • Chris Simms (2007) "" Canadian Medical Association Journal, June 2007, 176: 1728-1739.
  • Chris Simms, "Institutional weakness of the World Bank", The Lancet, July 11, 2006
  • Chris Simms, "" Eds. EJ Beck, N Mays, A Whiteside, JM Zuniga, The HIV Pandemic: global and local implications, Oxford University Press 2006
  • Suriadi Gunawan, Soewarta Kosen, Chris Simms, "Indonesia", Eds., EJ Beck, N Mays, A Whiteside, JM Zuniga, , Oxford University Press 2006
  • Chris Simms, P Salif Sow and A Si, , "Senegal" in Eds., EJ Beck, N Mays, A Whiteside, JM Zuniga, , Oxford University Press 2006
  • Chris Simms "", ActionAid International, London, 2004 a report prepared for presentation at the Spring Meetings World Bank 2004.
  • Chris Simms, Mike Rowson and Siobhan Peattie, "" Report, London, October 2001
  • Chris Simms, "" Institute of Development Studies (IDS), IDS Working Paper Series, No 121, 2000
  • Chris Simms, John Milimo and Gerry Bloom, (1998) "" Institute of Development Studies (IDS), IDS Working Paper Series, No 76, 1998
  • Chris Simms, "Review of trends in Official Development Assistance to Sri Lanka 1997-2002: from project and program support to 'up-streaming'" for CIDA.
  • Chris Simms "Assessment of psychosocial needs in the North and East of Sri Lanka arising from ethnic conflict using a 'livelihoods approach'" for CIDA.

  • D.D. Persaud and Chris Simms, (2012)Designing Performance Measurement Systems for Accountability and Quality Improvement Canadian College of Health Leaders 2012 National Health Leadership Conference, Halifax N.S. June, 2012
  • Persaud, D.D, Lepnurm, R., Dobson, R., & Simms, C. (2011). Dynamic Learning Culture and the Sustainability of Health Care Systems. The Ashridge International Research Conference. Ashridge, England, July, 2011
  • Chris Simms, 2008 Global health and local poverty: rich countries responses to vulnerable populations? (September, 2008) Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, ĢAV Faculty of Medicine, ĢAV.
  • Chris Simms (2008) Does the dominance of one voice matter to global health??, Global Development Seminar Series, International Development Studies LSC 244, March 13th 2008
  • Chris Simms (2008) The First Post-Modern Epidemic?, Global Health Conference, Global Health Initiative, Faculty of Medicine, ĢAV, Sir Charles Tupper BLG, May 17th, 2008
  • “The World Bank’s response to the HIV crisis in SSA”, Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, ĢAV, March 13th 2007 and; Global Development Seminar Series, International Development Studies, Graduate Studies, ĢAV, March 22, 2007.
  • “The influence of adjustment and health sector reform policies on changes in childhood survival in nine countries in SSA in the 1990s”, at Equinet Conference (Regional Conference on Equity in Health in Southern Africa) Broederstroom, South Africa, September 13-15, 2000
  • "The reasons for the rise in under-five morality in Zambia in the 1980s and 1990s", at Institute of Child Health, London, 1998
  • Changing levels of childhood morbidity and access to effective health care in government and mission health facilities in Zambia" at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, 1997
  • "Trends in common childhood illnesses, HIV and health service provision in Zambia" paper presented at University of Liverpool, with support from Dfid, U.K, 1996
  • Chris Simms, (2007). The Relationship between increased levels of funding, improved local capacities to deliver goods and services, and reductions in adult HIV prevalence rates in six countries in Sub-Saharan Afica. Paper presented at the Canadian Public Health Association 2007, Annual Conference, Ottawa.