

Student Guide

What is the Practicum?

The Practicum is a required, non-credit course for all MI students. It’s usually a 100-hour work placement, located in an approved site, working under the supervision of an experienced Information Management (IM) professional; the 100-hour placement is typically unpaid.

When can I do my Practicum?

If you’re a full-time student: after your first year
If you’re a part-time student: after 6 core classes

Your Practicum can be completed in the spring/summer (April to August) or concurrently with classes in the fall term of the second year.

How do I arrange a Practicum placement?

Placements are arranged through the MI Program Manager in November.

Make an appointment via Outlook (khumes@dal.ca) to discuss Practicum ideas. This meeting should be 30 minutes and include a Teams link (please specify in the invite if you prefer an in-person or virtual meeting). Meetings occur between Nov 1st and Nov 30th.

You must submit your completed Practicum Application form and up-to-date resume electronically to the Program Manager at least one week prior to your meeting (see PRACTICUM APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS below).

Can I contact potential Practicum sites directly to discuss placement feasibility?

Generally, no. We do not encourage students to "cold call" organizations. This can result in duplicated communications, which is confusing and potentially damaging to our reputation and relationships. If you have a personal contact at an organization, this may be allowed. Please approve with the Program Manager first. 

If I want to do my placement in another city, or country, can I?

Yes, but you still need to submit a practicum application form and meet with the Program Manager in November to discuss your Practicum.

If you choose to do a placement outside HRM, it is your responsibility to:

  • Follow directions for Practicum application form submission
  • Meet with Program Manager in EARLY November
  • Contact prospective placement sites to determine feasibility for a placement
  • Advise Program Manager immediately when a placement has successfully been negotiated
  • Provide placement contact information to Program Manager

Do I need to register for the Practicum?

Yes, but not until you have completed your practicum. You will register for INFO 0590 in the term following placement completion (i.e. if you complete your practicum in June, you will register for INFO 0590 in the fall term).

A final grade cannot be logged until you have registered.

How will I be evaluated?

Practicum performance will be evaluated based upon successful completion of the work placement, your performance during the Practicum placement, feedback from your Practicum Supervisor (Supervisor’s Report) and your own Practicum report.

A Pass or Fail grade is assigned after the Practicum has been completed and all course requirements have been met. All course requirements must be completed by February 1st of your graduating year.

Do I have to pay for the Practicum?

No. INFO 0590 carries no credit weight therefore has no tuition fees.

Do I have to complete a report?

Yes. Please see PRACTICUM REPORT INSTRUCTIONS below for full details.

What are my responsibilities as a Practicum student?

  1. Complete all INFO 0590 course requirements by the deadlines.
  2. COMMUNICATE in a timely, professional manner with all parties involved with the Practicum.
  3. Respond to the Program Manager's Notice of Placement, in writing, within three business days of receipt confirming your acceptance of the placement.
    Note: Acceptance of a proposed placement constitutes a binding contract on the part of the student to undertake the work involved.
  4. Acknowledge and agree that:
    a. You are subject to the policies, procedures, and regulations of the facility where the Practicum placement is completed.
    b. The facility where the Practicum placement is completed has the right to require the student to leave the facility because of the performance or conduct of the student.
    c. You have the responsibility to maintain appropriate behaviour while in the facility where the Practicum placement is completed, particularly concerning privacy and confidentiality of records and all other information related to that facility. All such information is confidential and cannot be communicated except as outlined in the policy of the facility. If confidentiality is breeched, the penalty may include termination of the Practicum placement.
  5. Immediately inform the Program Manager about any concerns that arise during the course of the Practicum placement.

Can an Extended Work Placement be counted as a Practicum experience?

Yes, if it meets the following criteria:

  • 500+ hours of continuous employment in an information setting
  • Supervised by an approved, experienced information professional

This work can be employment during your time in the program, or through a formal internship.

If you choose to use an extended work placement (pre-admission or pre-graduation), it is your responsibility to:

  • Discuss potential extended work placements with the Program Manager in November.
  • Follow directions for Practicum application form submission.
    • Complete either the Pre-Admission, or Pre-Graduation employment option on the application form (B).
  • Practicum Report submission:
    • Student: same steps as any Practicum report (see instructions under PRACTICUM REPORT INSTRUCTIONS below).
    • Supervisor:
      • if your supervisor provided a letter of reference to the MI Program no supervisor’s report is necessary.
      • if your supervisor did not provide a letter of reference to the MI Program, the supervisor’s report is to be submitted. The Program Manager will liaise with the supervisor about deadlines. 

What if I’m interested in a Health Sciences library placement in a hospital setting?

Note: Immunizations, Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector checks are a requirement and must commence in December for an April placement.

You must make an appointment with the Program Manager in early November if this is your interest.

It is strongly recommended that you begin to satisfy the immunization and security requirements over the December break in order to obtain formal approval for an April placement. Failure to complete the specified protocols in time will result in a cancelled placement.

