Dr. Jeff Karabanow

Associate Director, Professor


Email: jeff.karabanow@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-1193
Fax: 902-494-6709
Mailing Address: 
School of Social Work
Suite 3242, Mona Campbell Building,
1459 LeMarchant Street
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Homelessness and poverty
  • Housing
  • Globalization
  • International social work
  • Organization theory
  • Political economics
  • Homelessness and trauma
  • Street youth
  • Street culture
  • Trauma and homelessness


  • BA (Hons), McGill
  • MA, McGill
  • PhD, Wilfrid Laurier


Dr. Jeff Karabanow is Professor of Social Work at ĢAV in the Faculty of Health and cross-appointed with International Development Studies, College of Sustainability and The School of Health and Human Performance. He has worked with homeless young people in Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Guatemala. His research focuses primarily upon housing stability, service delivery systems, trauma, and homeless youth culture. He has completed a film documentary looking at the plight of street youth in Guatemala City and several animated shorts on Canadian street youth culture. He has numerous academic publications in these areas including: Being Young and Homeless: Understanding how youth enter and exit street life. (Peter Lang Inc NY.,2004) ; Leaving the Streets: Stories of Canadian Youth (Fernwood Publishing, Halifax, 2010) and Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability (WLU Press Inc., Ontario, 2018). Dr. Karabanow is one of the founding members of Halifax’s Out of The Cold Emergency Shelter and is the Co-Director of the ĢAV School of Social Work Community Clinic. He was awarded the ĢAV Faculty of Health Senior Research Award (2014) and the William Webster Excellence in Interprofessional Education Award (2019). He is also a recent awardee of the Senate of Canada 150 Medal (2019).

New Media

An animated short exploring the homelessness sector in two Nova Scotian communities during the early phases of COVID. It is based on the SSHRC-funded 2021 study entitled "COVID-19 and Homelessness: Promoting Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery in Two Communities in Nova Scotia" by Jeff Karabanow, Kaitrin Doll, Catherine Levitan-Reid, Jean Hughes and Haorui Wu. Narration: Jeff Karabanow. Illustration/Animation: Shannon Long. Compositing: Patrick Long.Chellist: Colin Matthews.

The animated short entitled Walking Through Wonderland captures a glimpse of youth homelessness in a surreal and edgy manner. Framed around two characters building a friendship on the street, this artistic work highlights the dualisitic nature of youth homeless culture - on one hand there is a sense of community and safety; on the other hand, many of these young people have experienced traumatic family pasts and exploitative street encounters. The film was funded by The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and is loosely based on health focused research carried out by Drs. Jeff Karabanow and Jean Hughes of ĢAV in Nova Scotia, Canada. Bryan Hofbauer and Derek Jessome developed the film in collaboration with group of youth who have experienced homelessness.

The poetic narrative of "This Film Is More Than Its Title" is the brainchild of Melanie Barron and exposes longing for both acceptance and independence in modern day culture. The film's ryhtmic lyrics told through stop-motion animation share a sense of deep loneliness and betrayal, but at the same time, a nonchalant resilience. The animated short was supported through Drs Jeff Karabanow and Jean Hughes Social Science and Humanities Research Council street youth film camp.


  • 2013-2020: Gaetz, S. (PI), Karabanow, J. (Co-Investigator). Canadian Observatory on Homelessness. $2.5 Million from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Partnerships Grants Program.
  • 2012-2013: Gahagan, J. (PI), Karabanow, J. (Co-Investigator). Youth and HIV/HEP C Prevention in Nova Scotia. $3000 from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Cafe Scientifique Partners.
  • 2012-2015: McCay, E. (PI), Karabanow, J. (Co-Investigator). Howes, C., Ferguson, B., Henderson, J., Horton, W., Hughes, J., Hwang, S., Karabanow, J., Kidd, S., Langley, J., MacLaurin, B., Manion, I., Quesnel, S., Saewyc, E., Santa Mina, E., Schwind, J., Aiello, A., Ginsburg, K., Soenen, D. Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Street-Involved Youth: The Effectiveness of a Theory-based Multicomponent Resilience and Motivational Intervention. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Partnerships for Health Improvement $217,140.

