All the answers you need

We've done our best to compile a list of the questions most frequently asked of ORS staff, as well as their responses. If you don't see the information you are looking for, please contact us.

General FAQs

  1. How can the Office of Research Services (ORS) support ĢAV researchers?
    • ORS staff have the practical experience to guide researchers through each step of the funding process. In particular, staff can meet with researchers to develop funding strategies and proposals, approve all new research accounts, and provide post-award support.
  2. Who should I contact if I have questions?
    • If you know which unit of the ORS manages the type of funding you are interested in, please contact a staff member from that unit. Otherwise, please email research@dal.ca and you will be connected with the right person.
  3. How can I stay up to date with the latest research news?
  4. I’m looking for a specific form. Where do I find it?
    • ORS forms and templates are available for download. If you cannot find the form you are looking for, please contact a staff member  from the appropriate unit. If you do not know which unit manages the opportunity you are interested in, please email research@dal.ca and you will be connected with the right person.
  5. Where can I provide my feedback?
  6. How can I find out what other researchers at Dal are doing?
  7. How does your office work with the Faculty of Graduate Studies?
    • As funding obtained by Dal researchers is often used for the support of graduate students, ORS works very closely with staff in the to ensure that resulting activities run smoothly.


Explore Funding Sources FAQs

  1. Where can I find funding opportunities?
    • Consult our Explore Opportunities page for information on the types of funding opportunities available. For notification of current and upcoming opportunities, visit the Latest News for Researchers section and subscribe to our weekly newsletter to the right of this page.
  2. What are the major funding opportunities available to researchers?
    • Visit our Explore Opportunities page to view information on the categories of funding available and the main funding agencies involved. 
  3. Can I find a funding opportunity on my own?
    • Of course! Please consult with a facilitator well in advance of the agency deadline to discuss application requirements and guidelines.
  4. Where can I find information on contracts?
    • Visit the Contract Process page to find out how Contracts staff can help you with your research.
  5. Where do I find international funding opportunities?

Submit Funding Applications FAQs

  1. What are some tips for developing a proposal?
    • Start the writing process early.
    • Review successful applications from others in your field (contact us if you need help finding samples).
    • Seek out peer review, which helps to polish your application (contact your department if you need help finding a peer reviewer).
    • Contact us early to meet with staff, discuss your goals and get feedback on the proposal.
  2. Who do I contact for help with my proposal?
    • Please visit the Staff Contact page or the Develop your Proposal section of the website to find who can best help you. Give us a call at 902-494-8075 if you can’t find what you are looking for.
  3. How does your office support Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) proposals?
    • Because CFI is an institutional program and applications must be submitted by ĢAV on behalf of its researchers, a centralized process has been established in ORS to facilitiate CFI applications. Please contact staff in Institutional Programs for more information and guidance in preparing a proposal.
  4. Do co-applicants have to submit a copy of the application to Office of Research Services?
    • Yes, a full application with just the Principal Investigator’s CV should be submitted along with a signed investigator checklist ten business days prior to the deadline, unless otherwise stated.
  5. The sponsor does not require institutional approval for my application. Does Dal still require it?
    • Yes, whether the agency requires it or not, all applications must be signed by the Vice President Research or designate before they are submitted to an agency.
  6. Where can I find more information on overhead?
  7. What are the next steps once I have completed my application?
    • Once you complete your application, you should ask a peer to review it or contact your department for help finding a peer reviewer. Next you should contact us to have our staff review your application, provide feedback, and facilitate the submission process.
  8. My colleague at University X has submitted a proposal for a project, for which I’d serve as a collaborator. Do I need to inform ORS of this?
    • Yes, probably. Any time you, as a researcher, are involved with a funding application which could result in funds coming to ĢAV for your use, and for which Financial Services would need to open an account, you must inform ORS of that application.

ORS Internal Deadlines FAQs

1. If I submit an application through the Romeo portal on the internal deadline, will it still be reviewed by ORS and submitted to the funder? 

Applications must be received by ORS via Romeo on or before the internal deadline. To be received by ORS, and prior approvals have to be competed (e.g. Departmental/Faculty). Researchers are encouraged to check with their Department and Faculty regarding their timelines for review and approval of files. 

2. What documentation needs to be submitted through ROMEO by the internal deadline? 

The ROMEO submission should include a completed Investigator Checklist as well as a complete draft application and a copy of the budget.  

3. Can I make changes to the application between the internal deadline and funder deadline?  

Yes, the ORS facilitator will provide feedback that can be incorporated into the application prior to the funder’s deadline. Researchers are asked to inform ORS of any significant changes made to the application prior to final submission (for example, the addition of new partner funding, or a change in scope or partnerships that would impact reviews for compliance as relates to the ).  

4. Does the internal deadline apply to all external funding opportunities? 

Yes. Unless otherwise indicated on the ORS Website, the internal deadline is 10 business days prior to the funder’s deadline. 

5. Does the internal deadline apply to internal funding opportunities? 

No. Since ORS review is not required internal funding opportunities, the standard 10-day internal deadline does not apply.  This includes funding opportunities administered by the Ocean Frontier Institute.

6. What if I am a Co-PI or Co-Applicant on an application led by another institution? 

For applications where the lead institution is outside of ĢAV, we recognize that there could be deadlines that are not in alignment with ĢAV’s internal deadlines. While ĢAV will endeavour to work with timelines imposed by the lead institution, researchers are advised that they should seek to meet ĢAV ORS internal deadlines. 

7. I am submitting a Letter of Intent (LOI)/application to a funder which lists the VPRI (Dr. Alice Aiken) and/or AVPRS (Dr. Marlies Rise) as the institutional contact.  Will I need to submit my application via ROMEO to ORS for review by the internal deadline? 

Researchers should always submit LOIs/application to ORS for review/approval by the internal deadline, and ensure that their Department/Faculty will have adequate time to review and include their approval to meet the ORS deadline.  Normally, agencies that specify an institutional contact for a program will require sign-off by the institutional contact to complete an LOI/application submission, which necessitates submission to ORS by the internal deadline. 

Manage Your Research FAQs

  1. What are the next steps once I have received funding?
    • Contact staff in ORS. Also, consult the Manage Funding section of our website, for step-by-step guidance on who to talk to, legal agreements, required documents, as well as additional services that ORS can provide.
  2. What are my responsibilities as a researcher?
    • In undertaking your project, you have a number of responsibilities as a researcher. If you hold a grant, these responsibilities are outlined in the Research Accountability Statement you signed before submission of your proposal. If you hold contract funds, your responsibilities are noted in the .
  3. How do I set up an account?
    • Accounts are opened by staff in Financial Services once all the necessary documents are on file in ORS. See the Manage Funding page for full details.
  4. My contract is signed and my account is open but my sponsor has not provided the funds. Is there a way I can incur research expenses?
    • Contracts typically bill on expenses, and advance payments are not always required. If your account is open, all the necessary documentation has been received and you can incur expenses. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  5. What do I do if I receive a cheque directly from an agency/sponsor?
  6. What do I do with a donation or unsolicited funds?
    • Contact ORS in such circumstances. are available from Financial Services, and are used if you have been granted funds with no formal application process.
  7. How do I access my funds?
    • Contact staff in the of Financial Services, who can tell you how to go about accessing your funds.
  8. Can I access my research funds before I’ve received Research Ethics Board (REB) approval for research involving animals or humans?
  9. Who can I talk to about commercializing my research?


Ethical Conduct FAQs

Research Ethics

View Research Ethics FAQs.

Research Integrity

  1. As a member of the ĢAV community, are my research integrity and academic integrity obligations the same?
    • Certainly the general principles guiding “integrity” [honesty, trust, accountability, fairness, transparency] apply regardless of whether one’s actions are considered from an academic, research or even personal perspective. However, when conduct within the academic setting is in question, it is important to determine first whether the alleged offense is research (or “scholarly”) in nature, or another type of “academic misconduct”. Research or scholarly misconduct is one special type of academic misconduct that has its own externally imposed reporting and investigational requirements. For a description of what generally constitutes research misconduct, please refer to ĢAV’s Scholarly Misconduct Policy, particularly Schedule A that lists several examples of breaches in the responsible conduct of research. Please contact the Office of the Vice-President Research if there is any doubt concerning the classification of the alleged offense.
  2. What should I do if I believe a scholarly (research) misconduct offense has taken place?
    • Where a member of ĢAV’s research community (student, staff, faculty, administrators) has reasonable grounds to believe that scholarly misconduct is occurring or has occurred in the university, he or she is under a positive obligation to report the matter to ĢAV’s scholarly integrity officer, appointed by the Vice-President Research. The university’s Scholarly Misconduct Policy outlines the procedures for addressing alleged breaches in the responsible conduct of research. If you are uncertain whether an activity or activities constitute scholarly misconduct, you may discuss the matter with Jennifer Bain, the Scholarly Integrity Officer, at jennifer.bain@dal.ca or 902-494-7102 on a confidential basis.

Animal Care and Use

  1. I’m a university professor who requires the use of animals as a part of my curriculum but not necessarily as research. What is the protocol for this?
    • The use of animals for teaching and for reasons other than pure research is regulated by the ĢAV University Committee on Laboratory Animals in the same fashion as research protocols. Applicants should contact the UCLA for more information on their specific project at ucla@dal.ca.
  2. How can I access the Policies and Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) on the Animal Care website?
    • You require a password to access the policies and procedures. Personnel employed by or studying at ĢAV with valid banner ID and involved in research programs using animals can obtain access by contacting the UCLA at ucla@dal.ca.
  3. What do I need to know about working with animals at Dal?
    • The humane use of animals in research and teaching at the three ĢAV campuses is closely monitored and regulated. Our research programs meet national standards of care as outlined by the and have earned the institution a Good Animal Practices certificate of recognition. Find out more about animal care and use at ĢAV.