Seminar Archives

Winter 2024

Department Seminars will be held in person (McCain building -6135 University Avenue) unless otherwise advertised. Please emaileconomics@dal.cafor the link.




Guest Speaker


Title of Paper

Jan 18

11:30am - 1:00pm

McCain #2184

McGill University

Inference for Factor-MIDAS Regression Models

Jan 19

2:30 - 4:00pm

McCain #2198

University of Toronto

The Effect of Reducing Welfare Access on Employment, Health, and Children's Long-Run Outcomes & Cash Welfare and Health Spending

Jan 23

11:30am - 1:00pm

McCain #2016

NYU Abu Dhabi

Obviously Strategy-proof Rules for Object Reallocation

Jan 26

2:30 - 4:00pm

McCain #2198

European University Institute

When Incumbency Limits Public Good Provision

Feb 1

11:30am - 1:00pm

McCain #2184

Université du Québec à Montréal

The Minimum Wage in Firms’ Organizations: Productivity Implications

Feb 8

11:30 am - 1:00pm

Online only (please emaileconomics@dal.ca

for the meeting link)

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Echo Chambers: Choosing Interlocutors and Messages

Feb 9

2:30 - 4:00pm

McCain #2198

Queen's University

Dynamic Treatment Effect Estimation with Interactive Fixed Effects and Short Panels

Mar 22

2:30 - 4:0pm

McCain #2198

Cornell University

Divergent Preferences and Loan Market Consequences of Benchmark Replacement

Summer 2023

The summer seminar will be held Wednesday, June 21st from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm (Room 2184 McCain Building) and virtual. Please email economic@dal.ca for the link.

Date Guest Speaker Affiliation Title of Paper
Jun 21 Lucienne Talba

University of Toronto

Of Cattle and (Wo)men: Animal Domestication and Gender Disparities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Winter 2023

Department Seminars are held usually on Friday afternoons from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (Room 2184 McCain Building) unless otherwise advertised.

Date Guest Speaker Affiliation Title of Paper
Jan 20 (Virtual)

Univeristy of British Columbia

Feb 10 York University
Mar 3 Université du Québec à Montréal Firms' Organizations and the Minimum Wage
Mar 10 Carleton University
Mar 17 Université du Québec à Montréal Aggregate, Regional and Sectoral Implications of Transportation Costs
Mar 24 Queen's University Algorithms for Predictive Analysis: Communication, Privacy and Weights
Mar 31 (Virtual) Simon Fraser University

Fall 2022

Department Seminars are held usually on Friday afternoons from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (Room 302 Dunn Building) unless otherwise advertised.

Date Guest Speaker Affiliation Title of Paper
Sep 16

Université de Montréal

Oct 21 University of Guelph Market segregation in the presence of customer discrimination
Oct 28 University of Chicago Corporate Discount Rates
Nov 4 University of Toronto On the validity of the instrumental variable approach
Nov 18 University of Toronto

Nov 25

St. Francis Xavier University Inflation, Real Stock Returns and Financial Crises
Dec 2(virtual seminar) Wilfrid Laurier University

Fall 2021

Department Seminars are held virtually on Friday afternoons from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm unless otherwise advertised. Register in advance for the seminars using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkd-qqqDwrG9Ci9L1FiBwgjAnq2OlQyFc3
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please note you need to register to zoom (if you have not used zoom before) for security reasons.

Sep 24
Dartmouth College
Oct 1 University of Illinois
Oct 8
Georgia State University

Oct 15 (2:30-6:20 pm)

ACEA Virtual Mini-Conference A YouTube recording of the conference is available .
Oct 22 Harvard Business School
Oct 29 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Mergers, Entry, and Consumer Welfare
Nov 5 University of Notre Dame
Nov 19 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Schooling and Political Activism in the Early Civil Rights Era
Nov 26 University of Oxford Learning Management Through Matching: A Field Experiment Using Mechanism Design
Dec 3 UCLA

Winter 2020

Department Seminars are held usually onFriday afternoonsfrom 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (Room 302 Dunn Building) unless otherwise advertised.

