Dr.  Lucia FanningPhD

Professor Emeritus


Dr. Lucia Fanning - MSc, MMM, PhD (ĢAV)

Email: Lucia.Fanning@dal.ca
Research Topics:
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management
  • Integrated Coastal and Oceans Management
  • Indigenous Fishing Rights
  • Marine Policy
  • Piracy
  • Ocean Governance
  • Marine Management
  • Ocean Law and Policy


Lucia joined the Marine Affairs Program at ĢAV in September 2007 and served as Director until 2013. Prior to coming to ĢAV, she was involved in addressing transboundary fisheries governance in the Caribbean Sea where some 45 countries and territories with diverse cultures, politics, economics, laws and environments are working towards enhanced decision-making for the long-term sustainability of the fisheries. Lucia is interdisciplinary in her approach to scholarship and is passionate about including and raising the awareness of the value of all branches and sources of knowledge to better inform decisions affecting the sustainability of our coastal and marine resources.

Lucia lives in a rural part of Halifax Municipality where she enjoys the opportunity to commune with nature on her 26 acre lakeshore property, no matter the season!

View Lucia's FishWiks.

Research Interests

Lucia's research interests include: the roles of policy networks and their different underlying knowledge systems in influencing marine policy decisions; the role of key and emerging policy actors, including resource users and members of civil society, in managing marine resources; the assessment and effectiveness of evolving oceans governance regimes in managing marine uses; and ecosystem-based approaches to the management of coastal and marine space and use.

Her research spans multiple scales from local to global and includes research in integrated coastal and marine management and regional ocean governance in numerous areas around the world including the Caribbean, Central and South America, Asia and North America. She is also very interested in understanding how western and indigenous knowledge systems influence fisheries decision-making on Canada’s Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic coasts as well as inland fisheries in Ontario.

Refereed Publications and Technical Reports

How icebreaking governance interacts with Inuit rights and livelihoods in Nunavut: A policy review. (2022) Bishop, B.,Owen, J.,Wilson, L.,Eccles, T., Chircop, A., and Fanning, L. Marine Policy 137 (2022) 104957.

Transparency and communication in Norwegian and Nova Scotian salmon aquaculture industries. Trueman J., Filgueira, R., and Fanning, L. (2022). Marine Policy 138 (2022) 104958.

Scoping Science-Policy Arenas for Regional Ocean Governance in the Wider Caribbean Region. Mahon, R., and Fanning L (2021). Front. Mar. Sci. 8:685122.

Key issues affecting coastal aquatic ecosystems and changing coastal conditions in Nunavut: A comparative assessment of five communities in the Kivalliq region (Marine Affairs Program Technical Report #19). (2022) Wilson, L., Owen, J., Bishop, B. and Fanning, L. Available at /faculty/science/marine-affairs-program/research/map- technical-series-reports.html

Addressing community concerns around increased vessel traffic in Nunavut: A review of policy mechanismswithin regional, national, and international jurisdictions(Marine Affairs Program Technical Report #18).(2021)Bishop, B.,Owen, J.,Wilson, L.,and Fanning, L. Available at

Key issues affecting coastal aquatic ecosystems and changing coastal conditions in Nunavut: A comparative assessment of five communities in the Kitikmeot region (Marine Affairs Program Technical Report #17). (2021) Wilson, L., Owen, J., Bishop, B. and Fanning, L. Available at

Challenges to implementing regional ocean governance in the Wider Caribbean Region. (2021) Fanning, L., Mahon, R., Compton, S., Corbin, C., Debels, P., Haughton, M., ... & Toro, C.Frontiers in Marine Science,8, 286.

Applying the ecosystem services-EBM framework to sustainably manage Qatar's coral reefs and seagrass beds.(2021) Fanning, L. M., Al-Naimi, M. N., Range, P., Ali, A. S. M., Bouwmeester, J., Al-Jamali, F., ... & Ben-Hamadou, R. Ocean & Coastal Management,205, 105566.

