ĢAV Undergraduate History Society

What we do and who we are

The ĢAV Undergraduate History Society (UGHS) is a student society that meets weekly during the fall and winter semesters. The society serves as a venue where history students and history buffs alikemeet and discuss interests they have in common.New members are always welcome at any point in the academic year.

The ĢAV Undergraduate History Society also leads events for the student community including, but not limited to, trivia nights, historical trips in and around Halifax, and our annual road trip. The ĢAV Undergraduate History Society also produces Pangaea, our annual undergraduate journal that publishes student-authored work.

To contact the UGHS, please email: ughs@dal.ca

To join the UGHS, please fill the digital

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President: Kriti Maini

Kriti Photo

Hey guys! My name is Kriti and I am so excited and honoured to be serving as UGHS President this year! I am currently in my fourth year of study (out of five) pursuing a combined honours in Political Science and History. I am from India but moved to Halifax with my family in 2017 and have been making the most out of this wonderful city since then. Our wonderful team has a great year planned for everyone, and I hope the initiatives and efforts of the UGHS will help make your time at ĢAV more memorable and enjoyable. Do reach out if you have any questions/suggestions about the society or even about ĢAV in general, want to get involved with the society or even just to chat! (kritimaini@dal.ca)

Vice President: Rafe Taylor

Rafe Photo

Hey! My name is Rafe Taylor, and I’m the Vice-President of the UGHS. I’m in my senior year of a double major in History and Creative Writing, doing a thesis on the history of coffee in the Ottoman Empire. Beyond school I like to spend my time playing sports, writing, travelling, weightlifting, or losing to my friends at pool or a board game. If you want to get in touch about the UGHS or anything else, feel free to reach me at rafelliam@gmail.com or @rafe_lliam on Instagram. 

Treasurer: Olivia Cook

Olivia Photo

Hey!! I’m Olivia Cook, a 5th year student completing my English degree with minors in History and Creative writing. Currently, my main history interest is the medieval period – with a focus in medieval literature. In my free time, I love reading whatever books I can get my hands on, buying too many of said books, producing theatre at King’s, and baking breads and cakes and all sorts of things!

Secretary: Lili Schwartz

Lili Photo

Hi, I’m Lili! I’m a third-year history major with a certificate in art history and visual culture. Besides being one of the secretaries for the ĢAV Undergraduate History Society, I am also a columnist for The ĢAV Gazette where I write a book-weekly book column called “One for the Books.” I love learning about all types of history, but I’m particularly interested in medieval and Early Modern history.

Secretary: Henry

Henry Photo

Hello guys. My name is Henry and I am an undergraduate second year neuroscience student. I will be the secretary (aka chief executive note taker) of UGHS this year. Hopefully we will do well~

Social Media and Outreach Coordinator: Riley Paris

Riley Photo

Hi I'm Riley, I recently switched majors so I’m a third-ish year history student and I'm the social media coordinator for the UGHS this year!! I'm interested in all history, but I’m especially interested in the Antebellum and reconstruction era and modern middle eastern history. In my free time I like trying out new restaurants with friends, watching sports, working out and going for walks! Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram @riley.paris or mn786154@dal.ca to connect, I'm super excited for what we have to come this year!!

Senior Year Representative: Ainsley Priddell

Ainsley Photo

Hi! My name is Ainsley, and I’m a fourth-year kings student working on a double major in History and Political Science with a certificate in Heritage Studies. I was on the Kings Varsity Rugby team for three years and I am also the EDIA rep for the Political Science Society. You can always find me in the Kings Library reading or in the Wardroom after my work is done! I enjoy Russian History and discussions around media and historical understanding after doing my certificate study on Marie Antoinette through the Eyes of Girlblogger. I am very excited to be a part of the society and hope to become a bigger part of the community. 

Third Year Representative: David Cowx

David Photo

Hello! My name is David Cowx, and I'm a history and political science major at ĢAV in my third year. My favourite area of history is Scandinavia, but I also dedicate time to other topics as well as political science. Outside of class and work, I appreciate architecture, fencing (with swords more than stakes, but I can respect both), writing, RPG games, languages, and trains. I usually indulge these hobbies through a combination late-night deep-dives, walks/hikes around my surroundings, and travel. If you meet me, I'll gladly tell you about all these things and more; I'm otherwise just pleased to be in the history society with fun things to do alongside good reasons to leave the house.

Second Year Representative: Callie Jurmain

Callie Photo

Hi! I’m Callie and I’m one of the second-year representatives. I’m currently looking to major in history and contemporary studies. I am particularly interested in 19th and 20th century political movements and rebellions. Other than UGHS I play on King’s soccer team, I enjoy reading, playing the NYT games and trying new coffee places. I can’t wait for everything UGHS has planned for this year!

First Year Representative: Emmett Stevenson

Hello! I’m Emmett, the first-year representative for the UGHS! I’m in my first-year studies at ĢAV planning on majoring in classics. I’m especially interested in classical period architecture, trade, infrastructure, and culture. I’m also interested in Nordic cultures in the medieval period. In my free time I love to run and hike, camp, work on calligraphy, train for future arctic expeditions, and I also enjoy powerlifting. Feel free to reach out to me at (em412822@dal.ca) if you have any questions, and I look forward to seeing you at our events!