

LAWS 2287 Revitalizing Indigenous Feminist Governance


This course offers students an opportunity to learn and critically apply Indigenous Feminist concepts in examining gender Issues in Indigenous Governance and decision-making processes such as a Gender Based Analysis + (GBA+), decolonizing strategies, and a resurgence of Indigenous Women’s and Gender Diverse Persons’ ways of knowing and practices of governance. Critical policies and documents will be examined that Include the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, the Indian Act, and the Reclaiming Power and Place: Executive Summary of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls; and Canada’s new Impact Assessment Agency.

Assessment Method: Evaluation will be based on participation in all class lectures and discussions (15%), a Final Major Research Paper Proposal based on one of the themes or subthemes introduced in the course (10%); an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 15 sources for the paper (15%); and a Final Major Research Paper 25 pages or 6000 to 6500 words (60%).
Restrictions: JD & JD Combined Degree students.Â