


For deserving students with a serious interest and advanced involvement in research, there are several grants available to further their research work, studies and participation at conferences. Students in need of financial aid may be granted bursaries as well while studying at the University.

The following list is a selection of important funding opportunities for students of the Clinical Vision Science program.

Ä¢¹½AV Graduate Studies Scholarships

Mowat Prize for First Year Students

Description: Established to provide a prize to recognize outstanding achievement by a master’s level student in any discipline at Ä¢¹½AV.
Funding: The prize is valued at $1,500.
Eligibility: First year Master's student with a first class average.
How to apply: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the A.S. Mowat Prize Application Form.
Application deadline: April 1
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Phi Kappa Pi Joe Ghiz Memorial Award

Description: This annual memorial award is given to a student of first-class standing who is enrolled in a graduate degree program in any discipline at Ä¢¹½AV.
Funding: The award is valued at $750
Eligibility: Masters or Doctoral level students at Ä¢¹½AV. Students with a first class standing (GPA 3.7/4.3 or higher).
How to apply: Applications or nominations should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the Phi Kappa Pi Joe Ghiz Application Form.
Application deadline: October 31
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Research Grants for Thesis Students

Description: Students in the thesis track are eligible for University Killam scholarships and for grants from the Research Developmental Fund of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Research grants to assist thesis research are available for graduate students in disciplines where such funding would not be available through the research grant(s) of their supervisor or through external grants or awards to the student.
Eligibility: Not for first-year students
How to apply: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the FGS Research Grant (Thesis Program Students) Form.
Application deadline: Students may apply at any time; applications will be considered on an ad hoc basis. Applications must be submitted and approved before any expenses are incurred.
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Dr. R. Evatt & Rita Mathers Trainee Award in Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Master’s in Clinical Vision Science

Purpose: Established in honour of the lives of Dr. R. Evatt and Mrs. Rita Mathers. the prize supports and enables talented students to have maximum involvement in research. Dr. Evatt Mathers was an Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, born in Halifax and educated at Ä¢¹½AV and New York Universities. He practiced in Halifax from 1900 to1947 and was affiliated with the Ä¢¹½AV Medical School throughout his professional career, including lecturing in ophthalmology.
Funding: Funding is made on a competitive basis. One award of $20,000 per year may be granted for a maximum period of 2 years based on evaluation of progress at the end of the first year.
Eligibility: Applicant is full-time Master’s student in Clinical Vision Science and has a faculty supervisor for the planned research project
How to apply: Complete application package to be submitted to Jackie.poole@dal.ca
Application deadline:  2017 May 1
Website: Application details are available at https://medicine.dal.ca/departments/department-sites/ophthalmology/education/dr--r--evatt-and-rita-mathers-trainee-awards.html

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship

Description: These awards are offered in support of studies in programs requiring a thesis and leading toward either a Master's or Doctoral degree. Approximately 80 scholarships are awarded annually. The scholarships are tenable for two years for Master's candidates and up to four years for Doctoral candidates, subject to satisfactory progress. For students not already studying at Ä¢¹½AV, a travel allowance to move to Halifax is included.
Funding: The awards are valued at $20,000 for Master's candidates and $25,000 for Doctoral candidates. The scholarship will also pay all differential fees for international award holders.
Eligibility: The scholarships are open to students in all disciplines in which Ä¢¹½AV offers graduate degrees.
How to apply: For further information contact:
Danielle Pottie
Tel: (902) 494-6246
Fax: (902) 494-8797
E-mail: Danielle.pottie@dal.ca
Web site:
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

James Robinson Johnston Graduate Scholarship for African Canadians

Description: Ä¢¹½AV each year offers a renewable scholarship to a promising African Canadian student, providing him or her the opportunity to pursue studies at the graduate or doctoral level. While any discipline is eligible, applications are particularly encouraged from students whose programme of study has the potential to contribute to African Canadian community enhancement and advancement.  
Funding: The Master's scholarship is valued at $15,000 for one twelve-month academic year of full-time study.
Eligibility: Scholarships will be awarded to African Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Masters or doctoral programmes at Ä¢¹½AV.  The award must be taken up upon commencing the first year of the degree programme.
How to apply: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the James Robinson Johnston Application Form.
Application deadline: The application and annual renewal request deadline is May 15.
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Nova Scotia Black and First Nations Students Graduate Entrance Scholarships