30 Jan Kevin Fawcett University of Toronto Match quality, on the job search and wage-tenure Contracts
31 Jan James McNeil Queens University Monetary policy and the term structure of inflation expectations with information frictions
11 Feb Genevieve Nelson University of Oxford Securitization and House Price Growth
Diana Alessandrini St. Francis Xavier University Progressive taxation and economic stability
Steven Lehrer Queens University
Ehlers Lars Montreal University CANCELLED

Fall 2019

20 Sep Joann Jasiak York University Noncausal Processes in Application to Bitcoin Analysis
27 Sep Vikram Manjunath Univ. of Ottawa Strategy-Proof Exchange under Trichotomous Preferences
4 Oct Dinghai Xu Univ. of Waterloo Modelling Asset Returns under Price Limits with Mixture Models
11 Oct Dave Wozniak Eastern Michigan University Diversity Effects for Altruistic Behavior: Evidence from the field and international data
18 Oct John Roemer Yale Univ. What is socialism today? Conceptions 1 of a cooperative economy
25 Oct Elif Dalkir UNB Adverse Selection and Pay-in-kind Debt Contracts
1 Nov Robin Boadway Queen's Univ. Implementing a Basic Income Guarantee in Canada: Prospects and Problems.
8 Nov Ana Dammert Carleton Univ. He Said, She Said: Child Labor Measurement in Ethiopia
22 Nov Jim Davies Western Univ. of Western Ontario The World Distribution of Wealth, 2000 - 2019
6 Dec Marcus Taylor Queen's Univ. Climate Change, ’New Green Revolutions' and the Politics of Rural Development in India

Winter 2019

Lars Osberg ĢAV Health Implications of Economic Insecurity
Weina Zhou ĢAV Univeristy Group Discrimination in the Classroom and Academic Achievement
Melvin Cross ĢAV Railroad Corporations, A.T. Hadley, and the Theory of the Firm in the Late 19thCentury
8 Feb Elif Dalkir University of New Brunswick, Fredericton [PDF - 52kb]
(This seminar was cancelled due to inclement weather)
Francesco Amodio McGill University [PDF - 1.5mb]
Mrittika Shamsuddin ĢAV Does Higher Rank Deter Risk Taking Behaviour? The Case of Migration
Ana Ferrer University of Waterloo Career progression of immigrant women across Europe
Onur Kesten Carnegie Mellon University [PDF - 560kb]
Shankha Chakraborty University of Oregon Pro-Capitalist Preference and Long-Term Development
Matthieu Chemin McGill University [PDF - 1mb]
Apr 5 Xiaodong Zhu University of Toronto [PDF - 198kb]

Fall 2018

7 Sep Yves Sprumont University of Montreal [PDF - 1.1mb]
14 Sep Nan Geng International Monetary Fund [Off-site]
21 Sep Matias Cortes York University The “End of Men” and Rise of Women in the High-Skilled Labor Market
28 Sep Dapel Zuhumnan CGDEV [PDF - 179kb]
5 Oct Sripad Motiram University of Massachusetts - Boston [PDF - 70kb]
19 Oct Nicholas Li University of Toronto [PDF - 921kb]
26 Oct Stephen Clark ĢAV - Truro Campus Output, Yield and Area Response to Economic, Climate and Rotation factors for Grains and Oilseeds in Saskatchewan
2 Nov Laura Turner University of Toronto [PDF - 1.2mb]
23 Nov Gabriel Bruneau Bank of Canada How do foreign holdings in Canadian bonds affect domestic interest rates and house prices?

Winter 2018

Jan 12 Mevlude Akbulut ĢAV Social Unrest in Impressionable Years and the Formation of Political Attitudes" (joint with Dozie Okoye and Mutlu Yuksel)
Jan 19 Fraser Summerfield St. Francis Xavier University Government Transfers, Work and Wellbeing: Evidence from the Russian Old-Age Pension
Jan 26 Jean Denis Garon Université du Québec à Montréal [PDF - 908kb]
Feb 2 No seminar
Feb 9 Xiao Yuan Dong University of Winnipeg Childcare Costs and Migrant and Local Mothers' Labor Force Participation in Urban China
Feb 16 Spring break
Feb 23 Spring break
Mar 2 Dietz Vollrath University of Houston [PDF - 441kb]
Mar 9 Damba Lkhagvasuren Concordia University The Role of a Persistent Match Shock in a Roy Model: Mobility, Wage-Tenure Profiles and Lifetime Earnings
Mar 16 Abel Brodeur University of Ottawa Mines, Attitudes and LGBT: Evidence from the California Gold Rush
Mar 23 Marie Connolly UQAM Social Mobility Trends in Canada: Going up the Great Gatsby Curve