Selected Research Projects


  • Kidd, S (P.I). “Mobilizing Youth Experience: scaling up a by-youth-for-youth resource to support pathways out of homelessness” $210,588 from SSHRC Insight (March 2018- 2021).
  • Quarter, Jack (PI). “WISE Longitudinal Evaluation Project” $281,000 from SSHRC Insight (May 2017-2020).
  • Parada, Henry (PI). Rights for Children and Youth Partnerships: Strengthening Collaborations in the Americas. $2,499, 989 from SSHRC Insight Program. (2015-2021).
  • Kidd, S. (PI). Developing a Strategy to Support Youth Exiting Homelessness. $560020 from Ministry of Children and Youth Services (2015-2018).
  • Gaetz, S. (PI). Canadian Observatory on Homelessness. $2.5 Million from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Partnerships Grants Program (2013-2020).

Principal Investigator

  • Principle Investigator, “COVID-19 impact and Responses for the homeless population in Halifax NS. SSHRC Partnership Engagement Grant, $24,674 (2020).
  • Principal Investigator (Co- Haorui Wu). “Homelessness as Disaster and Homelessness in Disasters: Exploring Vulnerability in Crisis States”,FHP Research Establishment Grant; $4968 (2020)
  • Principal Investigator, “Exploring the Literature on Community-University Service Delivery”ĢAV School of Social WorkResearch Development and Capacity Grant; $1200 (2017).
  • “Rural Homelessness: Youth Survival Guide”. ĢAV Faculty ofHealth Professions Research Development and Capacity Grant; $1000 (2013).
  • Principal Investigator “Exiting Street Life: Exploring Youth Trajectories out of Homelessness” $3000 from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Cafe Scientifique Partners (2012-13).
  • Principal Investigator, “Rural Homelessness: Exploring rural-urban trajectories amongst street youth in Halifax Nova Scotia". $75,000 from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (April 2012- March 31, 2013). Co-Investigator Sean Kidd.
  • Principal Investigator, “Exiting Street Life: Exploring Youth Trajectories out of homelessness". $250,000 from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (May 2011-June 2014). Co Investigators Jean Hughes and Sean Kidd.
  • Co-Principal Investigator “Health and Homelessness: A Look at our Young People Living on the Street” $3000 from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Cafe Scientifique Partners (2008-9). Co Principal Investigator Jean Hughes.
  • Principal Investigator, "Can you be healthy on the street? Young people speak out: A filmmaking knowledge mobilization project". $50,000 from Social Science and Humanities Research Council (May 2008-June 2009). Co-Principal Investigator Jean Hughes.
  • Principal Investigator, "Can you be healthy on the street? Young people speak out: A filmmaking knowledge mobilization project". $5,000 from NS Department of Health (May 2008-June 2009). Co-Principal Investigator Jean Hughes.
  • Principal Investigator, "Building Community: The Story of Supportive Housing for Young Mothers (SHYM)". $25,000 from Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (June 2008-July 2009). Co-Investigator Jean Hughes.
  • Principal Investigator, "Working within the Formal and Informal Economies: How Homeless Youth survive in Neo-liberal Times”. $50,000 from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (May 2008-March 2009). Co-Investigators Jean Hughes and Sean Kidd.
  • Principal Investigator, “Exploring the literature on programming for young mothers”. $10,480 from National Homelessness Initiative (February 1, 2007-March 31, 2007).
  • Co-Principal Investigator, “Addressing Youth Homelessness: A Web-Based Strategy for Dissemination” $49,000 from Social Science and Humanities Research Council Dissemination Grant (January 2007-December 2007). Co-Principal Investigator Sean Kidd.

