Gail Baikie

Senior Instructor


Email: gail.baikie@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-2070
Fax: 902-494-6709
Mailing Address: 
School of Social Work
Suite 3231, Mona Campbell Building,
1459 LeMarchant Street
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Critical and anti-oppressive theory
  • Aboriginal social policy
  • Aboriginal community and social development
  • Practice in northern, rural and remote communities
  • Cross-cultural competency
  • Aboriginal social work education
  • Critical reflection
  • Indigenous and decolonizing practices and methodologies
  • Community participatory action research
  • Social impacts of resource development on women and Indigenous peoples


  • PhD (Candidate), Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada (2003-Present) Thesis Title: Indigenous Social Work Praxes In-Between Worldviews
  • Masters in Social Work, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL, Canada (1994)
  • Bachelor of Social Work, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John’s, NL, Canada (1989)   

Invited Scholarly Conference Presentations

March 1, 2014: Rhetoric and realities for local women – Resource development in their homeland – Our story. Arctic/Northern Women: Law and Justice, Development and Equality. Feminist Legal Studies Queen’s University, Kingston, ON. 

March 10, 2011 [Keynote Address]: Indigenous Knowledge – Research within the Borderlands. Wise Practices III National Conference. Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network. Halifax, NS.

Recent Scholarly Conference Presentations

September 23, 2014. Women’s experiences of dislocation from the rivers and land – results from the “Claiming our Place: Women’s Relationship with Rivers” project in Happy Valley – Goose Bay, Labrador. Global Health Day poster exhibit. ĢAV. Halifax, NS. Canada. 

May 24, 2014. The dislocation of Indigenous women from ‘the land’: The downside of the Lower Churchill hydro-electric development Labrador, Canada. International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS) VIII: Northern Sustainabilities. University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C., Canada. 

December 2013. Women’s experiences of dislocation from the rivers and land – results from the ‘Claiming our Place: Women’s Relationship with Rivers Project in Happy Valley – Goose Bay, Labrador. Poster Presentation at ArcticNet. Halifax, NS, Canada.  

July 9, 2013. Emerging guidelines for Indigenous social work practice, education, and research in-between worldviews. Second International Indigenous Voices in Social Work. Indigenous Knowledges: Resurgence, Implementation & Collaboration. Winnipeg, MB. Canada 

July 9, 2013. ‘Claiming our Place’ as local and Indigenous women in natural resource development. Second International Indigenous Voices in social work. Indigenous Knowledges: Resurgence, Implementation & Collaboration. Winnipeg, MB. Canada

April 2011. Critical Reflection Dialogue Groups: Promoting Critical Reflection within an on-line environment. Partnerships in Learning. Center for Teaching and Learning. ĢAV. Halifax, NS.

June 2010. Decolonizing Critical Reflection Interview for Borderland Research with Indigenous Health Professionals. 10th Annual National Gathering of Graduate Students in Aboriginal Health, Vancouver, BC.

June 2010. Decolonizing Critical Reflection: A tool for decolonizing our minds and practices. Aboriginal Peoples’ Ways of Knowing & Wellbeing: Implications for Mental Health Research, Training, Practice, and Policy. National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research, Vancouver BC.

May 2010. Imagine: No back of the classroom. Reclaiming Activism in Academia. Okanagan College and the New University Cooperative, Kelowna, BC.

May 2010. Decolonizing Critical Reflection Interview for Borderland Research. 6th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, ILL USA

June 2010. Decolon(al)izing Critical Reflection. Building Healthy Communities Through Intervention & Prevention. First Nations National Child Welfare Conference. Moncton, NB.

Recent Workshops

Jan Fook and Gail Baikie (October 20-21, 2011). Talking the Pulse: Critical Reflection follow-up training and strategic planning. Addiction Services, Annapolis Valley Health Authority, Wolfville, NS

Jan Fook and Gail Baikie (June 14-15, 2010). Introduction to Critical Reflection: A method for professional and organizational learning. Addiction Services, Annapolis Valley Health Authority, NS

Jan Fook, Gail Baikie, & Carolyn Campbell (June 17-18, 2010). Introduction to Critical Reflection. Phoenix Youth programs. Halifax, NS.

