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Know your neighbour: Erin Stewart‑Reid

Posted by Tyler Hall on September 18, 2018 in Community
Erin and Gus
Erin and Gus

Erin began at Dal in June 2012 as Communications Manager (specializing in social media) with the Communications and Marketing team. In November 2015 she moved to the President’s Office as Senior Manager of Communications and Special Projects. For her, it’s hard to imagine a better job out there.

Oh… and before all that she was on campus taking classes from 2000-2004 as a King’s / Dal student.

What are you passionate about?

Prior to joining Dal I worked at a marketing firm in Toronto, which instilled a passion for collaboration and excellent customer service. While ĢAV is a very different world, I think fostering relationships across campuses is vital to our success, and as an added benefit: you meet a ton of amazing people. 

I also think “customer service” can mean a lot of different things, whether it’s showing up to meetings on time, responding to emails promptly (or, as promptly as possible… inboxes can be daunting at this time of year), and making sure people’s opinions/concerns are heard. I guess that’s a long-winded way of saying I’m passionate having and maintaining a respectful workplace.

What is the most important thing you have learned while working at ĢAV?

The most important thing I’ve learned changes based on the type of day I’m having. Sometimes, it’s who to call to get an alarm turned off quickly during an event (hi Mike and Jake) and other days, it’s who to contact in Student Affairs when I’ve seen something online that needs follow-up. If I had to choose one thing, working with Dr. Florizone has taught me that good ideas can come from any level of an organization. He’s a leader that’s very willing to listen – regardless of title – and I hope that’s something I remember and can continue putting into practice.  

What was your biggest challenge this past year?

I’ve just recently returned to work following ten months of maternity/parental leave. One of the things I’ve been wrestling with is a less flexible schedule and how I can still be super engaged, while keeping an eye on the clock to make sure I don’t abandon my child at daycare. It (and I) am a work in progress. 

What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?

Ummm… did I mention I have a new baby at home? Don’t ask about him unless you’re ready for some serious photo viewing time.

Where can we find you when you’re not working? 

Lately, close to home. We moved to downtown Dartmouth last summer and now that we have a better handle on all that Dartmouth has to offer… we rarely leave.    

Tell us about someone who has had a large influence on you and your work at ĢAV.

There are far too many people to name, but I’ve managed to find a network of people across all of ĢAV’s campuses that I rely on – heavily. I’m well-known for starting phone conversations with “Quick question I’m hoping you can help me with…”. Luckily, people are still taking my calls. 

What has surprised you most about working at ĢAV?

As a student, I was pretty oblivious to how much goes into making a university run smoothly. Now that I’m behind the scenes, I have a much better understanding of the incredible community that keeps Dal going.

Hidden talent?

I went through a short stint of making birthday cakes for my nieces, until the requests became too elaborate. So, I guess I’m an okay cake decorator (within reason). I also *used* to be pretty good from the free throw line.

How would (someone) describe you?

Prone to blushing and non sequiturs.

What problems do you consistently solve?

In our office, just about anything can land on your desk. The types of problems we face can’t be easily categorized, but I try to solve as many as possible.

What does the DPMG mean to you?

Communication, connection and fantastic colleagues.