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Healthy Workplace Award profile: Schulich School of Law

Posted by Human Resources on December 11, 2014 in Community Highlights

This article is the second in a series to showcase the departments and faculties nominated for the 2014 Healthy Workplace Award.

Upon arrival at the Schulich School of Law, one quickly learns that their traditional open door policy, practiced by all, fosters a wonderful sense of community for faculty, students, and staff.  The school uses many collaborative ways to include faculty and staff in decision making which enhances the sense of inclusion.

The Schulich School of Law is also known for finding reasons to “come together.” The school hosts many social and vocational events that bring people together and acknowledges accomplishments or milestones, including:  honoring faculty through teaching awards; year-end celebrations to acknowledge student accomplishments; and a monthly birthday celebration in honour of all those faculty and staff who have a birthday in a particular month. On the vocational side, professional sessions on peer work by faculty is disseminated through the Faculty Seminar series.

With internal communication a challenge in any department, the Law School keeps their lines of communication open by providing information updates on what’s happening around the school and on campus though a communication called “This Week in Brief” and the Dean keeps everyone apprised of school items through a regular Dean’s Update sent out to the members of the school.  Dean Kim Brooks believes that “keeping the lines of communication open is essential to our sense of belonging to a community.”

Their students have played a large part in making the school aware of the waste they produce and how they can reduce it. In the early 1990’s, well before the university was separating waste, Dal law students would collect all the garbage for a day, separate it, and lay it out for all to see in order to make people aware of the extent of the problem in the law building, and to remind them of the impact they were making on the environment. The Weldon Law Building was the first building on campus to research and purchase recycling bins to separate their waste.

The school promotes a healthy workplace through a wide range of initiatives, including flexible work hours, professional development, ergonomic equipment, and lounge spaces that allow a spot to relax during the day and to prepare a healthy meal.  They bought 100 pedometers with their brand on them to distribute to employees, visitors and prospective students to further spread the word about what they value.

A measure of their success at attending to the needs of their constituents can be noted by comparing the 2011 and 2013 Workplace Survey results. The law faculty improved significantly in 22 of the 57 categories of workplace success.  Notably, the faculty and staff at the faculty of law have a high level of commitment to the School (96%), believe their success is supported (80%), and are proud of the work they do (98%).

If that wasn’t enough, the school is committed to making wellness the easy choice by adding a new exercise room, shower room, and wheel chair accessible washroom to their facility.  “The exercise room will provide a close and convenient place for faculty and staff to boost their fitness and well-being, all the while giving back to the school a more healthy and productive employee,” says Kim Brooks.

Watch for future department profiles and contact HealthyDal@Dal.ca to explore how to advance the health of your workplace.