SCIE 4701/4702

Elective: Science and Technology Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship

We caught up with Dr. Aaron Newman to hear more about the course Science and Technology Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship, an approved elective for the Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 

 will provide students an introduction to the processes and mindsets around innovation and commercialization of science and technology, including entrepreneurship. 

What will a student learn in Science and Technology Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship?

The course teaches students how to identify and solve real-world problems. By “solve” we don’t just mean to come up with a new technology or scientific application, but how to, first, ensure that the problem being solved is genuinely a significant problem and, second, develop a viable and sustainable “business model” whereby the solution generates revenues to cover the costs of developing and delivering it.

Does the course have any interesting highlights you’d like to share?

The course brings in a range of guest presenters from the startup community, providing valuable insights, networking opportunities and career options you’ve never thought of!

It also focuses heavily on team-based experiential learning, with one major project in each term.

How might the course tie into a student’s existing program (major) or career plans?  

Students report that this course opens up new horizons for them, career-wise. After taking this course, many students have found jobs or started graduate programs they had never considered prior to taking it. Sign up and prepare to have your horizons broadened!

Learn more about .

Ready to declare?

Declaring is easy. Learn how to declare the Minor in Entrepreneurship and InnovationĚýłŮ´Ç»ĺ˛ą˛â.