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Notice of Meeting, ĢAV Senate

Posted by ĢAV Senate on April 18, 2017 in General Announcements

Notice of Meeting
ĢAV Senate
Monday, April 24, 2017
3:00pm ‐ 5:00pm
Theatre A, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building
Carleton Campus, Halifax


1. Approval of Agenda

2. Consent Agenda

2.1 Approval of Draft Minutes of April 10, 2017 Senate Meeting

3. Matters Arising from the April 10, 2017 Senate Meeting Minutes

4. Steps to Make Diversity and Inclusion a Reality
Presenter: William Hart, Academic Advising and Access Service
Re: Strategic Priority 5.2 Foster a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness


5. Senate Planning and Governance Committee:
Institute for Research in Materials (IRM) Modification and Name Change Proposal
Presenter: Joe Zwanziger, Interim Director, Institute for Research in Materials
Re: Strategic Priority 2.0 Research


6. Scholarly Communication in Canada
Presenter: Donna Bourne-Tyson, University Librarian
Re: Strategic Priority 1.0 Teaching and Learning & 2.0 Research

7. Senate Planning and Governance Committee: Senate Review of University Libraries*
Presenters: William Barker, Chair, Senate Review Committee
Donna Bourne-Tyson, University LibrarianRe: Strategic Priority 1.4 Embark on strategic program reviews to enhance the effectiveness & student focus of our program offerings

8. Draft Gift Acceptance Policy
Presenter: Peter Fardy, Vice President, AdvancementRe: Strategic Priority 4.5 Attract additional external investment

9. Presentation: Strategic Priorities 2.2 and 5.1
Presenters: Jasmine Walsh, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources
Susan Spence Wach, Vice-Provost, Planning and Analytics
Re: Strategic Priority 2.2 Attract and retain outstanding professors
Strategic Priority 5.1 Develop a human resource strategy that allows us to attract, support, and reward the best faculty and staff

10. Reports:

10.1 Chair of Senate’s Report

10.2 President’s Report

10.3 Questions for Reports

11. Question Period

12. Other Business