University Preparation

Are You Preparing for University?

Year-round, we offer a wide range of non-creditedUniversity Preparationcourses allowing you to:

  • upgrade your marks;
  • earn a prerequisite to enter a specific university program;
  • build your confidence before taking a university credit course

Our program has over two decades of success and has provided academic upgrading opportunities to thousands of students. We embrace the diversity of each learners' unique learning style and work closely with our other campus offices to ensure a full-service approach. We look forward to accommodating more with our newly designed virtual learning with a self-paced delivery model.

Click On Each Course Name to Learn More

These courses are 8 weeks in length and offered in aself-paceddelivery model.It is recommended that students spend an average of 15 hours per week on course work.

*self-paced delivery means that courses can be taken on your own schedule and at your own pace. This means that students in other time zones/geographic regions are not disadvantaged; and students can participate at their convenience.Independent learners can still seek interaction via email, discussion boards and group work.

For assistance or more information, please contactopenlearning@dal.ca.

The Benefits of Studying at ĢAV

Studying on the ĢAV campus prepares you for university life. You will have the opportunity to:

  • learn from qualified instructors who are familiar with Grade 12 and first-year university course material
  • become familiar with university level expectations
  • get to know other university-bound students
  • meet our academic student advisors
  • visit university classrooms, the library and computer facilities
  • learn about campus life; participate in a campus tour

How Do I Register?

You may register online on our. We can accept Visa/Visa Debit, Mastercard/Mastercard Debit, and American Express. Once the course fee has been paid, you will receive a receipt for income tax purposes, as well as confirmation of course location, dates and times. Full course fees are required before the start of a course. If you withdraw from a course, prior to the start date, a refund will be issued. An administrative fee will be withheld for all withdrawals. There are no refunds for withdrawals after the start of any course, except in extenuating circumstances.

UPrep Bursary Fund

The University Prep Bursary fund is made available to African Nova Scotia/Black and Nova Scotia Indigenous Persons who are preparing for University credit study and who need to take University Prep courses to do so. It includes the cost of tuition and MAY cover the cost of texts for the course. This is based on financial need and will be assessed individually.

For more information, please visit our Bursaries & Grants page.

To apply, please go to our [170 KB]

Tuition Waiver for Former Youth-in-Care

ĢAV has introduced a Tuition Waiver for Former Youth-in-Care that supports former youth-in-care who face unique and multiple barriers to accessing and persisting in post-secondary education. For more information and to apply, visit the website.


A couple of comments from students who have benefitted from our University Preparation courses:

It was a wonderful and smooth course which prepared me for Calculus in just four months."
~ A. Anwar, Pre-calculus Math student

The course was beneficial for my writing. I feel confident that I have obtained the skills required to succeed in University.
~ Mark Kearney, Writing Skills for Academic Study student

Speak to an Admissions Advisor

For more information on undergraduate admission requirements, please visit ĢAV’s Contact an Advisor page.