Outcome of special Senate meeting ‑ Jan 19

- January 19, 2015

On Monday, January 19, the ĢAV Senate held a special meeting to discuss issues related to the DDS Class of 2015 Facebook group in the Faculty of Dentistry. The meeting was held in camera.

At that meeting, the following motion was passed:



1. At the 12th January meeting of Senate, there was general agreement on the need for the Task Force on Misogyny, Sexism and Homophobia in ĢAV Faculty of Dentistry to be led by Constance Backhouse (“the Task Force”) and on the [PDF].

2. The President has provided the following clarifications to sections 6(1) and 6(4) of the Terms of Reference, in consultation with Professor Backhouse:

As part of its investigation, the Task Force will:

- Assemble a summary of the key facts surrounding the Facebook postings and the university’s response;
- Analyze and review this information to determine what we can learn from these events; and
- Draw upon this analysis as the Task Force recommends how ĢAV might improve responses in the future

3. The President has provided the following commitment with respect to section 8 of the Terms of Reference in relation to changes to the Terms of Reference:

- Changes to the Terms of Reference would be initiated by the Chair of the Task Force not by the President,
- The President, as the representative of the University, commits to timely and meaningful discussion and consultation of any such changes with Senate, through the Senate Planning and Governance Committee.

MOTION: THAT Senate endorse the Task Force on Misogyny, Sexism and Homophobia in ĢAV Faculty of Dentistry and the Terms of Reference as presented, with the commitment by the President to consult with the Senate Planning and Governance Committee on any changes proposed to the Terms of Reference.