Mobilizing values: using perceptions of barachois ponds in Nova Scotia to advance informed management.(2021) Ross, L., & Fanning, L. FACETS, 6: 215–239.

Regional ocean governance: An imperative for addressing Blue Economy challenges and opportunities in the Wider Caribbean. (2020) Fanning, L., & Mahon, R.In Clegg, P., Mahon, R., McConney, P., & Oxenford, H. A. (Eds.). The Caribbean Blue Economy. Routledge.

The role of coastal and marine planning in achieving Blue Economies.Inniss, L., Fanning, L., Mahon, R., & Remond, M. (2020) In Clegg, P., Mahon, R., McConney, P., & Oxenford, H. A. (Eds.). The Caribbean Blue Economy. Routledge.

Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem+ Strategic Action Plan Monitoring Report: Baseline 2011-2015. (2021) Fanning, L. and R. Mahon. Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. CERMES Technical Report No. 100: 98pp.

A Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism for the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) Strategic Action Programme (SAP). (2021) Mahon, R. and L. Fanning. Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados. CERMES Technical Report No. 99: 26 pp.

Governance of the Global Ocean Commons: Hopelessly Fragmented or Fixable? (2020) Fanning, L., & Mahon, R. Coastal Management, 1-7.

Availability and usefulness of economic data on the effects of aquaculture: a North Atlantic comparative assessment. (2020) Mikkelsen, E., Fanning, L., Kreiss, C., Billing, S. L., Dennis, J., Filgueira, R., ... & Perez, J. Reviews in Aquaculture.

Visualizing the social in aquaculture: How social dimension components illustrate the effects of aquaculture across geographic scales. Krause, G., Billing, S. L., Dennis, J., Grant, J., Fanning, L., Filgueira, R., ... & Wawrzynski, W. Marine Policy 118 (2020).

Towards Better Surveillance for Coral Ecosystems in Qatar: Stakeholder Engagement in EBM Approach.Ali, A. S. M., Fanning, L., Range, P., Alnaimi, M., & Ben-Hamadou, R.International Journal of Environmental Science and Development,11(4) (2020).doi: 10.18178/ijesd.2020.11.4.1250

Is socal licence "going rogue"? Mather, C. & Fanning, L. The Geographical Journal (2019) doi.org//10.1111/geoj.12322 ()

Regional ocean governance: Polycentric arrangements and their role in global ocean governance. Mahon, R. & Fanning, L. Marine Policy 107 (2019) doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103590 ()

Regional ocean governance: Integrating and coordinating mechanisms for polycentric systems. Mahon, R. & Fanning, L. Marine Policy 107 (2019) doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103589 ()

The Way Ahead for Coastal and Ocean Ecosystems in the Wider Caribbean. Mahon, R., McConney, P., & Fanning, L. Journal ofCaribbeanEnvironmental Sciences and Renewable Energy, 1:6-9 (2018) ()

Addressing Tensions between Participation and Protection: Use of the US Antiquities Act of 1906 in Marine Conservation. Edmondson, E., Gerhartz-Abraham, A., Fanning, L. & Bailey, M. Ocean Yearbook 32(1), 161-189 (2018)

Social Licence and aquaculture: Towards a research agenda. Mather, C. & Fanning, L. Marine Policy 99: 275-282. doi.org/10.1016/j/marpol/2018.10.049 ()

Queen conch (Lobatus gigas) in the Grenadine islands: A preliminary assessment on its abundance and current management needs. Garcia Rdriguez, A. & Fanning, L. M. Ocean and Coastal Management 165: 109-116 (2018). doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.08.020 ()

Coastal and Indigenous community access to marine resources and the ocean: A policy imperative for Canada. Bennet, N.J, Kaplan-Hallam, M., Augustine, G., Ban, N., Belhabib, D., Brueckner-Irwin, I., ... & Bailey, M. Marine Policy 87: 186-193. (2018).