Description: Ä¢¹½AV offers entrance scholarships for students from First Nations and Indigenous Black communities. The scholarships are awarded annually for students at the Master's or doctoral level, and may include professional, course-based or thesis-based programs.
Funding: $15,000 per year
Eligibility: A First Nations and an Indigenous Black student entering a Ä¢¹½AV graduate program for the first time following graduation from a Ä¢¹½AV undergraduate program. See the for complete details.
How to apply: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the Nova Scotia Black and First Nations Students Graduate Entrance Scholarships Form or contact:
Danielle Pottie
E-mail: Danielle.Pottie@dal.ca
Telephone: 494-6246.
Application deadline: May 15
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Eliza Ritchie Doctoral Entrance Scholarship for Women

Description: Established to commemorate Women's Centennial Year and to recognize the contribution of one of the most important nineteenth-century female graduates of Ä¢¹½AV, Eliza Ritchie (1856-1933). It is intended to attract outstanding female students into a program of studies leading to PhD.  
Funding: The award is valued at $24,000 for a twelve-month academic year. It may be renewed, subject to an annual progress review, for up to a total of 36 months of full-time study.
Eligibility: May be awarded to Canadians and permanent residents, preference will be given to candidates from the Atlantic Provinces.
How to apply: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the Eliza Ritchie Application Form.
Application deadline: The annual deadline for application is March 15
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Graduate Thesis Student Conference Travel Grant

Description: Conference travel grants can be awarded to full time graduate students in a Master's thesis program.
Funding: The maximum travel grant awarded is $400
Eligibility: In order to be eligible, students must present a poster or paper based on the results of their graduate thesis research at a national or international scholarly meeting or conference.
How to apply: For more information and/or to submit an application, contact: SASEP Advisory Council
c/o Dr. David Black.
E-mail: david.black@dal.ca
Application deadline: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the Graduate Thesis Student Conference Travel Grant—Guidelines & Application .
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Ä¢¹½AV President's Awards

The President's Award

Funding: The award will cover tuition but not international differential fees or other student fees. The award is granted for up to the first two years for PhD students.  

For graduate students starting PhD programs who have a full doctoral scholarship from one of the following agencies: NSERC; SSHRC; CIHR;Killam (Doctoral)

Website: For complete details about the award please consult:


Faculty of Graduate Studies Bursaries

The Faculty of Graduate Studies Emergency Bursary

Description: Students may apply to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for university bursaries made available through Ä¢¹½AV's Student Assistance Program.
Funding: Awards are for a maximum of $1000. Lower amounts may be awarded.
Eligibility: Based on eligibility and emergency need. The awards are meant to help students overcome temporary financial emergencies such as medical costs or other unforeseen expenses. In exceptional circumstances a Faculty of Graduate Studies Emergency Bursary may be awarded for a chronic shortfall in the student's annual budget. Normally students cannot receive more than one bursary award in an academic year.  
How to apply: Applications should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the Emergency Bursary Application .
Application deadline: Bursary applications are considered monthly throughout the year by the Faculty of Graduate Studies Graduate Bursary Committee.
Website: For complete details about the bursary, please consult:

John and Lina Graham Commonwealth Bursary

Description: The donors established this fund to mark the 75th anniversary of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. Its goal is to assist graduate students who find themselves in need of financial aid while studying in Nova Scotia.
Funding: A bursary of $500 will be awarded
Eligibility: Recipients must be residents of Commonwealth countries, other than Canada, who in the opinion of the selecting body demonstrate need.
How to apply: Applications or nominations should be made to the Faculty of Graduate Studies using the Bursary Application.
Application deadline: March 15 and October 31 each year
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS)

