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Sanctuary: The Future for Captive Whales

Posted by nte on February 5, 2018 in Public Lectures
Lori Marino
Lori Marino

Public Lecture by Dr. Lori Marino

Mon. 5 Feb 2018 (12:00PM-1:15PM)
Biology Lounge, ĢAV, Halifax NS

Free and open to the public.
Join the and invite your friends. All are welcome.


Dolphins and whales are large-brained, highly intelligent and socially complex beings who are adapted to ocean living.  Therefore, it comes as no surprise that there is mounting scientific evidence for their inability to thrive in concrete tanks in entertainment parks. Whereas most whales and dolphins in captivity do not have the skills to survive on their own in the wild there is a clear alternative to the tanks and the forced performances.  That alternative is a permanent seaside sanctuary where they can flourish in a natural habitat and still be cared for. The Whale Sanctuary Project mission is to build and operate a sanctuary for captive orcas (killer whales) and belugas retired from display facilities. Dr. Marino will describe why this next step in our relationship with these animals is so important and how and where they are planning to create the first sanctuary by 2020.


is a neuroscientist and former faculty member at Emory University. Her specialties include animal cognition and behaviour, animal welfare, and cetacean neurobiology. She has published over 130 papers on dolphin and whale brain anatomy and evolution, as well as human-nonhuman animal relationships and animal welfare. She is featured in the film Blackfish, about orca captivity.

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