

Research Fellowships

The excellence of the Department of Chemistry and the Graduate Studies program is reflected in numerous research grants which totalÌýin the millions of dollarsÌýeach year. The graduate program is the largest east of Montreal and the only PhD chemistry graduate program in Nova Scotia. The atmosphere is highly collegial with many collaborations and interactions.


Postdoctoral Opportunities

Most postdoctoral fellows in the Department of Chemistry are supported from the research funds of the individual professors. For such opportunities, email the individual professors at the addresses listed on Faculty pages on this website. There are also a limited number of Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships available through a university-wide competition.


Killam Fellowships

Prestigious Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable in the Department of Chemistry. The fellowships are awarded annually in a university-wide competition and may be held for up to two years. Killam Fellows receive $40,000 per year plus benefits, a travel allowance, and a conference travel grant and a research grant.

Prospective candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • recent PhD graduate
  • excellent research references
  • excellent publication record in top-ranked journals
  • excellent academic record
    The competition for the Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships is intense, with only a few being awarded in the university each year.

Application forms and current details about Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships can be obtained from the .The deadline for applications is December 15 each year. Potential applicants should send an initial enquiry, preferably before October 1, to:

Professor Norman Schepp
Department of Chemistry
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J3
FAX: 902-494-3707
E-mail: norman.schepp@dal.ca