What counts in making marine protected areas (MPAs) count? Dehens, L.A., & Fanning, L.M. Ecological Indicators, 86: 45-57. (2018) ()

Mobilizing Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit in Narwhal Management through Community Empowerment: A Case Study in Naujaat, Nunavut. Keenan, E., Fanning, L.M., & Milley, C. Arctic 71 (1): 27-39 (2018).

Improving management of future coastal development in Qatar through ecosystem-based management approaches. Burt, J.A., Ben-Hamadou, R., Abdel-Moati, M.A., Fanning, L., Kaitibie, S., Al-Jamali, F., ... & Warren, C. Ocean and Coastal Management, 148: 171-181. (2017).

A comparison of eight country plans for the Invasive Indo-Pacific Lionfish in the Wider Caribbean. Graham, R.E., & Fanning, L.M. Global Ecology and Conservation, 12: 253-262. (2017). ()

Assessing marine protected areas effectiveness: A case study with Tobago Cays Marine Park. Rodrigues, A.G., & L.M. Fanning. Open Journal of Marine Science 7(03): 379-409 (2017). doi: 10.4236/ojms.2017.73027 ()

ICZM in Cuba: Challenges and opportunities in a changing economic context. Gerhartz-Abraham, A., L.M. Fanning, & J. Angulo-Valdes. Marine Policy 73:69-76 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2016.07.009 ()

Assessing governance performance in transboundary water systems. Mahon, R., L.M. Fanning, & P. McConney. Environmental Development, 24:146-155. (2017). doi: 10/1016/j.envdev.2017.06.008 ()

Technical Report: Implementing the Ocean SDG in the Wider Caribbean: state of play and possible ways forward, IASS, IDDRI, TMG, 2017. Fanning, L., & Mahon, R. (2017).

The CLME+ Strategic Action Programme: An ecosystems approach for assessing and managing the Caribbean sea and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine EcosystemsDebels, P., Fanning, L., Mahon, R., McConney, P., Walker, L., Bahri, T., Haughton, M., McDonald, K., Perez, M., Singh-Renton, S. and Toro, C. (2016) Environmental Development dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2016.10.004 ()

Nunavut Fisheries Co-Management and the Role of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement in Fisheries Management and Decision MakingBoudreau, S. and L.M. Fanning Ocean Yearbook 30: 207-241 (2016)

Linking Caribbean Ocean Governance Efforts to Global Arrangements Mahon, R. and L. Fanning Social and Economic Studies 64: 101—123 (2016)

ICZM in Cuba: challenges and opportunities in a changing economic contextGerhartz-Abraham, A. , L. M. Fanning and J. Angulo-Valdes Marine Policy 73: 69–76 (2016) ()

Balancing Community Autonomy with Collective Identity: Mi’kmaq decision-making in Nova Scotia Denny, S. & Fanning, L. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 36(2): 81. (2016)

A Mi’kmaw Perspective on Advancing Salmon Governance in Nova Scotia, Canada: Setting the Stage for Collaborative Co-existence Denny, S. and L. M. Fanning (2016)International Indigenous Policy Journal 7, Issue 3/4 (Fall 2016). doi:10.18584/iipj.2016.7.3.4

Improving the American Eel Fishery Through the Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge into Policy Level Decision Making in Canada A. Giles, L. Fanning, S. Denny and T. Paul Human Ecology (2016) DOI 10.1007/s10745-016-9814-0 ()

Validating Governance Performance Indicators for Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management in the Southeast Region of Cuba J.A. Planas, B.C. Milanés, L.M. Fanning, C.M. BoteroOpen Journal of Marine Science 6: 49-65 (2016) ()

Canada at a crossroad: The imperative of realigning ocean policy with ocean science Bailey, M., B. Favaro, S.P. Otto, A.T. Charles, R. Devillers, A. Metaxas, P. Tyedmers, N.C. Ban, T. Mason, C. Hoover, T. J. Duck, L. Fanning, C. Milley, A.M. Cisneros-Montemayor, D. Pauly, W.W.L. Cheung, S. Cullis-Suzuki, L.Teh, U.R. Sumaila Marine Policy 63: 53-60 (2016) ()

