SoTL Brownbag Lunches

SoTL Brownbag Lunches are a 45 – 60 minute informal community-led opportunity to discuss issues related to SoTL skill development, share your SoTL stories and projects, and take deeper dives into topics of interest.

Leading a SoTL Brownbag Lunch

We encourage ĢAV community members and those interested in the topic of SoTL to signup to lead a Brownbag Lunch. Leading a Brownbag means that you will be responsible for choosing a topic and preparing to facilitate a discussion.

Brownbag ideas:

  • Share your SoTL idea or project and ask for feedback from your peers.
  • Take a deeper dive into a specific area within the field of SoTL and/or disciplinary-based educational research.
  • Host a one-off journal club, where you present an article and create space for critique.

If you’re interested in leading a SoTL Brownbag Lunch email Kate Thompson (thompskm@dal.ca).

Fall Term 2023 Brownbags

October 5, 2023: The Courage to SoTL (SoTL Brownbag)

Date, Time, Location: Wednesday October 5, 12:00-1:00pm AST, in-person in Killam B400

Facilitator: Laurel Schut – Instructor, College of Sustainability

Description: Interested in Book Clubs, but short on time? Join in for this one-off Journal Club! This is a one-hour, casual conversation focused on Godbold et al.’s (2021) paper: The Courage to SoTL.

As Godbold et al share: “The courage to SoTL is also about the courage it takes to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning. In part, it is simply the act of naming oneself as a SoTL scholar… Just as Palmer speaks to “the teacher within” who leads us to work that gladdens us, so too are many of us drawn to the work of teaching, learning, and educational development because it speaks to our inner selves and gladdens us.”

Along with sharing our questions, inquiries, critiques, and/or praise for the article, we’ll also discuss several of the reflective questions provided in the paper, including: What does being a SoTL scholar mean to you? What does an undivided life, as a SoTL scholar, look like? What have we learned about our own SoTL identities, and from others’ identities and experiences?

Reading the article in advance is recommended to encourage richer and deeper conversations, though all are very welcome to attend!

Godbold, Irving-Bell, D., McSweeney-Flaherty, J. M., Prusko, P. T., Schlesselman, L. S., & Smith, H. (2021). The courage to SoTL. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 9(1), 380–394. https://doi.org/10.20343/TEACHLEARNINQU.9.1.25