Fall 2017

Sep 8 Courtney Ward ĢAV Health Policy in the Face of Heterogeneous Externalities: the Case of Influenza Vaccination
Sep 15 Rene Kirkegaard Guelph University Endogenous Correlation and Moral Hazard (joint with Pierre Fleckinger)
Sep 22 Kai Zhao University of Connecticut (Cancelled) Household Saving, Financial Constraints and the Current Account Surplus
Sep 29 Marco Gonzalez-Navarro University of Torronto Vulnerability and Clientelism
Oct 6 Remi Jedwab George Washington University The Economics of Missionary Expansion and the Compression of History,joint with Felix Meier zu Selhausen (Sussex) and Alexander Moradi (Sussex).

Oct 13

Steven Kivinen ĢAV Robust Group Strategy- Proofness
Oct 20 Roland Pongou Ottawa University Networked Politics: Political Cycles and Instability under Social Influences
Nov 3 Rene Saran Yale-NUS College Level-k Mechanism Design
Nov 17 Harutaka Takamashi Meiji Gakuin University [PDF - 836kb]
Nov 24 Andrew Hill Montana State Paying for whose performance? Teacher incentive pay and the black-white achievement gap
Dec 1 Kevin Milligan University of British Columbia Earnings, Mortality, and the Distribution of Longevity (withTammy Schirle)

Fall 2016

Sep 23 Michel Serafinello University of Toronto Creativity over Time and Space
Sep 30
Bob Dimand
Brock University
John Maynard Keynes Narrates the Great Depression
Oct 14 Pierre Nguimkeu Georgia State University [PDF - 356kb] (with Augustine Denteh and Rusty Tchernis)
Oct 28 Christos Ntantamis ĢAV
[PDF - 1.2mb]
Nov 18 Ismael Mourifie University of Toronto The Cobb Douglas marriage matching function: Marriage matching with peer effects
Nov 25 Jonathan Rosborough St. Franics Xavier University [PDF - 1.2mb] (with Christopher Hajzle)

Summer 2016

Aug 31
Harutaka Takahashi Meiji Gakuin University [PDF - 951kb]

Spring 2016

Jun 9 Matthew Webb Carleton University

[PDF - 451kb] with Brennan S. Thompson

[PDF - 443kb] with James G. MacKinnon

Winter 2016

Jan 15 Bruce McGough Oregon [PDF - 798kb]
Jan 22
Norovsambuu Tumennasan ĢAV Price Matching and Output
Feb 12 Andrea Brandolini Statistics and Research of the Bank of Italy European Inequality (jointly presented with The European Union Centre of Excellence)
Feb 26
Kuan Xu ĢAV

[PDF - 627kb]

rescheduled from Jan 29

Mar 4 Shintaro Yamaguchi McMaster University Childcare Availability and the Well-Being of Extended Family
Mar 17

John F. Graham Memorial Lecuture

Michael Wolfson

University of Ottawa

Freedom 55, Not: Prospects for Canadians’ Retirement Incomes




Mar 18 Michael Wolfson University of Ottawa Contingent Inequalities – An Exploration of Health Inequalities in the U.S. and Canada
Apr 1 David Yves Albouy University of Illinois Housing Demand, Cost-of-Living Inequality, and the Affordability "Crisis"
Apr 15 Sripad Motiram University of Massachusetts On Segregation in Indian Cities: The Cases of Hyderabad and Mumbai (with Vamsi Vakulabharanam)

Fall 2015

Sept 11

Andrea Giusto ĢAV Linear Resampling of Vector Autoregressions (with T. Iscan)
Sep 18
Takanori Adachi Nagoya [PDF - 196kb] (with T. Hisada)
Sep 25
Boston College Lung Exchange
Oct 2
Robin Boadway
[PDF - 526kb]
Oct 9
Fabian Lange McGill Heterogeneity among the Non-Employed: Evidence from Labor Force Status Histories
Oct 16
Philip DeCicca McMaster [PDF - 35kb] (with D.Kenkel and F. Liu)
Oct 23
No Talk ACEA Meeting
Oct 30
Maggie Jones Queen's Incentives, Disincentives, and Academic Achievement
Mehmet Dalkir UNB Free-rider effect in corporate takeovers: a complete elimination may not be easy
Nov 20
Cornelius Christian St. FX
[PDF - 422kb]
Nov 27
Harry Krashinsky U of T
The Causal Effect of Education on Overall Fertility: New Evidence from Canadian Data