What if I’m interested in a Records Management or Archives placement?

You must have completed the following prior to starting the placement:

  • INFO 5515 Organization of Information
  • INFO 6370 Records Management and/or
  • INFO 6800 Archives

Previous experience in an archive or an RM setting is an asset.

How do I know when I have secured a placement?

As soon as a placement has been confirmed with a placement site, the Program Manager will send a Notice of Placement to your Ä¢¹½AV email address, arranging the initial contact between you and your supervisor. You must reply via email within three business days confirming your acceptance of the placement.

If I complete an unpaid Practicum is the placement site responsible for workers compensation?

Since 2014, the University has purchased occupational accident insurance to cover students participating in unpaid practicum placements that take place in Canada. This coverage does not include placements in Ontario and New Brunswick as our students are now able to participate in the workers’ compensation program in these provinces.

What are the course requirements and deadlines?

PRACTICUM INFORMATION SESSION Held in October. Attendance is mandatory.
Booking Students book their appointments via Outlook
Timeframe November
Submit Electronically to khumes@dal.ca
Due At least one week prior to practicum appointment.
Deadline Applications will not be accepted after Nov 23rd
Submit Electronically to khumes@dal.ca
Due At least one week prior to practicum appointment
Deadline Resumes will not be accepted after Nov 23rd
Students must acknowledge acceptance of their placement within three business days of receiving their Notice of Placement.

For 100 hour placements: Typically due within 30 days of the conclusion of the Practicum placement. The Program Manager may provide extensions at their discretion. See "Practicum Report Instructions" below for more details.

For 500 hour (extended) placements: Liaise with the Program Manager. This is dependent on when the placement is confirmed, and the hours are completed.

Final deadline for ALL course components: February 1st of your graduating year.

Why is a Practicum placement such a great opportunity?

The Practicum placement experience enables the student to test and evaluate theories discussed in class, to gain experience in an information setting, to refine specific areas of interest, and to explore areas of particular interest for course specialization and future employment.

This is accomplished through:

  • Extending studies beyond the classroom to practical, hands-on work experience in an information setting;
  • Evaluating and supplementing studies through the comparison of differing perspectives and methodologies;
  • Testing individual performance, problem-solving skills and ideas in the context of a professional environment;
  • Enhancing communication and report writing skills;
  • Making contact with potential employers and future colleagues in the professional community;
  • Providing feedback, via your report, on the Practicum and its relevance which allows the MI Curriculum/Continuing Education Committee to continually evaluate and improve INFO 0590.



Submitting Your Practicum Documents

Practicum Application Form

  1. Download the  [PDF - 151 KB]
  2. Complete the PDF form; save it using the specified naming convention:
    SurnameInitial_Application_yyyy-mm-dd (date of submission)

Current Résumé

  1. Convert your résumé to a PDF; save it using the specified naming convention:
    SurnameInitial_Resume_yyyy-mm-dd (date of submission)

Submit your application form and résumé to khumes@dal.ca. Please submit 1 week prior to your meeting with the Program Manager.


Typically due within 30 days of the conclusion of the Practicum placement.  Reports must be submitted to the Program Manager by email (khumes@dal.ca).

Formatting for written reports:

  1. The Practicum Report 2800 – 3000 word count total (excluding citations and support documents)
  2. Submitted as an attached Word file via email using the following naming convention:
    SurnameInitial_PracticumReport_yyyy-mm-dd (date of submission)
  3. Contain a cover sheet bearing the student’s name, the Practicum supervisor’s name, the name of the Practicum site and the dates of the placement.
  4. Follow the APA author-date method of in-text citation; include a reference list (if used)

Whether written or oral, the student must complete a clear and concise, professional report that analyzes the following:

Briefly describe:

  • tasks undertaken during your placement

Reflect upon:

  • what you learned during the Practicum placement
  • the relevance of the placement in terms of your IM goals
  • the skills you used during the placement
  • the skills you could improve for career development


  • the elements of the placement, and your particular assignment
  • the relevance of the Practicum to the School's curriculum as a whole

Provide a self-assessment of your preparedness for the work placement making reference to the MI Competencies

Oral reports: Written reports are preferred. However, an oral report may be an option in some circumstances. To inquire about an oral report, contact the Program Manager. A valid reason for the substitution must be provided. Approval is not guaranteed. Requests for oral reports submitted after the report submission deadline will not be considered.

Oral reports are typically completed virtually on Microsoft Teams, and must address the same points as the written report (see above).

Late Reports/Extensions

Typically reports are due within 30 days of the conclusion of the Practicum placement. We recognize that placement timelines may shift for various reasons, and usually there is room for flexibility.

However! The Program Manager will confirm your final submission deadline before the end of your placement and you must make every effort to meet that deadline. If you require an extension, this must be submitted in writing to the Program Manager before the deadline. Normally extensions are only granted under special circumstances (e.g. extended illness, medical, or family emergencies).

Failure to submit a practicum report on time may result in a failing grade.