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VI. Senate and external approvals

Learn about the criteria and process for Senate and external approvals for new programs and major modifications.

Senate approvals

Proposals for new programs or major modifications are recommended to the Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee (SAPRC)  for approval by the Faculty of Graduate Studies (Faculty Council or APCC, as per step V.) or the Undergraduate Academic Programs Subcommittee (UAPSC). [PDF-153KB]

*Graduate programs are reviewed by APCC, as per step V. 

Review and decision-making practices for UAPSC review of program proposals:

  • Verify completeness and clarity of proposals. 
  • Confirm appropriateness and alignment of learning objectives with degree-level expectations and course structure. 
  • Ensure proposal takes into consideration impacts on students and other programs. 
  • Ensure changes are well-justified from a resource perspective, and recommendations are adequately addressed. 
  • Ensure all previous comments and conditions have been addressed. 

Review and decision-making practices for SAPRC review of program proposals:

  • Evaluate the proposed program's impact on other programs. 
  • Confirm appropriate consultations have occurred and opportunities for collaboration have been explored.
  • Review the proposed program's alignment with institutional strategic priorities.
  • Identify and address potential risks.
  • Ensure all previous comments and conditions have been addressed.
  • Approve major modifications on behalf of the Senate; endorse submission to MPHEC.
  • Recommend new programs to Senate.

Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC) approvals

Submission to MPHEC occurs automatically (all submissions to the commission are made through the Office of the Provost) once the final level of Senate approval has been obtained (not including Board of Governors).

At this time, you may begin to advertise the new/modified program, including in the Academic Calendar and faculty/departmental website, with a notation reading "pending MPHEC approval." 

Updates and requests for additional information from MPHEC will be communicated to the proposer, the dean and FGS (for graduate programs) promptly by the academic quality assurance manager. Proposers should be responsive to emails during this time, as the assessment process pauses until the requested information is received. 

MPHEC timelines 

The usual timeline is eight-ten weeks for a decision (of either stage I approval or notification of stage II assessment-see overview of the MPHEC assessment process [PDF-60KB] for additional information). Implementation may occur once notice of approval of stage I or stage II assessment (which may be conditional) has been received. 

Senate and external review and approval process overview

  • UAPSC or FGS Faculty Council recommends to SAPRC
  • Senate *for new programs only
  • Board of Governors (typically consent agenda)
  • Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPHEC)