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Shout‑Out summary

Posted by Communications, Marketing and Creative Services + Human Resources on June 28, 2021 in Community Highlights

³§³ó´Ç³Ü³Ù-°¿³Ü³ÙÌýis a new peer-to-peer recognition program that allows you to informally give a shout-out to someone in your faculty, department or unit, or in the broader Dal community, who has helped you or your team in some way — big or small, during the past year.

Each day in Today@Dal for the next couple of weeks we'll be featuring just some of the many shout-outs submittted. It will take us some time to feature them all, so make sure to !

Submit your own "shout-out" on

Mike Pauley     Communications, Marketing & Creative Services

Thank you, Mike, for always saying "yes"! I so, so value the fact that I can depend on you for anything and you'll get it done with great attention, focus, and care. It's been a wild year and I can't wait to continue to work together in supporting our web author colleagues.

Lyle Quinn

Allison Currie     Communications, Marketing & Creative Services

You make me laugh way too much and keep me sane during these wild days; while I'm sad to be losing you from my team (technically temporarily, don't you forget!), I'm so excited to see you flourish in your secondment... and I look forward to continuing to laugh with you (and at you)!

Lyle Quinn

Front Desk Student Staff     Residence Life, Ancillary Services

HUGE thank you to the dozens of staff who have worked at the residence front desks over the past year. Residence could not have operated without our dedicated student staff being present on campus throughout the pandemic to serve our residents and keep the community safe.

Alyshia Scott

Keiron Lock-Lawton     Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development

Keiron is an incredibly caring and generous colleague who always goes the extra mile to ensure everyone he meets with feels heard and supported. He has a gift for seeing the big picture and planning to make herculean tasks seem manageable. We are very lucky to have him in the Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development and at Dal in general.

Tiffany MacDonald

University Secretariat Team    University Secretariat

I would like to give a shout-out to the entire Secretariat team for their help and support throughout an incredibly busy year and for being such an amazing team to work with!

Kara Miller

Tyler Hall & Katherine Cross     DPMG Executive

I've had the chance to work closely with Tyler and Katherine for the past two years in their roles as President and Vice-President of DPMG. They have both been so professional, positive, and just excellent to work with. Congratulations to you both on completing your terms on the DPMG executive. You have both volunteered so much of your time over the past few years to the DPMG and have been instrumental in building positive relationships between the university and DPMG members. Thank you!

Chris Hattie

Heather McGuire, Amarea Greenlaw, and all Staff from Academic Scheduling & Examinations     Academic Scheduling & Examinations, Office of the Registrar

To the whole Timetabling Team, you are legends!!!! Even with a super tight timeframe to work with and a million requests flying at you, you managed to get questions and requests turned around quickly and efficiently. As always, you did great work while being friendly, helpful and patient :)
You're always awesome, but you did an especially amazing job with the timetable for 2021/2022.

Kate Hide

HR DASM TEAM    Data and Systems Management, Department of Human Resources

The below Team have done a great job during the last year, and have shown a lot of love, fun and support.
Can't imagine that it has been almost 16 months gone without seeing any of you and so excited to see you in the near future.
Many projects and initiatives have kept us busy, dedicated, and shows what great teamwork it took to accomplish them.
• Ken MacDermid
• Lindie Colp-Rutley
• V Elizabeth Publicover
• David Weir
• Megan Clarke
• Joshua Littlechilds
• Gaurishtha Gaurishtha

Thank you

Moe (he/his) Elfarra

Jill Marie McSweeney-Flaherty     Centre for Learning and Teaching

Thank you for your hard work and dedication. It's been an honour and a privilege to be able to work with you for the past few years. You are always so willing to help and you do it with a smile.

Bruno Roy

Song Pho     Centre for Learning and Teaching

Song is one of the hardest working co-op students I have ever worked with. It has been a pleasure to work with you!

Bruno Roy

Ken MacDermid     Data and Systems Management, Department of Human Resources

Ken, I know how busy you are with leaders meetings, committee meetings, HR Team meetings and many more. You are a great example of a leader, supporter, problem solver and tactful individual. Thanks for your continued support and appreciation.

