Constance MacIntosh

Professor of Law


Connect with me

Email: constance.macintosh@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-3554
Mailing Address: 
Room 319, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Health law and policy
  • Indigenous health governance
  • Immigration and refugee law


  • BA (Concordia) Honours, Class Gold Medalist
  • MA (Alberta)
  • LLB (Osgoode), Class Gold Medalist


  • Aboriginal and Indigenous Law in Context (LAWS 1009)
  • Contracts and the Law of Rule Making (LAWS 1010 & 1020)
  • Immigration and Refugee Law (LAWS 2097)
  • Refugee and Forced Migration Law (LAWS 2154)


  • Qanittaq Clean Arctic Shipping Initiative, a Canada First Research Excellence Grant led by Memorial University of Newfoundland and Inuit Circumpolar Council, Theme 3: Governance of Arctic Shipping (ĢAV), Marine and Environmental Law Institute Team Member, Investigator, 2023-2030
  • Max Bell Foundation, 2016-2017
  • CIHR Training Program in Health Law, Ethics & Policy, 2009-2016
  • Metropolis Pilot Grant, 2011
  • NAWL Policy Research Grant, 2009

Selected awards & honours

  • Class of 1967 Teaching Award (2023) with Sheila Wildeman, on Inclusive Teaching and Evaluation Practices
  • ĢAV Law Students’ Society and Alumni Excellence in Teaching Award (2020-2021)
  • Immigrant Settlement Association of Nova Scotia Award (2019)
  • Class of 1967 Teaching Award (2019) with Naiomi Metallic and Richard Devlin, on Indigenizing the Curriculum
  • Elizabeth (Bessie) Hall Prize in Feminist Advocacy (2015)
  • ĢAV Law Students’ Society and Alumni Excellence in Teaching Award (2010-11) 
  • Law Commission of Canada, Legal Dimensions Initiative Award (2006)

Selected publications

  • Naiomi Metallic and Constance MacIntosh, “Canada’s Actions Around the Mi’kmaw Fisheries Rest on Shaky Legal Ground” in Rick Williams and Fred Wien (Eds.) Contested Waters: The Struggle for Rights and Reconciliation in the Atlantic Fishery (Halifax, Nimbus Press 2022).
  • Craig Forcese, Adam Dodek, Philip Bryden, Richard Haigh, Mary Liston and Constance MacIntosh (Co-authors), Public Law: Cases, Commentary and Analysis (4th Edition) (Toronto: Emond, 2020).
  • Sherry Aiken, Colin Grey, Catherine Dauvergne, Gerald Heckman, Jamie Liew, & Constance MacIntosh (Co-authors) Immigration and Refugee Law (3rd Edition) (Toronto: Emond, 2020).
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Decisionally Incapable Children and Medical Treatment Choices in Canada”.  In Imogen Goold, Cressida Auckland and Jonathan Herring (Eds) Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children (Hart Publishing, Oxford. 2020). Pages 177-194.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “The Intersection of Indigenous Public Health with Law & Policy in Canada”, in T Sheldon, J Shelley & T Bailey, (Eds) Public Health Law in Canada (4th ed) (LexisNexus 2019).
  • Colin Grey, Constance MacIntosh & Sarah Marsden, “Canadian Immigration Law in the Face of a Volatile Politics” 2019 42(1) ĢAV Law Journal.
  • Colin Grey, Constance MacIntosh & Sarah Marsden, (Co-editors) Special Issue: “Current Issues in Immigration and Refugee Law” 2019 42(1) ĢAV Law Journal.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Medical Inadmissibility, and Physically and Mentally Disabled Would-be Immigrants to Canada” ĢAV Law Journal 2019 42(1) ĢAV Law Journal 125.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Illness, Injury and Medical Deportations at the Frontier: The Canadian Legal Regime for Health Care Protections for Agricultural Migrant Workers”, in Lara Khoury, Catherine Regis & Robert Kouri (Eds) Health Law at the Frontiers (Yvon Blais/Thomson 2018).
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Refugees at Sea” in the International Ocean Institute – Canada (IOI Canada) (eds) The Future of Ocean Governance and Training: Essays in Honour of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002) (The Netherlands, Brill Publishing, 2018).
  • Constance MacIntosh, “The Governance of Indigenous Health”,  in Joanna Erdman, Vanessa Gruben and Erin Nelson (eds) Canadian Health Law and Policy (5th edition) LexisNexis 2017Constance MacIntosh, “Carter, Assisted Death, and Mature Minors” (2016) 10:1 McGill JL & Health.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Indigenous People and Mental Health: The Role of Law and Policy” in Colleen Flood & Jennifer Chandler, eds, Law and Mind: Mental Health Law and Policy in Canada (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2016) 419.
  • Craig Forcese et al, eds, Public Law: Cases, Commentary and Analysis, 3rd ed (Toronto: Emond, 2015).
  • David Wheeler et al, “Hydraulic fracturing – Integrating public participation with an independent review of the risks and benefits” (2015) 85 Energy Policy 299.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Indigenous Rights and Relations with Animals: Seeing beyond Canadian Law” in Vaughan Black, Catherine Sykes & Peter Sankoff, eds, Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law (Irwin Law, 2015) 187.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “The Right to Safe Water and Crown-Aboriginal Fiduciary Law: Litigating a Resolution to the Public Health Hazards of On-Reserve Water Problems” in Martha Jackman & Bruce Porter, eds, Advancing Social Rights in Canada (Irwin Law, 2014) 281.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Tsilhqot’in Nation v BC: Re-Configuring Aboriginal Title in the Name of Reconciliation” (2014) 47(1) UBC Law Review 167.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “The Role of Law in Ameliorating Global Inequalities in Indigenous Peoples’ Health” (2013) 41(1) JL Med & Ethics 74.
  • Constance MacIntosh, “The Intersection of Aboriginal Public Health with Canadian Health Law and Policy” in T. Bailey, T. Caulfield & Ries, eds, Public Health Law and Policy in Canada, 3nd ed (Butterworths: Toronto, 2013).
  • Constance MacIntosh, “Insecure Refugees: The Narrowing of Asylum Seeker Rights to Freedom of Movement and Claims Determination Post-9/11 in Canada” (2012) Review of Constitutional Studies 181.

Service & activity

  • Scholarly Director (Acting), MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance, ĢAV (2021-2022)
  • Viscount Bennett Professor of Law, Schulich School of Law (2018-2021)
  • Director, ĢAV Health Law Institute (2011-2017) 
  • Member, Legal Strategy Coalition on Violence Against Indigenous Women (2014-2018) 
  • Expert Panel Member, Nova Scotia Independent Review of Hydraulic Fracturing (“The Wheeler Panel”) (2014) 
  • Expert Panel Member, Expert Panel on Food Security Research in Northern Canada, Council of Canadian Academies (2012-2014) 
  • Leader, “Policing, Justice and Security Domain”, Atlantic Metropolis Centre of Excellence (2010-2011) 
  • Pro Bono Supervisor, Legal Information Clinic, Immigrant and Settlement Association of Nova Scotia (2011-2019) 
  • Public Health Law Improvement Network (2005-2008) 
  • Task Force Advisor/Steering Committee, the Task Force on Newcomer Access to Health Care in Nova Scotia (2003-2004)