

Part 1

Wild Bluebery Bibliography (1991-2000) - Part 1

Articles, leaflets, fact sheets and other publications available in the collections of the MacRae Library, Faculty of Agriculture, Ä¢¹½AV.











The Industry (235/00)

  • Dorrell, K. 1999. Field of dreams. Food Can. 59 (9) : 16-17,22.
  • Moore, J.N. 1994. The bluberry industry of North America. HortTechnology. 4 (2) : 96-102.
  • Percival, D. 1998. Lowbush blueberry production in Atlantic Canada: the past, present, and challenges facing the future. Estonia Agricultural College, April 1998 (part of CIDA exchange program). Tartu, Estonia.
  • Wood, G.W. 2004. The wild blueberry industry – past. Small Fruits Review. 3 (1/2) : 11-18 In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug.2002.
  • Yarborough, D.E. 1996. Wild blueberry culture in Maine. Chron. Hortic. 36 (2) : 8-10
  • Yarborough, D.E. 2004. Factors contributing to the increase in productivity in the wild blueberry industry. Small Fruits Review. 3 (1/2) : 33-43. In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug.2002.
  • Yu, H.; S.A. He; and Y. Gu. 2001. The challenge of blueberry development in China and in the world. J. Plant Resour. Environ. 10 (2) : 52-55.


General Reference (235/01)

  • North American Blueberry Research-Extension Workers Conference. Blueberries : a century of research. 1995. Gough, R.E.; and R. F. Korcak. Proceedings from the 7th North American Blueberry Research-Extension Workers Conference, Beltsville, Maryland, July 5-8, 1994. Has also been published as Journal of small fruit & viticulture, volume 3, numbers 2/3 and 4 1995.
  • Nova Scotia Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing. Nova Scotia lowbush blueberry newsletter. Horticulture and Biology Services Branch, Nova Scotia Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing, Truro, NS.
  • Nova Scotia Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing. Lowbush blueberry newsletter.1984-1998. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing, Truro, NS.
  • Forest Institute of the National Academy of Science. Problems of rational utilization and reproduction of berry plants in boreal forest on the eve of the XXI century. 2000. Proceedings of the international conference, Glubokoye-Gomel, Belarus, 11-15 Sept. 2000.
  • Wild Blueberry Association of North America. Wild blueberry bulletin. 1988-1997. Wild Blueberry Association of North America, Fredericton, N.B.
  • Nova Scotia. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing. Wild lowbush blueberry newsletter. 1999-. Nova Scotia Deparment of Agriculture and Marketing, Nappan, NS.
  • Wild Blueberry Association of North America. The wild times. 1994-. Wild Blueberry Association of North America, Springhill, N.S.


Botany, Ecology & Taxonomy (235/06)

  • Crossland, D.R.; and S.P.Vander Kloet. 1996. Berry consumption by the American Robin, Turdus migratorius, and the subsequent effect on seed germination, plant vigor, and dispersal of the Lowbush Blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium. Can Field-Nat. 110 (2) : 303-309.
  • Vander Kloet, S. P.; and N.M. Hill. 1994. The paradox of berry production in temperate species of Vaccinium. Can. J. Bot. 72 (1): 52-58.
  • Whittle, C. 1996. Regeneration of surface vegetation following broadcast burning in a jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) forest. M.Sc. Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB. (ISBN: 0612111245)
  • ÌýYarborough, D.E.; and P.C. Bhowmik. 1993. Lowbush blueberry-bunchberry competition. HortScience. 118(1) : 54-62.
  • Yarborough, D.E.; G.H. Lemieux; C. Brisson; T.M. Hess; G. Vachon; and R. Verreault. 1993. Use of remote sensing to ascertain plant cover in lowbush blueberry fields. Acta. Hortic. (346) : 265-271.


Physiology and Morphology (235/07)