CIHR - Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Master's Award

Purpose: To provide special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a Master's degree in a health related field in Canada. These candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high potential for future research achievement and productivity.
Funding: The maximum amount for a single award is $17,500 for up to one year. Non-renewable.
Eligibility: Individuals eligible to apply to (see below) may submit an application to both programs. This is the only exception where an individual may submit two applications in the same academic year (September through August).
How to apply: Application forms are completed using
Application deadline: Feb 1, 2013
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

CIHR - Health Professional Student Award

Purpose: To further clinical research by providing research training to health professionals and strengthen talent development.
Funding: The maximum amount awarded for a single award is $5,961 for a term. Non-renewable.
Eligibility: For health professional students enrolled in a graduate program leading to Canadian licensure. Candidates must have completed at least the first year of study in their program.
How to apply: Ä¢¹½AV has an internal selection process. Eligible students should contact the Program Chair to be considered.  
Application deadline: February 15
For up-to-date competition information visit CIHR's funding opportunities database:
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Doctoral Foreign Study Award

Purpose: To provide special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field abroad.
Funding: The maximum amount for a single award is $35,000 for up to 3 years. CIHR's and partner contribution to the amount available for this initiative is subject to availability of funds. This award is non-renewable.
Eligibility: All candidates are expected to have an exceptionally high potential for future research achievement and productivity.
How to apply: Application forms and process can be found at
Application deadline: Direct applications: November 6, 2013
University applications: January 9, 2014
For up-to-date competition information visit
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships Program (VCGS)

Purpose: In honour of former Governor General Georges Vanier. To attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting graduate students who demonstrate both leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in their studies.
Funding: $50,000 per annum for up to 3 years
Eligibility: Open to both Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign students pursuing a doctoral degree at eligible Canadian universities
How to apply: The university submits all nominations to the Vanier-Banting Secretariat via .
Application deadline: Deadline for nomination by university: November 6, 2013
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult

Canada Graduate Scholarships Foreign Study Supplements

Purpose: To support successful Canadian graduate students in building international contacts through the pursuit of exceptional research.
Funding: Valued at up to $6,000, to help offset the costs, including travel and accommodation, of undertaking research studies outside Canada (three to six months). Not renewable.
Eligibility: Available only to holders of active CGS awards (Master’s, Doctoral or Vanier)
How to apply: If you are a qualified applicant, you must complete the necessary documentation and submit it to your faculty (school) of graduate studies for consideration.
Application deadline: University deadline set by university,
SSHRC deadlines June 10 and October 10 each year
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Other scholarship options for Clinical Vision Science Students: Canadian and international competitions

IWK Health Centre

Graduate Student Research Scholarship

Purpose: The goals and objectives of the IWK Graduate Student Scholarship are to foster the development of partnership between IWK researchers and Ä¢¹½AV and other universities, to encourage graduate student interest and research in women's and children's health and to facilitate the recruitment of highly qualified graduate students for supervision by IWK staff or employees. 
Funding: The monetary contribution of the IWK Graduate Student Scholarship will be set at $13,400. It is expected that the supervisor will provide a minimum of $4,466 for a minimum full stipend of $17,866.  
Eligibility: The supervisor for the student must be a member of IWK staff or an IWK employee and a member of Faculty of Graduate Studies at Ä¢¹½AV. The principal work and study place for the student has to be at the IWK Health Centre or the affiliated Atlantic Research Centre. The student must be involved in a research project that is consistent with the research mission of the Centre. Applications for the Scholarship will be submitted from the graduate student coordinator of the Department.
How to apply: Application material must be delivered to the IWK Research Office by the deadline. For more details contact:
 or 902-470-8705.
Application deadline: The annual deadline is March, check for exact date.
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation (NSHRF)

