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V. Faculty of Graduate Studies

Once the submission is received and all required documentation has been verified, the external reviewer will assess the proposal and write a report.

Faculty of graduate studies approval

This information applies to graduate program proposals only.

For undergraduate proposals, skip to  VI. Senate and External Approvals.

Step 1: External reviewer’s report 

Once the submission is received and all required documentation has been verified, the external reviewer will assess the proposal and write a report. The external reviewer is appointed by the associate dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) from a list of individuals provided by the unit and/or the faculty dean earlier in the proposal development process. 

Step 2: External reviewer’s site visit

For proposals for new programs only, FGS will arrange for the external reviewer to conduct a site visit. 

Step 3: Faculty of Graduate Studies committee approvals 

Once the external reviewer's report is received, the proposal will be considered at the  (login required) and . (login required) 

Please note: Only new programs require FGS Faculty Council approval. APCC is the delegated authority for program modifications. 

  • Verify completeness and clarity of proposals. 
  • Confirm appropriateness and alignment of learning objectives with degree-level expectations and course structure.
  • Ensure proposal takes into consideration impacts on students and other programs.
  • Ensure changes are well-justified from a resource perspective, and recommendations are adequately addressed.
  • Ensure all previous comments and conditions have been addressed. 

Step 4: Recommendation to the Senate Academic Programs and Review Committee (SAPRC) 

If approved by the applicable committees, and pending any suggested modifications, FGS will make a recommendation to the Senate Academic Programs and Review Committee (³§´¡±Ê¸é°ä).