Selected Publications

  • Karabanow, J., Doll, K., Hall, C. and Bowers, M. In Press.Reflections on PreparingHealth Professionals for Social Justice Work(pp). InJacquie Gingras and Jennifer Brady(Eds.)Health Professions and Social Justice: Preparing Practitioners for Change. Regina Sask.:University of Regina Press
  • Karabanow, J., Doll, K., Levitan-Reid, C., Hughes, J. and Wu, H. (2021).COVID-19 and Homelessness: PromotingDisaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery in Two Communities in Nova Scotia.Final Report, SSHRC.
  • Vihvelin, C., Rupasinghe, V., Hughes, J., Karabanow, J., Weeks, L.E. (submitted). A first voice perspective on homelessness and end-of-life care: A vicious cycle of deteriorating circumstances.BMC Palliative Care.
  • Karabanow, J., Seven Boscam, E., Hughes, J., & Wu, H. (2021). Lessons Learned: COVID 19 and Individuals Experiencing Homelessness in the Global Context.International Journal on Homelessness,2(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.5206/ijoh.2022.1.13798
  • Steenbeek, A. and Karabanow, J. (2021).Confronting the Challenges: Enhancing vaccine delivery and acceptance among youth experiencing homelessness.Royal Society of Canada, Op-ED
  • Karabanow, J. (2021).A reflection on living through COVID-19 as a social work professor.Qualitative Social Work.Vol. 20(1–2) 439–442https://doi.org/10.1177/1473325020973296
  • Wu, H and Karabanow, J. (2020).COVID-19 and beyond: Social work interventions for supporting homeless populations.International Social Work,vol 63(6), 790-794.
  • Karabanow, J.A reflection on living through COVID-19 as a social work professor (2020). In press atQualitative Social Work.
  • Wu, H and Karabanow, J. (2020).COVID-19 and beyond: Social work interventions for supporting homeless populations. In Press atInternational Social Work
  • Karabanow, J. Oulton, S., Bowers, M., Hall, C. (2020).Doing Critical Clinical Work from the Ground Up: Exploring the ĢAV School of Social Work Community Clinic (pp.386-404). In C. Brown and J. MacDonald (Eds.)Critical Clinical Social Work: Counterstorying for Social Justice.Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc.
  • Jackson, L., Bailey, D., Porter, C., Dechman, M., Touesnard, N., Gahagan, J., Karabanow, J., Proctor-Simms, M., MacKenzie, S. (2020). "Community-based free needle distribution and disposal programs in Nova Scotia" [map]. Scale Not Given. "Community-based free needle distribution and disposal programs in Nova Scotia:Where are they? What do they do? Who do they serve?" May 2020.