Scotia Scholarships

Purpose: These NSHRF funding opportunities are designed to help research programs recruit and fund top research trainees based on evaluation of the research learning environment (Scotia Support Grant) and support individual research trainees based on their achievements (Scotia Scholarship).  
Funding: Scotia Support Grant
This grant provides funding for up to $50,000 over a two (2) year time frame.
Scotia Scholar Awards
Master level - $10,000/annum. 1 year (non-renewable)
Doctorate level - $10,000/annum. Up to 2 years (renewable). $20,000 over two years
Eligibility: Students enrolled at Nova Scotia universities/academic institutions who are completing thesis based degree programs at the Master and Doctorate levels as well as academic post doctoral trainees. Check details of application requirements and evaluation criteria at the .
How to apply: Submit completed application to Faculty of Graduate Studies by the deadline. 
Application deadline: This year's deadline to apply to FGS is 2016 February 29. 2016. With questions you may contact Danielle Pottie, Scholarship Officer, at Danielle.Pottie@dal.ca or 902-494-6246.
Website: For complete details of the scholarship, please consult:

The Quest

Purpose: The John Ruedy Award (the Quest) honors the best of the best.
Funding: In addition to receiving this important recognition, Capital Health contributes an annual award of $5,000 to help the winner further their research.
Eligibility: Each year the award is presented to the student researcher who demonstrates the greatest promise and potential for excellence in health research. The winner is selected from among the applicants with the highest standings in all categories in the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation's (NSHRF) annual grants competition. Among the criteria that will be used to determine the winner will be their future plans, long-term goals, career expectations, and prospective contribution to the field of health research.
Application deadline: Annual deadline in May – check for the exact date
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

The Canadian Orthoptic Society (TCOS)

Essay Award

Funding: $1000 for winner of writing contest.
Eligibility: For students accepted in accredited Canadian Orthoptic Education Programs who are Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. Essay topic is assigned in first year of Program. 
How to apply: Contact your Program Director for further information.
Application deadline: Papers are due by June 30.

Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS)

COS/Coherent-AMT Award for Excellence in Ophthalmic Research


Awards for paper presentations: First place: $3,000; second place: $2,000; third place: $1,000.
Awards for poster presentations: First place: $1,000; second place: $ 750; third place: $ 500


Presented annually since 1995, the Award of Excellence category is open to residents, fellows and medical students conducting original, innovative research at a Canadian university. To be eligible for an Award of Excellence, you must apply at time of abstract submission and be the primary author of this work.

How to apply: Submit your poster PDF and three summary slides for consideration to: awards@cos-sco.ca.
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult:

COS Best Poster Award

Purpose: The Canadian Ophthalmological Society offers the Best Poster Award for presenters of posters at the COS annual meeting
Funding: The winner will receive a grant of $500 to cover the cost of presenting the poster at the annual meeting of the Ophthalmological Society.
Eligibility: All poster presentations are automatically eligible for this award (unless a COS/Coherent-AMT Award winner). Authors must be present at their posters when requested, to be considered. Judging criteria will be forwarded to all poster presenters.
How to apply: For details about the above COS/CAPO grants contact the Canadian Ophthalmological Society:
Tel. 613-729-6779 or 1-800-267-5763,
Fax 613-729-7209
Application deadline: Check for availability of the grants and for application dates.

Prevent Blindness America Ìý

Prevent Blindness America Investigator Award

Purpose: Provides funding for clinically based research in public health issues related to the burden of illness of eye-related health and safety topics.Applications will be accepted in the following priority areas in adult vision, children’s vision, or eye injury:
- Burden/economic aspects of eye disease/vision loss on society
- Best practices to integrate vision screening/follow up care to system care access
  - Vision program effectiveness/evaluation
All research grants need to promote the core mission of Prevent Blindness America – preventing blindness and preserving sight. Basic laboratory science research will not be supported under this program.
Funding: Grants are for a one-year period, up to $30,000, reviewed by a panel of scientists in coordination with the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), and will commence on July 1
Eligibility: For those conducting research in the US or Canada. Funding priority is given to projects for research relating to clinically important eye diseases. For a preferred research topics list for this program see the website of the Organization.
How to apply: Complete the online Application Form in one session, including a brief non-technical description (2-3 sentences) of your project’s relevance to the core mission of Prevent Blindness America – preventing blindness and preserving sight. In addition, please furnish the 4 required supporting documents transmitting them as PDF attachments and emailing to awards@arvo.org.
Application deadline: March 27 (also for applications for renewal).
Acceptance: Notification of award in writing by June 1.
Website: For complete details about the scholarship, please consult: