BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Schulich School of Law//Events Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20241002T202523Z DTSTART:20240919T153000Z DTEND:20240919T163000Z SUMMARY:Law Hour with Alayna Kolodziechuk DESCRIPTION:Please note: this event was rescheduled from Thursday\, September 12.\nLaw Hour is pleased to announce that Alayna Kolodziechuk\, director and supervising lawyer at the initio Technology & Innovation Law Clinic\, is the speaker for the first Law Hour of the year. She will discuss her work at initio and pressing legal issues in the technology\, privacy\, and IP spaces.\nFollow Ģ¹½AV Law Hour on Instagram to stay up to date on future Law Hour events.\n\nContact Information: LOCATION:W104 (please note the change of location) URL:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2024/09/19/law_hour1.html UID:/faculty/law/news-events/events/2024/09/19/law_hour1/_jcr_content/contentPar/dcalfacultyevent.html END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR