

Global Reach 2023

Global Reach 2023:

Solving Agricultural Problems Through Research and Innovation

Ä¢¹½AV and partnering universities FAFU, MUST, and TNAU, held another successful Global Reach: Solving Agricultural Problems Through Research and Innovation virtual symposium July 12th-13th, 2023! 

Ä¢¹½AV Faculty of Agriculture brought together their international partner universities from China,  Kenya and India in their 4th annual virtual symposium to explore innovative research solutions to agricultural problems. The symposium serves as an important networking opportunity while showcasing Graduate Student research.

Graduate Students of Ä¢¹½AV, FAFU, MUST and TNAU presented their research. Parchments of Recognition certificates are awarded to all presenters.

Participating Universities

Ä¢¹½AV (Nova Scotia, Canada)
(FAFU, Fujian Province, China)
(TNAU, Tamil Nadu, India)
(MUST, Meru, Kenya)

Keynote Presentations

For graduate students and postdoctoral fellows interested to study or research in Canada and at Ä¢¹½AV in particular, a range of funding opportunities were detailed in a presentation from Dr. Erin Murphy, Ä¢¹½AV Office of Research Services.

Student Presentations
(Stay tuned for Links to Youtube Videos!)

Animal Welfare & Nutrition


Wenqing Ling (FAFU)

Effects of Different Additives on Fermentation Quality,
Microbial Communities, and Rumen Degradation of
Alfalfa Silage

Arun Kumar Kathirvel (TNAU)

Exploiting the potential of new plant growth regulator melatonin in the alleviation of drought and high temperature stresses in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

Beatrice Ngendo Nyaga (MUST)

The role of private veterinarians towards improving donkey welfare in Meru County

Anagha Pradeep Kumar (DAL)

Kale plant response to marine-derived biostimulants

Congcong Lu (FAFU)

Genome Evolution of the Primary Endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola in Aphids

Yerradoddi Sindhu Sree (TNAU)

Effect of sowing window and crop geometry on green fodder yield of dual purpose sorghum

Florence Karimi Thaikunu (MUST)

Performance effects of feed supplementation on lactating camels during mating season in Isiolo, Kenya.

Crop Production & Sustainable Food Systems


Mengtian Pei (FAFU)

The balance of the evolution of Magnaporthe oryza

Priya Viswanathan Vishnu (TNAU)

Effect of atmospheric pressure cold plasma processing on the quality parameters of fresh coconut Neera

Victor K. Kemboi (MUST)

Effects of land preparation methods and organic soil amendments on soil properties, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays).

Imran Hassan (DAL)

Deep Learning-Based Detection of Beetles in In-Field Images for Application of Autonomous Field Scouting.

Chengcong Lu (FAFU)

The saliva vitellogenin of leafhopper is an effector suppressing H2O2 in rice host

Asan Mohamed B. (TNAU)

Correlation of Finger millet yield and organic and inorganic nutrients through Inductive cum Targeted Yield Model on Alfisol

Moses N. Murithi (MUST)

Influence of varying soil moisture on growth and yield of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in Meru county, Kenya.

Shreemi Prabhakaran (DAL)

Ramial chipped wood: A sustainable approach to improve boreal soils in Canada.

Engineering & Food Production


 Yuan Liu (FAFU)

Identification and reproductive manipulation of Wolbachia in the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda

Stephen Owino Oselu (MUST)

Production and characterization of camel milk yoghurt containing different types of stabilizing agents

Stephen Owino Oselu (MUST) Green Gold: Refining crude Miraa (Catha edulis) into a real gold

Alejandro Quezada (DAL)

Nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensors application to track carbon footprint impact of municipal organic waste management strategies

Jikky Jayakumar (TNAU)

Extraction of natural pigment - bixin using improved extraction methods

Lorraine Amwoma (MUST)

The impact of pulse electric field treatment on oxidation, color, & sensory attributes of turkey breast meat

Lorraine Amwoma (MUST) Proximate Composition and Glycemic Index of Still Porridges Produced with Composite Flours in Kenya

Patrick J. Hennessy (DAL)

Precision Agriculture Applications of Real-Time Machine Vision in North American Wild Blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.)