Gail Baikie (May 3, 2010). Creating Cultural Safety using Decolonizing Critical Reflection. Offered in partnership with the Indigenous Cultural Competency Training Program, Provincial Health Services Authority, Nanaimo, BC

Select Research

  • Principle Investigator. Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments - Complementary Funding: Accounting for the Well-being of Inuit Women within the Natural Resource Development Agenda: An engagement, education and training package developed by and for Nunatsiavummuit women. January 2014 – January 2015. [$15,000]
  • Principle Investigator. Honour the Earth. Creative Action Circle Workshop for ‘Claiming our Place’ research project. Spring 2012 [$5000]
  • Co-Investigator. SSHRC – Connections Grant. Building links between women: Muskrat Falls and the Maritime Link. March 2013 – February 2015 [$49,970]
  • Co-Investigator. SSHRC – Insight Development Grant. Women’s Leadership Development: Using Composite Indicators for Change in Labrador. 2012 [$100,000]
  • Principle Investigator. Annapolis Valley Health Addictions Services. A Learning Organization Reflective Practice Innovation: Phase 3. January to March 2011. [$8,000]
  • Co-Investigator. Status of Women Canada – Blueprints. Women’s Leadership & Democratic Participation – Economic Restructuring in the North. April 2011 – March 2013 [$200,000]
  • Co-Investigator. Centre for Teaching and Learning DAL – Teaching and Learning Technology Grants Fostering Critical Reflection for Transformational Learning: An Analysis of 2 years of the online Critical Reflective Dialogue Group (CRDG) & an ‘Advancing Social Justice’ course. 2011. [$2000]
  • Co-Investigator. SSHRC-CURA. FemNorthNet: learning from women's experiences of community transformations as a result of economic restructuring. 2010 -2015. [$1 million]
  • Collaborator. Centre for Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning with Technology Grants. On-line and On-site Delivery of Interprofessional Learning Module: Diversity Awareness within Interprofessional Teams. 2008.  [$4705]
  • Co-Investigator (2007). Faculty of Health Professions. Research Development Grant. Researching Accessibility & Inclusiveness within Professional Education Programs. 2007. [$5000]
  • Principle Investigator. Atlantic Aboriginal Health Research Program  IAPH - CIHR  PhD Dissertation: Indigenous social work praxes within two worlds. 2004 -2008. [$32,000]
  • Co-Investigator. Women’s Health Bureau, Health Canada. National Aboriginal Women’s Health & Healing Research Group. 2006-2007; 2007 - 2008 [$280,000; $280,000]

Recent Publications

  • Baikie, G. (in progress).  Decolonizing critical reflection a tool for Indigenous social workers to decolonize their minds. In R. Sinclair & C. Fejo-King, (eds.) Companion text to course 311SWC. Magpie Goose Publishing.
  • Baikie, G., Campbell, C. Thornhill, J. & Butler, J. (2013) An On-Line Critical Reflection Dialogue Group. In J. Fook, & F. Gardner (eds). Critical reflection in context: Applications in health and social care. Routledge. 219-230.
  • Campbell, C. & Baikie, G. (2013). Teaching critically reflective analysis in the context of a social justice course. Reflective Practice.
  • Cavanaugh, J. & Baikie, G. (2012). Using Creative Action Circles to claim our place in natural resource development. Global Citizen Digest. 1 (2). 18-21. 
  • Campbell, C. & Baikie, G. (2012). Beginning at the beginning: An exploration of critical social work. Critical Social Work, 13 (1), 67-81.
  • Baikie, G. (September 2009). Indigenous-centered social work: Theorizing a social work way of being. In G.Bruyere & R. Sinclair (eds.). Wicihitowin: Aboriginal Social Work in Canada. Halifax: Fernwood