  • Cappiello, P.E.; and S.W. Durham. 1994. Seasonal variation in low-temperature tolerance of Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. HortScience. 29 (4) : 302-304.
  • Dryden, A.; D. Percival; and G. Stratton. 2000. Impact of simulated acid rain on photochemistry, morphology, and yield components of the lowbush blueberry. Poster presented at the North American WBREW Annual Meeting, Charlottetown, P.E.I., March, 2000.
  • Eaton, L. J.; J. Hoyle; and A. King. 1999. Effects of deicing salt on lowbush blueberry flowering and yield. Can. J. Plant Sci. 79 (1) : 125-128.
  • Eaton, L.J.; K.R. Sanderson; and J. Hoyle. 2004. Effects of salt deposition from salt water spray on lowbush blueberry shoots. Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference. Small Fruits Review 3. (1/2) : 95-103. In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug.2002.
  • Gallant, T.; D. Percival; and J. Kemp. 1999. Pollination and fertilization of wild blueberry production. Oral presentation given at the Annual Meeting of WBPANS, Truro, NS, Nov., 1999.
  • Gallant, T.L.; D.C. Percival; J.R. Kemp and A.R. Olson. 2000. Intra- and interclonal pollination affects fruit set and berry weight of the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) in Eastern Canada. Pages 135-140 In Problems of rational utilization and reproduction of berry plants in boreal forest on the eve of the XXI century, Proceedings of the international conference, Glubokoye-Gomel, Belarus, 11-15 Sept. 2000.
  • Glass, V.M. 2000. Drought stress effects in wild blueberries : (Vaccinium angustifolium ait). M.Sc. Thesis, Ä¢¹½AV, Halifax, N.S. (ISBN: 0612572374)
  • Glass, V.M.; and D.C. Percival. 1998. Influence of water status on the physiology of the lowbush blueberry. WBPANS Field Day, Debert, NS, July, 1998.
  • Glass, V.M.; and D.C. Percival. 2000. Challenges facing pollination and fruit set in indigenous blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). J. Am. Pomol. Soc. 54 (1): 44-47.
  • Glass, V.; D. Percival; J.T.A. Proctor; J.P. Privé; and R. Olson. 1999. Does water status influence photosynthesis and yield components of lowbush blueberry. Oral presentation and proceedings of the Annual Meeting of WBPANS, Truro, NS, Nov., 1999.
  • Hicklenton, P. R.; J.Y. Reekie.; and R. J. Gordon. 2000. Physiological and morphological traits of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) plants in relation to post-transplant conditions and water availability. Can. J. Plant Sci. 80 (4) : 861-867.
  • Hicklenton, P.R.; J.Y. Reekie; R.J. Gordon; and D.C. Percival. 2000. Seasonal patterns of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in lowbush blueberry plants managed in a two-year production cycle. HortScience. 35 (1): 55-59.
  • Li ,Y.D.; L. Wu; Z.D. Zhang; R. Hao. 1998. A comparative study of photosynthetic characteristics of highbush, half-highbush, lowbush blueberry and lingonberry. Journal of Fruit Science. 15 (1): 30-33.
  • Moola, F. M. 1997. Yield and morphological responses of wild blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) to forest harvesting and conifer release treatments. M.Sc. Thesis, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON. (ISBN: 061233418X)
  • Morrison, S.; J.M. Smagula; and W. Litten. 2000. Morphology, growth, and rhizome development of Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. seedlings, rooted softwood cuttings, and micropropogated plantlets. HortScience 35 (4): 738-741.
  • Percival, D.C. 1998. Growth dynamics of the lowbush blueberry. Horticulture Research International. May 1998. East Malling UK.
  • Glass, V.; D. Percival; R. Gordon; and P. Hicklenton. 1998. Water availability affects leaf gas exchange and growth and development of wild blueberries. Poster presented at the Atlantic Agricultural Sciences and Technology Workshop (AAST), Truro, NS, Oct., 1998.


Chemistry and Bacteriology (235/08)

