



How should I register for the Certificate program?

Fill out the online application form.  Once your application has been received you will notified by the Centre and be sent a welcome package that contains your tracking card.

Where can I find an application form?

The application form is available online at http://www.dal.ca/dept/clt/services/CUTL/RegistrationCUTLform.html

Who is eligible to register for the Certificate Program?

  • Doctoral students enrolled in a program of study at Ä¢¹½AV are eligible to participate.
  • Masters students enrolled in a program of study at Ä¢¹½AV are welcome to register for the Certificate program if they provide a letter of support for their participation from their supervisor.  This requirement acknowledges the time constraints in many Masters programs.

CLT strongly advises graduate students to enrol in the program only after completing the first year of their academic programs.

There are two options for Post-Doctoral Fellows who would like to take CNLT 5000:

  • Option A – No Cost to the Post-Doc, No Transcript Notation Received:  In this option, the Post-Doctoral Fellow contacts the CUTL Program Administrator who will register them in the course at no cost. Post-Doctoral Fellows who choose this option, will take the course like other students but there will be no annotation on their transcript for CNLT 5000 or the CUTL.  Three places in CNLT5000 will be reserved for Post-Doctoral Fellows in each iteration of CNLT5000.
  • Option B – Cost to the Post-Doc, Transcript Notation Received:  In this option, the Post-Doctoral Fellow can pay for CNLT 5000 to receive a transcript notation for CNLT 5000 and CUTL.  In this option the Post doctoral Fellow will apply to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) for Special Student Graduate Studies (SSGS), for which there is an application fee. Once accepted by FGS as a SSGS, post-doctoral fellows will then be required to pay the course tuition fee for CNLT 5000 and in addition will be required to pay auxiliary fees.  Contact the CUTL Program Administrator to discuss this option, and visit the FGS website for more information on the Special Student Graduate Studies Status.

Note that the CLT, in consultation with FGS, recommends that Post-Doctoral Fellows strongly consider Option A. Upon completion of the Certificate Program, you will receive a Certificate and letter of completion from CLT for your teaching dossier and/or CV.   As hiring committees rarely request transcripts, the lack of a transcript annotation may not be a disadvantage. However, if an official transcript notation is important to you and your career, you may wish to consider Option B.

Can I still be enrolled in the Certificate program if I am working away from the Ä¢¹½AV campus?

Participants enrolled in the program may maintain their registration and work on the completion of their Certificate if their period of absence from campus is no longer than two academic terms.   

What is the cost of the Certificate program?

This Certificate program is offered at no extra cost to graduate students. Those participants who opt to register for the course will not have to pay additional fees for the course over and above their departmental/program fees.

I am a Masters student, am I still eligible to register?

You may register in the Certificate Program as a Masters student.  You will need a letter of support, though, from your supervisor, as part of the registration process, so we can be sure that they are aware of the extra workload you are taking on.   (This is due to the fact that Masters Programs are often quite shorter than doctoral programs and post-doctoral fellows).

CNLT 5000

Who is eligible to register for CNLT 5000?

All registered Ä¢¹½AV graduate students are eligible to register for CNLT 5000 at no additional cost. 

If I am eligible for CNLT 5000, how should I register?

Procedures for course registration for CNLT 5000 are the same as any other university course. The registrar's office has made provisions for Certificate program participants to register in CNLT 5000 over and above regular program requirements and without being charged tuition for this course.

Ä¢¹½AV post-doctoral fellows can register simply by completing Part A of the Faculty of Graduate Studies application form as a special status graduate student (SSGS), attaching a copy of their letter of appointment and paying the application fee. Once post-doctoral participants are admitted as SSGS they may register in the course without being charged tuition for this course.

Can I take the CNLT 5000 course towards my program of study?

CNLT 5000 is a 0 credit-hour, pass/fall course designed to be completed over and above each student's normal program requirements. This course does not fulfill or replace any departmental requirements.

Will CNLT 5000 appear on my transcript when I have completed it?

Yes, this course will be included on a participant's official Ä¢¹½AV transcript.