Winter 2015

Jan 23 Pier-Andre Bouchard St-Amant INET [PDF - 750kb]
Jan 29 Norov Tumennasan Aarhus [PDF - 424kb] (with J. Kennes and D. Monte)
Feb 5 Luc Bridet Toulouse Selling dreams: Entrepreneur optimism and collateral use in financial contracting (with P. Schwardmann)
Feb 10 Umberto Garfagnini ITAM Is less risk really better? The role of externalities in shaping risk-taking incentives
Feb 20 Branko Milanovic CUNY Global income distribution: Current trends and political implications
Mar 5 Miles Corak Ottawa 'Inequality is the root of social evil,' or maybe not: Two stories about inequality and public policy
Mar 13 Andrew Davis Acadia [PDF - 1.7mb](with J. Kim)
Mar 20 Conchita D'Ambrosio Luxembourg [PDF - 514kb] (with W. Bossert)
Mar 27 Francisco HG Ferreira World [PDF - 703kb] (with V. Peragine)
Apr 10 Santanu Roy Southern Methodist [PDF - 24kb] (with T. Kamihigashi)

Fall 2014

Sep 12
Mikal Skuterud Waterloo [PDF - 426kb] (with A. Clarke)
Sep 19
Ben Sand York In search of labor demand(with P. Beaudry and D. Green)
Sep 26
Leonard MacLean ĢAV [PDF - 607kb](with Y. Zhao and W. Ziemba)
Oct 3
Michael Pesko Cornell [PDF - 555kb]
Oct 10
Georges Dionne HEC Montreal The governance of risk management (joint seminar with the School of Business Administration)
Oct 17 Chris Ferrall Queens How to design, solve and estimate discrete dynamic programs
Oct 24
Ana Ferrer Waterloo The effect of linguisitic proximity on the occupational assimilation of immigrants (with A. Adsera)
Oct 31
Brant Abbott Yale [PDF - 317kb]
Nov 7
Steven Kivinen Dal Unemployment volatility and networks
Nov 14 Francisco Gonzalez Waterloo [PDF - 300kb]
Nov 21 Vincent Boucher Laval Conformism and self-selection in social networks
Nov 28 Umut Oguzoglu Manitoba [PDF - 1.4mb]
Dec 5 Scott Imberman Michigan State The effects of targeted recruitment and comprehensive supports for low-income high achievers at elite universities: Evidence from Texas flagships

Fall 2013

Sep 17 Sripad Motiram IGIDR Unemployment burden and its distribution: Theory and evidence from India
Sep 20 Olave Krigolson Dal Why rational choice is not always rational: A neuroeconomic look at human decision making
Sep 27 David Gray Ottawa A dynamic analysis of the receipt of Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) status among Canadians
Oct 4 John Cawley Cornell [off-site] (with Rosemary Avery and Matthew Eisenberg)
Oct 11 Jason Lindo Texas A&M Breaking the link between legal access to alcohol and motor vehicle accidents: Evidence from New South Wales
Oct 18 Lars Osberg Dal What's so bad about more inequality?
Oct 25 Emilia Simeonova Johns Hopkins [off-site] (with Meghir, Costas and Palme, Mårten)
Nov 1 Paul Shea Bates Housing and endogenous default
Nov 8 Roland Pongou Ottawa [off-site] (with Dev, Pritha and Mberu, Blessing)
Nov 15 Francisco Alvarez-Cuarado McGill [off-site] (with El-Attar Mayssun)
Nov 29 Ryuichi Tanaka GRIPS School choices: The effects of immigration and the Great Recession