Moe (he/his) Elfarra

Katie Bellefontaine     Communications, Marketing & Creative Services

Katie joined the CMC team (and Ä¢¹½AV) in April 2021 as the Manager of Brand & Faculty Marketing. Being new to Ä¢¹½AV and navigating a complex organizational landscape can be challenging in the best of times, but even more so when working remotely! Katie has risen to the challenge and dug in to her work, including leading Ä¢¹½AV's brand refresh project and developing an integrated marketing strategy for the Faculty of Agriculture.

Julie Hallett

Elizabeth Sanford     Law

Many thanks to Elizabeth! Throughout the pandemic she has been an (almost) invisible stalwart for our School.
Her tireless energy and commitment to the well being of everyone in the Law School has made the lives of so many of us that much more manageable. We are in her debt!

Richard Devlin

Management Career Services team     Management Career Services, Faculty of Management

Thank you to the MCS team for their tremendous efforts in helping Faculty of Management students secure their co-ops, internships and residencies in a year like no other. Well done!

Carrie Hunter

Student Support Task Force      Cross-departmental Student Support team

Beyond being a collective wealth of knowledge, this group always brings a supportive attitude and a great sense of humour. In a year when we’ve really needed to lean on and support one another, this group has set the bar. Looking at you: Mike Burns, Isabelle French, Carolyn Bartlett, Jake MacIsaac, Adam Davis, Cynthia Murphy, Janet Bryson, Jeff Wilson, Linda Parker, Jonnie-Lyn Barron, Erica Gagnon, Shiloh Bouvette, Krista Cross, Katie Merwin, Heather Doyle and Candace Fougere.

Lisa Holmes

Jeff Wilson, Tanaka Shumba, Faiza Nauman, Ben Fowler, Laara Richardson, Cecilia Khamete, Maddy Mayne, Candace Fougere      Residence Life, Student Affairs

These members of the Residence Life team, under the leadership of Jeff Wilson, were key to ensuring that Ä¢¹½AV students' health and safety were at the forefront of living in residence during the 2020-21 academic year. For almost 800 students each term, this team delivered engaging in-person and online programming, provided day-to-day support to students self-isolating on campus due to travel and illness, managed student conduct around changing emergency restrictions and public health requirements, and did their very best to provide an excellent student experience through the ups and downs of the pandemic. Huge thank you from Student Affairs!

Emily Huner

Registrar's Office Team      Registrar's Office, Student Affairs

This year, it would be too hard to single out any one member of this exceptional team, so I’ll instead highlight the RO’s collective and unwavering spirit of collaboration, community, creativity, and service – which has not only kept our vital institutional operations intact during an exceptional year, but has also inspired some major innovations and meaningful outcomes for students and community members. My biggest thanks to the RO crew for their outstanding contributions and their inspiring example.

Adam Robertson

Nicole Maunsell      Faculty of Management

Thank you Nicole - for all the support and guidance you provide to me, the Undergraduate Advising Office, and the Faculty of Management - we appreciate you!

Carrie Hunter

Allison Auld     Communications, Marketing & Creative Services

Allison has recently joined CMC as Recruitment Marketing Manager and has stepped up to the plate with enthusiasm and grace as she's faced a number of large scale, challenging projects. Looking forward to taking Ä¢¹½AV's recruitment marketing practice and initiatives to new heights with her leadership!

Julie Hallett

Teresa Inacio     International Centre

On behalf of the International Centre Team, congratulations to our colleague Teresa Inacio on her recent appointment as DPMG Vice-President!

Said Msabaha

James Wilson     Libraries

James oriented me to MS Times Live events, and I really appreciate how he walks people with different levels of experience and confidence with technology with clarity, grace, humour and ease--never condescending, always ready to help and calm people's nerves about doing live events. James, thank you, I really appreciate it!

Nicole Maunsell

Jenny White, Susan Whitman, Sandra White, Bernal Betu, Ann Jones, Earon Colley, Madeleine Stanley, Ashley Billard, Shauna Marshall, Ellen Walsh     Payroll Team, Human Resources

A huge shout-out to our Payroll team within Human Resources. Throughout the past 15 months of the pandemic, the team has risen to many challenges including a shift to working from home, administering the Federal Workshare program within Facilities Management, processing scholarships, implementing the new time entry system for casuals, and of course our regular bi-weekly and monthly pays. We count on the Payroll team to do what is necessary to get us all paid accurately, and on time. I thank you for your unwavering attention to detail and effort you put in. Great people who do great work!

Ken MacDermid