    Using:ArcGIS[GIS software]. Version 10.5. Redlands, CA:Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 2016.
  • Karabanow, J. and Stewart, I. (2019). Between policy and practice: Ethical challenges in longitudinal social work research with street youth(p. 75-89). InDesigning and Conducting Research in Social Science, Health and Social Care(Eds. Fiona McSweeney and David Williams) Routledge, USA.
  • Kidd, S., Vitpoulos, N., Frederick, T., Karabanow, J, Mckenzie, K. (2019)More Than Four Walls and a Roof Needed: A Complex Tertiary Prevention Approach for Recently Homeless Youth.American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,89(2): pp. 248-257.
  • Karabanow, J., Kidd, S., Frederick, T., Mcluckie, A., and Quick, J.Methodological reflections on research with street youth.Journal of Social Work.2018 Vol 18(5), pp. 587-579.
  • Karabanow, J.and Hall, C. (2018). "ĢAV School of Social Work Community Clinic: A Space for Innovative Teaching, Learningand Service Delivery"Canadian Journal of Community Mental HealthVol 37(4), 57-60.
  • Karabanow, J., Hall, C., Martin-Calero, P., Oulton, S., Titus, M., Davies, H., and Murphy, A.(2018). Creating a Space for Innovative Teaching, Learning and Service Delivery: The Story of the ĢAV’s School of Social Work Community Clinic.Canadian Social Work Review 35(2), pp.87-102.
  • Karabanow, J., Kidd, S, Frederick, T. and Hughes, J.(2018).Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability.Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Kidd, S., Vitpoulos, N., Frederick, T., Karabanow, J, Mckenzie, K. More Than Four Walls and a Roof Needed: A Complex Tertiary Prevention Approach for Recently Homeless Youth. In Press at American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
  • Karabanow, J. and Hall, C. "ĢAV School of Social Work Community Clinic: A Space for Innovative Teaching, Learning and Service Delivery" In Press at Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
  • Karabanow, J., Hall, C., Martin-Calero, P., Oulton, S., Titus, M., Davies, H., and Murphy, A. Creating a Space for Innovative Teaching, Learning and Service Delivery: The Story of the ĢAV’s School of Social Work Community Clinic. Under Submission at Canadian Social Work Review.
  • Karabanow, J., Kidd, S, Frederick, T. and Hughes, J. (2018). Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Kidd, S.A., Slesnick, N., Frederick, T., Karabanow, J., & Gaetz, S. (2018). Mental Health and Addiction Interventions for Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Practical Strategies for Frontline Providers. Toronto: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.
  • Karabanow, J. and Stewart, I. (2018). The art of community: reflections on method, creativity and expertise in street youth social work. In (Eds. F. Klodowsky, J. Siltanen and C. Andrew). Seeking Equity and Inclusion in Cities. McGill-Queens Press, pp. 139-158.
  • Karabanow, J. and Stewart, I. Methodological reflections on longitudinal qualitative research with street youth: policy versus practice. In Lessons from the Field (Eds. Fiona McSweeney and David Williams) Routledge, USA. In Press.
  • Karabanow, J., Hall, C., Martin-Calero, P., Oulton, S., Titus, M., Davies, H., and Murphy, A. (2018). Creating a Space for Innovative Teaching, Learning and Service Delivery: The Story of the ĢAV’s School of Social Work Community Clinic. Connections Magazine 1(1), pp. 20-21.
  • Harbison, J. with Coughlan, S., Karabanow, J., Wildeman, Vanderplaat, M. and Wexler, E. (2016). Contesting Elder Abuse and Neglect: Ageism, Risk, and the Rhetoric of Rights in the Mistreatment of Older People. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Quirouette, M., Frederick, T., Hughes, J., Karabanow, J. Kidd, S. (2016). Conflict with the Law: Regulation & Homeless Youth Trajectories toward Stability, Canadian Journal of Law & Society// Revue Canadienne Droit et Société 31(3), pp. 383-404. (Canadian Law and Society Best English-Language Article)
  • Karabanow, J. (2016). Towards Housing Stability: Exploring Trajectories Out of Youth Homelessness. Proceedings from the American Association of Behavioral Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada (Feb 1), page 12.
  • Karabanow, J. (2016). Ethical dilemmas in the field: Longitudinal research with street youth. Proceedings from the Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada (Feb. 1), page 46.
  • Kidd, S.A., Frederick, T., Karabanow, J., Hughes, J., Naylor, T., Barbic, S., Aube, C., Chwalek, M., Fenn, K., Quirouette, M., Reynolds, A., & Sullivan, K. (2016). A Mixed Methods Study of Recently Homeless Youth Efforts to Sustain Housing and Stability. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal. DOI 10.1007/s10560-015-0424-2; June 2016, Volume 33, , pp. 207–218.