Winter 2013

Jan 18 Chris Minns LSE The Economics of Training in a Pre-Industrial Society: Evidence from English Apprenticeship
Jan 25 Nick Zammit Warwick Expectations Reconsidered: A Sectoral Comparison of Canadian-Australian Productivity 1871-2008
Jan 29 Dozie Okoye UWO [off-site]
Jan 30 Fernando Leibovici NYU Financial Development and International Trade
Feb 8 Joshua Lewis Toronto Fertility Child Health, and the Diffusion of Electricity in the Home
Feb 12 Laura Salisbury Boston Women's Income and Marriage Markets in the US: Evidence from the Civil War Pension
Feb 21 Nicole Fortin UBC John F. Graham Memorial Lecture
Leaving Boys Behind: Gender Disparities in High Academic Achievement
Feb 22 Nicole Fortin UBC Occupational Tasks and Changs in the Wage Structure (with T. Lemieux and S. Firpo)
Mar 8 Weina Zhou UBC China's Saving Rate and Family Structure
Mar 15 Catherine Maclean Penn Economic Fluctuations and Drug Abuse Treatment: Evidence From Admissions Data
Mar 22 Sonia Laszlo McGill Coordination, Common Knowledge, and an H1N1 Flu Outbreak (with J. Engle-Warnick, N. Mishagina, and E. Strumpf)
Apr 5 Dan Rosenblum ĢAV A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding the US Heroin Market
May 10 Jeff Dayton-Johnson Monterey [off-site] (with R. Avendano)

Fall 2012

Sep 14 Michael Kumhoff IMF [off-site] (with Romain Ranciere)
Sep 21 Stephan Klasen öٳپԲ [off-site] (with Sebastian Vollmer)
Oct 5 Richard Steckel OSU
The Long Shadow of American Slavery: Human Capital, 1850-1910
Oct 12 Elaine Liu Houston [off-site] (with L. Edlund and Jin-Tan Liu)
Oct 19 Paula Adam and Chris Skedgel Eur Univ Inst and Dal Panel Discussion:Who Should Have Priority in Access to Health Care? European and Canadian Perspectives
Oct 26 Ed Wolff NYU [off-site] (with Maury Gittleman)
Nov 2 Fabian Waldinger Warwick [off-site]
Nov 9 David Wozniak Eastern Michigan Effects of Ambiguity in Decisions
Nov 16 Abdul Aleem ĢAV [off-site] (with Amine Lahiani)
Nov 23 Thanasis Stengos Guelph Structural Threshold Regression (with Andros Kourtellos and Chih Ming Tan)
Dec 7 Richard Akresh Illinois Cash Transfers and Child Schooling: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of the Role of Conditionaity

Winter 2012

Jan 19 Michele Battisti Simon Fraser High Wage Workers and High Wage Peers
Jan 27 Amanda Michaud Minnesota An Information Theory of Worker Flows and Wage Dispersion
Feb 2 Xi Chen Cornell [off-site]
Feb 16 Mike Veall McMaster John F. Graham Memorial Lecture
The Top of the Income Distribution in Canada
Feb 17 Mike Veall McMaster Possible Causes and Consequences of the Top Income Surge
Mar 2 Andrea Giusto ĢAV An Adaptive Learning Algorithm for Nowcasting Recessions
Mar 8 Casey Warman Queen's [off-site] (with S. Imai and D. Stacey)
Mar 9 Jerry Hurley

McMaster [off-site] (with J. Li, P. DeCicca, and G. Buckley)
Mar 23 John Parman William & Mary Childhood Health and Sibling Outcomes: The Shared Burden of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
Mar 30 Courtney Ward ĢAV The Effects of School Immunization Mandates: Does prenatal exposure to state school immunization policy impact health and well-being in later life?

Fall 2011

Sep 16 Olga Shemyakina Georgia Tech Labor Market, Education and Armed Conflict in Tajikistan
Sep 23 Mutlu Yuksel Dal and IZA Rubble Women: The Long-Term Effects of Wartime Destruction on Female Labor Market Outcomes (with M. Akbulut-Yuksel and M. Khamis)
Sep 30 Vikram Kaksar IMF World Economic and Financial Outlook
Oct 7 Serge Coulombe Ottawa [off-site] (with G. Grenier and S. Nadeau)
Oct 21 Michal Horvath Oxford Tax Reform and Automatic Stabilization: A Theoretical Assessment (with C. Nolan)
Oct 28 David Gray Ottawa [off-site] (with R. Finnie and Y. Zhang)
Nov 4 Gustavo Bobonis Toronto The Dynamic Effects of Information on Political Corruption: Theory and Evidence from Puerto Rico (with L. Camara Fuertes and R. Schwabe)
Nov 18 Stanley Engerman Rochester [off-site] (with K. Sokoloff)
Nov 25 Christos Ntantamis Mt. Allison [off-site]
Dec 2 Chinhui Juhn Houston Men, Women and Machines: How Trade Impacts Gender Inequality