A first look at the science-policy interface for ocean governance in the Wider Caribbean RegionMcConney, P., L. Fanning, R. Mahon & B. Simmons. Frontiers Marine Science 2: 119 (2016)

An Indicator Framework for Assessing Progress in Land and Marine Planning in Colombia and Cuba Mateo Botero, C., L.M. Fanning, C. Milanes Batista & J.A. Planas Ecological Indicators 64 (181-193) (2016) ()

Technical Report: Transboundary Water Systems - Status and Trends: Crosscutting Analysis. Volume 6. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi.Talaue McManus, L., R. Mahon, A. Aureli, J. Barbiére, M. Bertule, E. Bigagli, P. Bjørnsen, B. Combal, A. Dumont, L. Fanning, A. Fischer, P. Glennie, S. Grimes, S. Heileman, P. Lacroix, M. Lagod, M. Nakamura, G.-J. Nijsten, W. Rast, & A. Sherbinin. (2016).

Technical Report:Comparison of Governance Assessments Conducted by the Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme Components. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi. x- 46pp.Mahon, R., L. Fanning, J. Akrofi, M. Bertule, L. DeStefano, A. Forslund, P. Glennie, S. Heileman, L. Talaue McManus, G-J. Nijsten, W. Rast & K. Uusimaa.(2016).

Technical Report:Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) Assessment of Governance Arrangements for the Ocean, Volume 1: Transboundary Large Marine Ecosystems. IOC-UNESCO, Paris. IOC Technical Series, 119: 80 pp.Fanning, L., Mahon, R, Douglas, S., & Reid, M. (2015).

Technical Report: Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) Assessment of Governance Arrangements for the Ocean, Volume 2: Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. UNESCO-IOC, Paris. IOC Technical Series, 119: 91 pp.Mahon, R., Fanning, L., Gjerde, K.M., Young, O., Reid, M., & Douglas, S. (2015).

Assessing and Facilitating Emerging Regional Ocean Governance in the Wider Caribbean Region.R. Mahon, L. Fanning and P. McConney.Ocean Yearbook 28: 631-671 (2014)

Applying the large marine ecosystem (LME) governance framework in the Wider Caribbean RegionFanning, L., R. Mahon & P. McConneyMarine Policy 42: 99–110 (2013)

Tackling illegal, unregulated, and unreported trade towards Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) recovery in Sabah, MalaysiaPoh, T.M. and L.M. FanningMarine Policy36: 696–702 (2012)

Integrated coastal zone management under authoritarian rule: An evaluation framework of coastal governance in EgyptTabet, L. and L.M. FanningOcean & Coastal Management 61: 1-9 (2012)

Publications 2011-2008

Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in the Caribbean Fanning, L., R. Mahon and P. McConney (Eds.) Amsterdam University Press, MARE Publications Series Amsterdam 368pp (2011)

Using memoranda of understanding to facilitate marine management in Canada McCrimmon, D. & L. Fanning Marine Policy 34, 1335-40 (2010)

Towards a coastal area definition of Nova Scotia  Fanning, L. & C. Burbidge Ocean Yearbook 24, 239-67  (2010)

Governance characteristics of large marine ecosystems Mahon, R., L. Fanning, P. McConney & R. Pollnac Marine Policy 34(5), 919-27  (2010)

Ocean planning and the Gulf of Maine: Exploring bi-national policy options  Fanning, L. & R. Heimes  Ocean and Coastal Law Journal 15(2), 293-337  (2010)

Understanding influence: Lessons from Canada's and Nova Scotia's 1999 Georges Bank moratorium decision Fanning, L.  Ocean Yearbook 23, 119-59  (2009)

Focusing on living marine resource governance: The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Areas Project  Fanning, L., R. Mahon & P. McConney  Coastal Management, 37, 219-34.  (2009)

A governance perspective on the large marine ecosystem approach  Mahon, R., L. Fanning & P. McConney  Marine Policy 33, 317-321  (2008)