  • Karabanow, J., Kidd, S., Frederick, T., Mcluckie, A., and Quick, J. (2016, June 27). Methodological reflections on research with street youth. Journal of Social Work. DOI: .
  • Karabanow, J,. Kidd, S., Fredericks, T., Hughes, J. (2016). Towards Housing Stability: Exiting Homelessness as an Emerging Adult. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, XLIII(1), pp. 120-148.
  • McCay, B., Carter, C., Aiello, A., Langley, J., Hwang, S., Beanlands, H., Cooper, C., Howes, C., Johansson, B., Maclaurin, B., Hughes, J. and Karabanow, J. (2015). Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a Catalyst for Change in Street-Involved Youth: A Mixed Method Study: Children & Youth Services Review, 58, pp. 187-199.
  • Karabanow, J. and Stewart, I. (2015). Reflections on Organizational Changes in Street Youth Shelters. Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 14 (3-4), pp. 33-42.
  • Karabanow, J. and Naylor, T. (2015). Using art to tell stories and build safe spaces: Transforming academic research into action. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 34(3), pp. 67-85.
  • Hall, C. and Karabanow, J (2015). New Clinic Develops Professional Practice Through a Social Justice Lens, Center for Learning and Teaching Focus, 23(1): pp. 8-10.
  • Gahagan, J., Dykeman, M., Haase, D., Harris, G., Hughes, J., Jackson, L., Karabanow, J. MacDonald, J., Mugford., Numer, M., Steenbeck, A., Tirone, S. (2014). Our Youth, Our Response: Building Capacity for Effective HIV/HCV Policy and Programming Responses Across the Atlantic Region. NSHRF Report.
  • Karabanow, J., and Kidd, S. (2014). Being Young and Homeless: Addressing Youth Homelessness from Drop-In to Drafting Policy (pp. 13-34). InManal Guirguis-Younger, R. McNeil and S. Hwang (eds.) Homelessness and Health in Canada. University of Ottawa Press: Ottawa.
  • Frederick, T., Chwalek, M., Hughes, J., Karabanow, J., Kidd, S., Aube, C., Fenn, K., Naylor, T., Quirouette, M., Reynolds, A., and Sullivan, K. (2014). How Stable is Stable? Defining and Measuring Housing Stability. Journal of Community Psychology. In press.
  • Jackson, L., Dykeman, M., Gahagan, J., Karabanow, J., Martin, F., and McWilliam, S. Key challenges in providing services to people who use drugs: the perspectives of people working in emergency departments and shelters in Atlantic Canada. In Press at Drugs: Education, Policy and Policy.
  • McWilliam, S., Jackson, L., Dykeman, M., Gahagan, J., Karabanow, J. (2013). Keeping the focus on safer practices: ‘A safer practice lens’. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24(5), pp. 508-509.
  • Naylor, T., Karabanow, J., Kidd, S., Frederick, T., Fenn, K. Does Do No Harm Mean Do No Good? Ethical Dilemmas in the Field and Longitudinal Research with Street Youth. Submitted to Qualitative Research.
  • Karabanow, J., Aube, C., Naylor, T. (In Press). From Place to Space: Exploring youth migration and homelessness in rural Nova Scotia. Journal of Rural and Community Development.
  • Kidd, S.A., Karabanow, J., Hughes, J., & Frederick, T. (2013). Brief Report: Youth pathways out of homelessness – preliminary findings. Journal of Adolescence, 36(6), 1035-7.
  • Karabanow, J. (2013). “See ya later, I guess: The ethical dilemmas of longitudinal team research”. Proceedings for Qualitative Health Research Conference, Halifax, NS. (October 27-29).
  • Karabanow, J. (2013). Street Youth Experience Different Stages in their transitions to leave the streets. Research Snapshots, York University, Knowledge Mobilization at York.
  • Karabanow, J. (2013). Exiting Street life: Youth Trajectories out of Homelessness. Proceedings for International Homelessness Research Conference, June 1-3, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J., O’Grady, B. (Eds.). (2013). Youth Homelessness in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Homelessness Research Network. Homeless Hub Publication (ebook).
  • Karabanow, J. and Ted Naylor (2013). Transitioning off the Street (p. 39-52). In Gaetz, S., O’Grady, B., Buccieri, K., Karabanow, J., and Marsolais, A (Eds.). Youth Homelessness in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Homelessness Research Network. Homeless Hub Publication, Toronto.
  • Karabanow, J. and Hughes, J. (2013). Building Community: The Story of Supportive Housing for Young Mothers (p. 111-130). In Gaetz, S., O’Grady, B., Buccieri, K., Karabanow, J., and Marsolais, A (Eds.). Youth Homelessness in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Homelessness Research Network. Homeless Hub Publication, Toronto.
  • Karabanow, J., Gurman, E., and Naylor, T. (2012) Street labor as an expression of survival and self-worth: Voices from youth in Guatemala City. In Press at Critical Social Work.
