

Karen Beazley

Professor Emerita (Retired)


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Email: karen.beazley@dal.ca
Mailing Address: 
Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building
6100 University Ave, Room 5018,
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Biodiversity Conservation
  • Protected area system planning
  • Co-production of knowledge and participatory mapping
  • Indigenous perspectives/relations with the land
  • Indigenous protected and conserved areas
  • Ecological corridor and network design
  • Environmental and research ethics
  • Ethics for research with Indigenous Peoples


  • BLA, University of Guelph
  • MA, University of Waterloo
  • PhD, Ä¢¹½AV

Research interests

Professor Beazley’s (she/her) research interests include biodiversity conservation system planning, Indigenous protected and conserved areas and co-production of knowledge, regional habitat connectivity planning, and environmental and research ethics. Her work is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and geared both to contributing to the academic literature and to affecting change in landscape conservation planning and policy at transnational and provincial levels.

Selected publications

  • Allan, JC, KF Beazley, A Metaxas. In press. Ecological criteria for designing effective MPA networks for large migratory pelagics: assessing the consistency between IUCN best practices and scholarly literature. Marine Policy. (Accepted Sept 18, 2020)
  • Needham JL, KF Beazley and V Papuga. 2020. Accessing local tacit knowledge as a means of knowledge co-production for effective wildlife corridor planning in the Chignecto Isthmus, Canada. Land. 9(332): 1-38. DIO: 10.3390/land9090332
  • Buchmann-Duck J and KF Beazley. 2020. An urgent call for circular economy advocates to acknowledge its limitations in conserving biodiversity. Science of the Total Environment. 727: 1-9.
  • Bull J, KF Beazley, J Shea, C MacQuarrie, A Hudson, K Shaw, F Brunger, C Kavanagh and B Gagne. 2019. Shifting practice: recognizing Indigenous Rights holders in research ethics review. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. 15(1): 21-35.
  • Baldwin RF and KF Beazley. 2019. Emerging paradigms for biodiversity and protected areas. Land. 8(43): 1-12. DOI 10.3390/land8030043
  • Zurba M, KF Beazley, E English and J Buckman-Duck. 2019. Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), Aichi Target 11, and Canada’s Pathway to Target 1: focusing conservation on reconciliation. Land. 8(1) 10: 151-170. DOI 10.3390/land8010010 (2019 Best Paper Award Winner: Rank 1 Award)
  • Lemieux CJ, PA Gray, R Devillers, PA Wright, P Dearden, EA Halpenny, M Groulx, TJ Beechey and K Beazley. 2019. How the race to achieve Aichi Target 11 could jeopardize the effective conservation of biodiversity in Canada and beyond. Marine Policy. 99: 312-323. DOI 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.10.029
  • Cunningham C. and KF Beazley. 2018. Changes in human population density and protected areas in terrestrial global biodiversity hotspots, 1995–2015. Land. 7(136): 13-32. DOI 10.3390/land7040136
  • Cosham, J, KF Beazley and C McCarthy. 2016. Local knowledge of distribution of European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in southern Nova Scotian coastal waters. Human Ecology. 44: 409-424. DOI 10.1007/s10745-016-9825-x
  • MacKinnon, D, CJ Lemieux, KF Beazley, S Woodley, R Helie, J Perron, J Elliott, C Haas, J Langlois, H Lazaruk, T Beechey and P Gray. 2015. Canada and Aichi Biodiversity Target 11: understanding ‘other effective area-based conservation measures’ in the context of the broader target. Biodiversity and Conservation. 24(14): 3559–3581. DOI 10.1007/s10531-015-1018-1

Selected awards and honours

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant. Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership.
  • Canadian Institute of Health Research. Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research. Wabanaki-Labrador Indigenous Health Research Network
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada. Canada Nature Fund. Target 1 Challenge. Advancing target 1 in Nova Scotia – A collaborative conservation approach.
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada. Canada Nature Fund. NS-NB Community Nominated Priority Places – Species at Risk in the Chignecto Isthums.
  • SSHRC Connection grant. Transformative politics of the wild: Biodiversity loss & protected areas in Canada.
  • SSHRC Connection grant. The Naalak Gathering: A regional dialogue on Indigenous Research Governance.
  • SSHRC Insight Development Grant. Investigating local knowledge of wildlife movement pathways in the Chignecto Isthmus for human infrastructure adaptation policy and planning for climate resilience.
  • United Nations University International Leadership Academy Award: Environment and Security
  • Educational Leadership Award for Collaborative Teaching

Service & Activity

  • International Association of Landscape Ecology, Member
  • International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Connectivity Conservation Working Group, Member
  • IUCN – WCPA, Member
  • Minister’s Advisory Committee on Ecological Forestry, NS Lands and Forestry, member
  • American Moose Recovery Planning Team, NS Lands and Forestry, member
  • Pathway to Canada Target 1 Connectivity Working Group, National Advisory Committee, Environment and Climate Change Canada and Parks Canada, Member
  • Nova Scotia Crown Share Land and Legacy Trust, Chair
  • Wildlands Network, Director
  • Canadian Council on Ecological Areas, Director