

Initial Review of Applicants

The Search Committee thoroughly reviews the applications to screen out unqualified applicants based on the established screening criteria for the position. Ensure that you have a complete set of information on each applicant. 

Most searches entail more than one screening of the candidate pool. In the initial sort, the candidates' files may be sorted into three categories: 'recommended', 'possibilities', and 'not recommended'. Make sure, in those files deemed 'recommended', that reasons for their eligibility are stated. If many or most applicants are well qualified, those who are marginally qualified can be disregarded as well. This may be followed by a detailed scan of actual experience and qualifications compared to the requirements, and an in-depth screen of fully qualified candidates.

You are looking for candidates who appear, on paper, to have the qualifications and experience you need for the position. Some people are better than others at communicating specific information in writing. You may find a very qualified candidate behind an imperfectly crafted resume if you pursue the missing links and information gaps.

When evaluating candidates for entry-level positions, consider evidence of their potential and not solely their experience and publication record. If the criteria do not demand a particular credential, you should not be biased against candidates who lack it. Some units have favourite institutions, types of institutions, or areas of the country from which to draw; the Committee should be aware that this may reduce the diversity of the applicant pool.

Equity information

  • Some applicants from designated groups may not fit the traditional academic model. Ensure a level playing field in assessing candidates by considering non-traditional career paths and non-traditional/new areas of scholarship. If Committee members are not familiar with the candidate's area of study or the journals in which their work is published, it is often helpful to seek background information; a Committee member can be asked to research and present information on the area or an external expert can be asked to provide an overview of the field and the usual publications.
  • Exercise caution when evaluating slower than usual career processes or gaps in school, research activity, or employment; look for and assess the reasons. Also, look for the possibility of stereotypical thinking in reference letters. Be aware of the impact of different styles of communication: understating or overstating, or using different words to describe designated group members. Review [myDal login required].
  • If there are no designated group members in the pool, the Committee should review the screening criteria and advertising/recruiting methods that were used and check for possible barriers. If there are designated group members in the pool, but not in the shortlist, the Committee should review their applications to check whether qualified designated group applicants have been excluded.

Creating the Shortlist

The Search Committee will establish a shortlist and determine who will be invited for an interview. Prior to interviewing candidates, the Search Committee Chair must create the shortlist in PeopleAdmin. When viewing the posting, navigate to the "Summary" tab of the posting, scroll to the section that says "Shortlist Information" near the bottom of the page, and click on "Edit". List the applicants that the committee wishes to shortlist. If any members of equity-deserving groups applied for the position and have not been selected for an interview, it will be necessary to complete the "Employment Equity Policy" section for each of those applicants.

If the committee has selected any non-Canadian candidates (and are not exempt from needing an LMIA) for an interview and there are any Canadian applicants who have not been shortlisted, it will be necessary to complete the "Recruitment of Foreign Academics" section for each Canadian applicant who is not shortlisted. When all of these fields are filled out, click on "Next" and "Take Action on Posting" at the top right of the page to submit it for approval by the Head/Chair/Director, the Dean, Academic Staff Relations and the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, and the Vice-President, Research & Innovation, if it is a CRC position.

Once the notification from PeopleAdmin is received advising that the necessary approvals have been received, shortlisted candidates may be contacted to schedule interviews, and the posting will be marked as "closed" in the PeopleAdmin system.