
An accommodation reduces or removes barriers to ensure fair and equitable access to classroom, testing, co-op/fieldwork environments, extra-curriculars as examples. Formal accommodations are managed by the Student Accessibility Centre (Halifax) and the Student Success Centre (Truro).

An accommodation is introduced when a protected characteristic (as defined by )may place you at a disadvantage compared to other students who are not affected by a : e.g. (dis)ability.

Having an accommodation does not provide an unfair advantage over other students as students with accommodations are still expected to demonstrate they've met the learning outcomes set for the course.

Types of Accommodations Available

Accessible Parking

Accessible parking passes are available to students who have reduced mobility or a chronic disability that prevents their ability to use non-accessible parking spaces. These passes authorize parking in designated spaces.

 [netID login required]

Alternate Formatting

Alternative formatting refers to print materials that can be accessed using other means such as a screen reader or other software, or enlarged, paper-based materials.

Students may need a different format than a hard copy text or a 12 point font, paper-based exam to access their reading assignments, tests / exams. When instructors receive notification of alternative formatting the Centre is referring to both textbooks (e-texts) and more commonly, assessments.

Alternative Testing Conditions

For accommodated quizzes, tests, exams, the Centre provides onsite invigilation throughout the calendar year, Monday through Saturday, between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. We oversee all requirements such as: space, technology supports, scribes/readers, invigilators, etc.

[netID login required]

Class Recordings

Class recordings can be a valuable teaching and learning tool as they facilitate greater access for all students. Class recordings can be faculty-initiated or student-initiated.

In the absence of a faculty-initiated class recording, students with an approved accommodation can make a class recording for personal use. 

 [netID login required]

Cue Sheets

A cue sheet is an accommodation that students use during quizzes, tests, and exams. Cue sheets support students who have a documented health or learning disability that results in a significant memory deficit. They enable students to trigger information they have learned throughout the course in a testing situation.

 [netID login required]

Deferred Exams/Deadline Extensions

Students may experience episodic health challenges, learning challenges, religious observances, family responsibilities, and/or other matters making it difficult to submit assignments or write exams on a specific date. While students are encouraged to make extension requests with advanced notice, this will not always be possible. Extensions and deferrals may be available to students if they meet certain criteria.

 [netID login required]

Emotional Support Animals

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides emotional and therapeutic benefit to those who experience mental and/or emotional disability. They are not formally trained but provide immense support and comfort to the owner through affection and companionship.

Students who wish to bring an ESA into university housing must make a formal request through both the Residence Office as well as the Student Accessibility Centre.

 [netID login required]

Modified Presentations

We may be able to provide the accommodation of Modified Presentations for students presenting in front of others. This can include alternate formats (audio/video recordings), extra time, and more. 


The note-taking service facilitates the sharing of notes between students who are able to take in-class notes and those who are unable to take notes in class. 

As more and more ĢAV professors provide access to course material through lecture capture, discussion boards, and online notes, we encourage you to explore other note-taking supports including assistive technologies. Make an appointment with your  to talk about your options.

[netID login required]

Residence Accommodations

ĢAV provides a variety of accessible rooms in our residence buildings that address the functional impact related to shared living environments. Examples include (but are not limited to) shared washrooms, dietary restrictions, and/or mobility/accessibility limitations.

If you have special requirements for on-campus housing due to a disability or chronic medical condition, you must apply for housing using the Residence Application form found in Dal Online.

 [netID login required]

Temporary Accommodations

When a temporary condition cannot be managed through ĢAV’s we may be able to provide a temporary accommodation. The process to request a temporary accommodation is outlined in the Request Accommodation section.

First talk with your instructors as they may have alternate arrangements built into their course design, and/or can provide accommodation directly.

Please see the Request Accommodation section if you need to request a temporary accommodation. 

Other Accommodations

The Student Accessibility Centre can assist with , including 

  • ASL interpreting// [netID login required]
  • Prioritized room selection in on-campus residences
  • Private space for breastfeeding
  • And more!

Please contact access@dal.ca if you have any questions.

Accommodate Software

The Student Accessibility Centre (Halifax) and Student Success Centre (Truro) utilizes a software application called “” to streamline student accommodations. This software helps all users more effectively and efficiently manage the student accommodation process.

How to Use Accommodate Software

Using Accommodate allows students to have a seamless experience requesting accommodations, uploading documentation, accessing peer course notes, and scheduling an accommodated exam all in one single environment. Students can also access all formal accommodation letters in Accommodate. Students can review the ) for more information. You must log-in using your NetID and not your alias.

This software also enables faculty to receive letters of notification and identify testing details all in one single environment. Faculty can review the  for more information. You must log-in using your NetID and not your alias.

You do not need to register to use Accommodate. If you are experiencing errors accessing the system, remember to log-in with your ĢAV NetID (e.g. ab123456) and password, not your alias email. The Centre will delete all accounts not associated with a ĢAV NetID.  

If you have any questions, please contact access@dal.ca