  • Karabanow, J. Transitioning off the Street. In Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J., O’Grady, B. (Eds.). Youth Homelessness in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Homelessness Research Network. Homeless Hub Publication (ebook). In Press
  • Karabanow, J. and Hughes, J. Building Community: The Story of Supportive Housing for Young Mothers. Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J., O’Grady, B. (Eds.). Youth Homelessness in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Homelessness Research Network. Homeless Hub Publication (ebook). In Press.
  • Gaetz, S., Karabanow, J., O’Grady, B. (Eds.). Youth Homelessness in Canada: A Reader. Canadian Homelessness Research Network. Homeless Hub Publication (ebook). In Press.
  • Karabanow, J., and Kidd, S. Being Young and Homeless: Addressing Youth Homelessness from Drop-In to Drafting Policy. In Manal Guirguis-Younger (ed.) Homelessness and Health in Canada. In press at Sage.
  • Rock, L and Karabanow, J. and Manion, K. (2012).“Childhood and youth in international context: Life-course perspective” In Lyons, k., Hokenstad, M.C., Huegler, N., Pawar, M., Hall, N. (Eds.) Sage Handbook of International Social Work. (pp. 343-357) Sage: London.
  • Parker, J., Jackson, L., Dykeman, M., Gahagan, J. Karabanow, J. (2011). Access to harm reduction services in Atlantic Canada: Implications for non-urban residents who inject drugs. Health and Place.
  • Jackson, L., Dykeman, M., Gahagan, J. Karabanow, J., and Parker, J. (2011). Challenges and opportunities to integrating family members of injection drug users into harm reduction efforts within the Atlantic Canadian context. International Journal of Drug Policy, 22, pp. 385-392.
  • Karabanow, J, Carson, A., and Clement, P.(2010). Leaving the Streets: Stories of Canadian Youth. Fernwood Publishing Ltd: Halifax, NS.
  • Karabanow, J. (2010). “Using art to tell stories and build safe spaces: Transforming academic research into action.” Proceedings for the CRI Rethinking Homelessness International Conference, Montreal PQ, Oct 27-29.
  • Harbison, J.,Coughlan, S., Beaulieu, M., Karabanow, J., VanderPlaat, M., Wildeman, S. Wexler, E.. “Understanding ‘elder abuse and neglect’: A critique of assumptions underpinning responses to the mistreatment and neglect of older people”. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect (in press).
  • Karabanow, J., Hughes, J., Ticknor, J., Kidd, S., and Patterson, D. (2010). The Economics of Being Young and Poor: How Homeless Youth survive in Neo-liberal Times. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol. XXXVV11 (4), p. 39-64.
  • Karabanow, J., Hughes, J. and Kidd, S. (2010). Travailler pour survivre: exploration du travail des jeunes de la rue. [Working to Survive: Exploring street youth labor]. Criminologie, 43(1),7-29.
  • Karabanow, J. (2010) Street Kids as Delinquents, Menaces and Criminals: Another Example of The Criminalization of Poverty in D. Crocker and V.M. Johnson (Eds.), Poverty, Regulation, and Social Exclusion: Readings on the Criminalization of Poverty (pp.140-147). Halifax: Fernwood Publications.
  • Karabanow, J with Naylor, T. (2010). Being Hooked-Up: Exploring the Experiences of Street Youth with Information Communication Technology. In E. Dianne Looker and Ted Naylor (Eds.) Digital Diversity: Youth, Equity, and Information Technology (pp.161-178) Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press.
  • Jackson, L., Parker, J., Dykeman, M., Karabanow, J and Gahagan, J. (2010). The power of relationships: implications for safer and unsafe practices among injection drug users. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 17(3), 189-201.
  • Jacquie Gahagan, Lois Jackson, Jeff Karabanow, Margaret Dykeman. (2010). Injection Drug Users, Social Justice, and Health Research: The Ethics of Meaningful Inclusion. Proceedings for the American Public Health Association Public Meeting, Denver Colorado, Nov 6-10.

Academic Awards


Faculty of Health Professions Senior Research Award

2011 - 2014

Nominated for Faculty of Health Professions Senior Research Award


Who’s Who Achievement Listing


Who’s Who Achievement Listing


Distinguished Service Award
ĢAV Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Board


National Homelessness Initiative of the Government of Canada
(Plaque in honour of successfully receiving funding for project addressing homelessness.)

Media Coverage:

Pretty Heady Stuff Podcas - February 9, 2024
"Jeff Karabanow bridges action and fieldwork in the struggle to end homelessness"

Removing the cloak of invisibility: Treating others as family with Dr. Jeff Karabanow -March 22, 2024