  • Bushway, R.J.; J. Kugabalasooriar; L.B. Perkins; R.O. Harrison; B.E.S. Young; and B.S. Ferguson. 1992. Determination of methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate in blueberries by competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay. J. AOAC Int. 75 (2) : 323-327.
  • Darnell, R.L.; R. Cano-Medrano; K.E. Koch; and M.L. Avery. 1994. Differences in sucrose metabolism relative to accumulation of bird-deterrent sucrose levels in fruits of wild and domestic Vaccinium species. Physiol. Plant. 92 (2) : 336-342.
  • Duy, J. C. 2000. A survey of the quantitative intraspecific variation of anthocyanins, phenolics and antioxidant capacity in leaves and fruit of Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton clones in Nova Scotia. M.Sc. Thesis, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS. (ISBN: 0612377962)
  • Hainstock, L. J. 2003. Seasonal photochemistry, growth dynamics, and carbon allocation of the wild blueberry plant (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) M.Sc. Thesis, Ä¢¹½AV, Halifax, NS. (ISBN: 0612675661)
  • Hainstock, L.; D. Percival; J.P. Privé; and N. Crowe. 1999. Getting back to basics: carbon assimilation and allocation of the wild blueberry. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of WBPANS, Truro, NS, Nov., 1999.
  • Hakkinen, S. H.; and A.R. Torronen. 2000. Content of flavonols and selected phenolic acids in strawberries and Vaccinium species: influence of cultivar, cultivation site and technique. Food Res. Int. 33 (6) : 517-524.
  • Kalt, W.; and J.E. McDonald. 1996. Chemical composition of lowbush blueberry cultivars. HortScience. 121 (1) : 142-146.
  • Kalt, W.; J.E. McDonald; R.D. Ricker; X.Lu. 1999. Anthocyanin content and profile within and among blueberry species. Can. J. Plant Sci. 79 (4) : 617-623.
  • Percival, D.; and T. Paal. 1998. Carbon, water, and nutrient dynamics of lowbush blueberry. Metsanduslikud Uurimused. 30: 123-126. International conference on "Wild berry culture: an exchange of western and eastern experiences", Tartu, Estonia, 10-13 August 1998.
  • Prior, R. L.; G.H. Cao; A. Martin; E. Sofic.; J. McEwen.; C. O'Brien; N. Lischner; M. Ehlenfeldt; W. Kalt; G. Krewer; and C.M. Mainland. 1998. Antioxidant capacity as influenced by total phenolic and anthocyanin content, maturity, and variety of Vaccinium species. J. Agric. Food Chem. 46 (7): 2686-2693.
  • Schwenk, M.P.; M.P. Tandjung; and M.D. Berber-Jimenez. 1995. Comparison of HPLC to capillary electrophoresis in analysis of Vaccinium spp. anthocyanins. Page 195 In IFT Annual Meeting 1995.
  • Sheppard, S. C. 1991. A field and literature survey, with interpretation, of elemental concentrations in blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium). Can. J. Bot. 69 (1) : 63-77.
  • Wang, S.Y.; and Hongjun-Jiao. 2000. Scavenging capacity of berry crops on superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals, and singlet oxygen. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48 (11) : 5677-5684.



Commercial Fruit Production (235/11)

  • Hall, I. 1993. An evaluation of the commercial potential of blueberries in Prince Edward Island. Technical Bulletin. Published jointly by Scovil Associates and Ivan Hall, Charlottetown, P.E.I., and Agri-Food Development Branch, Agriculture Canada.
  • Yarborough, D. E. 1997. Production trends in the wild blueberry industry in North America. Acta Horticulturae. 446 : 33-35. In Proceedings of the sixth international symposium on Vaccinium culture, Orono, Maine, USA, 12-17 August, 1996.



Cultural Practices - General (235/21)

  • Malay, W. J. 2000. Spatial variability and yield monitor evaluation for carrots and wild blueberries. M.Sc. Thesis, Ä¢¹½AV, Halifax, NS. (ISBN: 0612571912)

Seed, Plant and Soil Treatments (235/23)

  • Blatt, C.R. 1992. Effect of plant spacing, sawdust mulch and trickle irrigation on the cultivated lowbush blueberry. Journal of small fruit and viticulture. 1 (2) : 37-48.
  • Sanderson, K.R. 1991. Effect of sawdust mulch on yields of select clones of lowbush blueberry. Can. J. Plant Sci. 71 (4) : 1263-1266.


Special Cultural Practices (235/24)

  • Eaton, L.J.; R.W. Glen; and J.D. Wyllie. 2004. Efficient mowing for pruning wild blueberry fields. Small Fruits Review 3. (1/2) : 123-131. In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug. 2002.
  • Isutsa, D.K.; M.P. Pritts; and K.W. Mudge. 1994. Rapid propagation of blueberry plants using ex vitro rooting and controlled acclimatization of micropropagules. HortScience. 29 (10) : 1124-1126.
  • Penney, B.G.; K.B. McRae; and A.F. Rayment. 1997. Long-term effects of burn-pruning on lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) production. Can. J. of Plant Sci. 77 (3) : 421-425.
  • Percival, D.; L. Eaton; and D. Stevens. 1998. Windshelter use in lowbush blueberry production systems. Presentation at the North American WBREW Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, March, 1998.
  • Percival, D.; D. Stevens; G. Sampson; and K. Jensen. 1998. Vegetation management of wild blueberries - the reality check. Presentation at the North American WBREW Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, March, 1998.
  • Percival, D.; D. Stevens; G. Sampson; and K. Jensen. 1999. Companion cropping of lowbush blueberries. . Presentation at the Ann. Meet. of the north-eastern region of the ASHS. Boston, Massachusetts, Jan., 1999.
  • Perrin, G.; D. Percival; H. Ju; and K. Sanderson. 1998. Influence of foliar-applied nutrients in lowbush blueberry production. Presentation at the North American WBREW Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, March, 1998.
  • Vander Kloet, S.P.1994. The burning tolerance of Vaccinium myrtilloides Michaux. Canadian Can. J. of Plant Sci. 74 (3) : 577-579.
  • Vander Kloet, S.P.; and J. Pither. 2000. Is fall burning preferable to spring burning for promoting growth characteristics favorable for mechanical harvesting in Vaccinium myrtilloides Michaux? HortScience. 35 (4) : 608-610.