Professional Development

How can I find out about professional development workshops throughout the year?

CLT Workshops and conferences are advertised in the following locations:

How can I register for a professional development workshop or conference?

Participants may register for CLT workshops by emailing clt@dal.ca or linking to the online registration form, found on the individual workshop page.

Will I get professional development credits for attending workshops outside of CLT?

As long as the session is related to teaching and learning you can receive credit hours for external sessions. Hours must be approved by the Program Administrator.

Teaching Practice

Can my teaching practice be completed at another institution?

Teaching practices may be completed at another institution as long as it is a higher education institution (i.e., university, college). 

Can the micro-teaching Short Course be counted as my teaching practice?

Successfully completing the mico-teaching Short Course can count as ONE of your teaching practice observations. If you do choose to use the successful completion of this Short Course as an observation, it cannot be counted towards your professional development hours for the CUTL.

Can the same person observe me for the three teaching practice sessions and submit one observation form?

The same person may observe you for all three sessions; however, they must submit three separate observations forms – i.e., complete a new observation form for each observation. 

I have a group of peers and friends who have offered to be students for me to teach, will that count towards an observation?

No. Mock classroom settings are not the same as going into a class, lab or seminar and teaching. While it might feel the same, it does not replicate the experience of teaching in front of a group of learners in a course, and will not be considered as one of the required teaching observations.

Is it okay to pay or reward the observer? They are giving their time after all.

It is not appropriate or professional to offer any form of monetary compensation to your observer. 

I can't find anyone to observe me, is it okay to have one of the students in the class do it?

It is not appropriate to have a student in the class you are teaching fill out the observation form for you. A third party should be there to observe your teaching practices and the students' learning, and asking a student in the class would not provide them with the opportunity to learn from your teaching. 

Certificate Completion

How long will it take to complete the Certificate Program?

Completion of the program varies between participants and their availability to complete the components. It may be completed in as little as 3-months, however, participants should plan to take at least 2 years to complete the Certificate.

In no circumstances will Certificate Program enrolment exceed the duration of a participant’s graduate program.

If I am inactive in the program for some time, will my enrolment be suspended?

Participants who are inactive in the program for a period of six months will be considered to have withdrawn from the program unless they advise CLT of their interest in continuing in the program. CLT will remove inactive participants’ names from the registrants list.  However, any participant who still meets the requirements for enrolment may re-register when they are able to resume active participation.

How can I ensure that I remain an active registrant in the Certificate Program?

To remain actively registered in the Certificate Program, participants must be actively engaged in fulfilling Certificate requirements.  This may include attending workshops, enrolment in CNLT 5000/01, etc. 

How should I notify CLT that I have completed the program?

Materials must be submitted as one package to the Certificate Program Administrator.  The Certificate Program Administrator will verify that completion of all components has been fulfilled at which time CLT will notify the Registrar’s Office that the participant has completed the Certificate Program. Participants will then receive a notification on their transcript to this effect. If you are completing the Certificate Program in your graduating or completion year, please ensure timely submission of work (at least one month before graduation or completion of fellowship) and notification to CLT of Certificate Program completion to ensure the Registrar’s office can be informed and notification of completion noted on participant’s transcript prior to graduation.

How will my completion of the program be recognized?

Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a notation in the comments section of their transcript. Participants will also receive a formal certificate from CLT signed by the Program Administrator and the Vice-President Academic and a letter of completion. Certificates will be awarded at a Graduation Luncheon held annually in the spring.

Can I obtain a replacement certificate?

Should a graduate of the program wish to receive a replacement certificate the CLT will provide one for a nominal fee.

Re-submission of Work

Can I resubmit written or oral work?

If a teaching dossier, teaching and learning project, or any other part of the Certificate submitted for Certificate completion is assessed by the Certificate Program Administrator as not fully or appropriately completed, the participant will be informed immediately and provided with constructive feedback. Re-submission of any written or oral work will be accepted by CLT for reassessment within 3 months after the work was originally submitted. However, resubmitted work must be received by the Certificate Program Administrator at least one month prior to graduation or completion of fellowship.