Breeding and Genetics(235/41)

  • Burgher-MacLellan, K.; and F.A. Drummond. 2004. An overview of RAPD analysis to estimate genetic relationships in lowbush blueberry. Small Fruits Review 3. (3/4) :295-305. In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug.2002.
  • Chen, H. D.; R. Hao; A.N. Guan; L.P. Qu; S.C. Zhao; Y.D. Li; J. Bian; and Z.D. Zhang. 1990. Studies on factory-type propagation of blueberry. Sci. Agric. Sin. 23 (3) : 44-50.
  • Debnath, S.C. 2004. In vitro culture of lowbush blueberry. Small Fruits Review 3. (3/4) : 393-408. In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug.2002.
  • Egger, K.N.; and L. Sigler. 1993. Relatedness of the ericoid endophytes Scytalidium vaccinii and Hymenoscyphous ericae infereed from analysis of ribosomal DNA. Mycologia. 85 (2) : 219-230.
  • Erb, W.A.; A.D. Draper; and H.J. Swartz. 1994. Combining ability for seedling root system size and shoot vigor in interspecific blueberry progenies. HortScience. 119 (4) : 793-797.
  • Finn, C.E.; and J.J. Luby. 1992. Inheritance of fruit quality traits in blueberry. HortScience. 117 (4) : 617-621.
  • Hancock, J. F.; and B.L. Goulart. 1993. A blueberry by any other name... HortTechnology. 3 (2) : 254-255.
  • Hancock, J.; and K. Hokanson. 1994. The common lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton, may be an autopolyploid – reply. Can. J. of Plant Sci. 74 (2) : 409.
  • Hepler, P.R.; and D.E. Yarborough. 1991. Natural variability in yield of lowbush blueberries. HortScience. 26 (3) : 245-246.
  • Hokanson, K.; and J. Hancock. 1993. The common lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton, may be an autopolyploid. Can. J. of Plant Sci.73 (3) : 889-891.
  • Hokanson, K.; and J. Hancock. 2000. Early-acting inbreeding depression in three species of Vaccinium (Ericaceae). Sex. Plant Reprod. 13 (3): 145-150.
  • Moore, J.N. 1993. Blueberry cultivars of North America. HortTechnology. 3 (4) : 370-374.
  • Myra, M.; K. MacKenzie; and S.P. Vander Kloet. 2004. Investigation of a possible sexual function specialization in the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton. Ericaceae.) Small Fruits Review 3. (3/4) :313-324. In Proceedings of the Ninth North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference, Halifax, NS, 18-21 Aug.2002.
  • Vander Kloet, S.P.; M. Snyder; and T. Chipman. 1994. The common lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton, may be an autopolyploid. Can. J. of Plant Sci. 74 (2) : 409.



Special Harvesting Practices (235/52)

  • Donahue, D.W. 1999. Maine wild blueberries field winnowing systems. Main Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 174. Published jointly by Dept. of Biosystems, Science & Engineering and Dept. of Food Science & Human Nutrition, University of Maine, Orono, Me.



Commercial Crop Storage (235/64)

  • Kalt, W., C.F. Forney; A. Martin; and R.L. Prior. 1999. Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins after fresh storage of small fruits. J. Agric Food Chem.. 47 (11) : 4638-4644.



Commercial Processing (235/73)

  • Benoit, P.W.; D.W. Donahue; A.A. Bushway; J.A. Storey; and T.M. Player. 2000. Sufactant application system to prevent anthocyanin leakage of IQF blueberries. J. Food Qual. 23 (3) : 271-282.
  • Donahue, D.W.; A.A. Bushway; J.M. Smagula; P.W. Benoit; and R.A. Hazen. 2000. Assessment of pre-harvest treatments on Maine wild blueberry fruit shelf-life and processing quality. Small fruits review. 1 (1) : 23-24.
  • Jackson, E. D.; K.A. Sanford; R.A. Lawrence; K.B. McRae; and R. Stark. 1999. Lowbush blueberry quality changes in response to prepacking delays and holding temperatures. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 15 (2) : 117-126.
  • Leyte, J.C.; and C.F. Forney. 1999. Optimizing flat design for forced-air cooling of blueberries packaged in plastic clamshells. HortTechnology. 9 (2) : 202-205
  • Simon, J.E.; A. Hetzroni; B. Bordelon; G.E. Miles; and D.J. Charles. 1996. Electronic sensing of aromatic volatiles for quality sorting of blueberries. J. Food Sci. 61 (5) : 967-969, 962.


Preservation and Freezing (235/74)

  • Gamble, G.R. 1994. Non-invasive determination of freezing effects in blueberry fruit tissue by magnetic resonance imaging. J. Food Sci. 59 (3) : 571-573, 610.
  • Loong, T.L.; T. Juming; H. Jianshan. 1995. Moisture sorption characteristics of freeze dried blueberries. J. Food Sci. 60 (4) : 810-814.
  • Nsonzi, F. 1998. Osmo-convective drying behaviour of blueberries. M.Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, QB. (ISBN: 0612442365)
  • Nsonzi, F.; and H.S. Ramaswamy. 1998. Osmotic dehydration kinetics of blueberries. Drying Technology. 16 (3/5): 725-741.
  • Nsonzi, F.; and H.S. Ramaswamy. 1998. Quality evaluation of osmo-convective dried blueberries. Drying Technology. 16 (3/5): 705-723.
  • Ramaswamy, H.S.; and F. Nsonzi. 1998. Convective-air drying kinetics of osmotically pre-treated blueberries. Drying Technology. 16 (3/5) : 743-759.
  • Venkatachalapathy, K. 1998. Combined osmotic and microwave drying of strawberries and blueberries. M.Sc. Thesis, McGill University, Montreal, QB. (ISBN: 0612446190)
  • Venkatachalapathy, K.; and G.S.V. Raghavan. 1998. Microwave drying of osmotically dehydrated blueberries. Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy. 33 (2) : 95-102.
  • Zhang, H. 1998. Evaluation of quality of frozen lowbush blueberries by determination of physical, chemical and sensory characteristics. Diss. Abstr. Int. 58 (8) : 3985.


Commercial Canning and Packaging (235/75)

  • Camire, M.E.; S. Ismail; T.M. Work; A.A. Bushway; and W.A. Halteman. 1994. Improvements in canned lowbush blueberry quality. J. Food Sci. 59 (2) : 394-398, 415.


Food Products (235/81)

  • Camire, M.E.; I. Surjawan; and T.M. Work. 1997. Lowbush blueberry puree and applesauce for oil replacement in cake systems. Cereal Foods World. 42 (5) : 405-408.
  • Chen, H.C.; and M.E. Camire. 1997. Recovery of anthocyanins, pectin, and dietary fiber from cull lowbush blueberries. J. Food Qual. 20 (3) : 199-209.
  • Kalt, W.; J. E McDonald; and H. Donner. 2000. Anthocyanins, phenolics, and antioxidant capacity of processed lowbush blueberry products. J. Food Sci. 65 (3) : 390-393.
  • Percival, D.; P. O’Laughlin; and D. Stevens. 1998. The use of edible coatings to reduce exudation from wild blueberries. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of WBPANS, Truro, NS, Nov. 1998.
  • Villata, M.; and N. Kenyon. 1997. Blueberry applications in bakery foods. Technical Bulletin, American Institute of Baking Research Department. 19 (7) : 1-10.
  • Zhang, H.L.; A.A. Bushway; T. Work; M.E. Camire; and R. Work. 1995. Prevention of anthocyanin leakage of individual quick frozen (IQF) lowbush blueberries in bakery products. Page 66 In IFT Annual Meeting 1995.


By-Products (235/83)

  • Camire, M.E. and S.I. Flint. 1993. Formulation of beverages containing byproducts of osmotic dehydration of lowbush blueberries. J. Food Qual. 16 (1) : 35-43.


Drug, Medical, Research Uses (235/85)

  • Anon. 1998. The benefits of blueberries. Food Engineering International. 23 (2) : 17.
  • Broihier, K. 2000. Get the most from the blues; Sweet benefits found in blueberries. Food Process. 61 (7) : 52-54.
  • Kalt, W.; and D. Dufour. 1997. Health functionality of blueberries. HortTechnology. 7 (3) : 216-221.
  • Kay, C. 2002. Assessment of the in vivo antioxidant potential of wild blueberries in humans. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON. (ISBN: 0612717968)
  • Smith, M. A. L.; K.A. Marley; D. Seigler; K.W. Singletary; and B. Meline. 2000. Bioactive properties of wild blueberry fruits. J. Food Sci. 65 (2) : 352-356.