Presentations and Publications

Keep checking back for all the latest presentations, publications and updates as the research is completed.


Abel-Adegbite, I., B. Hayden, and M.A. Gray. 2019. Investigation of legacy methane seepage into freshwater food webs using novel applications in Stoney Creek, New Brunswick. Journal of Student Research. 8(1). 1-13.

Wach, G., Henderson, F. & McLachlan, E. Methane emissions from abandoned coal and oil and gas wells developments in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment - In Review

Loomer, D.B.; MacQuarrie, K.T.B. and Al, T.A. (in press) Comparison of hydrocarbon gas isotopic compositions in shallow groundwater and a deep oil and natural gas reservoir in southeastern New Brunswick, Canada. In press with Atlantic Geology.

Taylor, K. A., Risk, D., Williams, J. P., Wach, G. D., and Sherwood, O. A. (2021) Occurrence and origin of groundwater methane in the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 754.

Williams, J.P., Risk, D., Marshall, A., Nickerson, N., Martell, A., Creelman, C., Grace, M., and Wach, G. 2019. Methane emissions from abandoned coal and oil and gas developments in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment. 191:479

Conference Presentations

Abel-Adegbite I, B Hayden, and MA Gray. 2018. Investigation of legacy methane seepage into freshwater food webs using novel applications in Stoney Creek, New Brunswick. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.

Abel-Adegbite I, B Hayden, and MA Gray. 2018. Investigation of legacy methane seepage into freshwater food webs using novel applications in Stoney Creek, New Brunswick. Science Atlantic: Environment Conference. Mar 16-18. Mount Allison University. Sackville NB.

Grace, M. and Butler, K. 2018. Legacy infrastructure in the Stoney Creek oil field based on well site visits and magnetic surveys. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.

Henderson, F., McLauchlan, E. and Wach, G. 2018. Geologic characterization and historical context for the Gas Seepage Project (GaSP) study areas in the Maritimes Basin, Canada. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.

Henderson, F., McLauchlan, E. and Wach, G. 2018. Geologic Characterization and Historic Mining Data Analysis of Abandoned Coal Mine Sites in Nova Scotia. Global Methane Forum, April 16-18, Toronto, ON.

Loomer, D., MacQuarrie, K., and Chase, C. 2018. The occurrence of methane and other hydrocarbon gases in private water supply wells in the vicinity of the Stoney Creek oil and natural gas field, New Brunswick, Canada. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.

Oyarhossein, M. and Dusseault, M.B. 2018. Mitigating Gas Seepage – creating a Road Map. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.

Taylor, K.A., Risk, D., and Sherwood, O. 2018. Sources of groundwater methane in proximity to legacy coal extraction sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS

Taylor, K., Williams, J., Mckenzie, C., Wach, G., Risk, D., Sherwood, O. 2018. Sources of groundwater methane in proximity to legacy coal extraction sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. St. Francis Xavier University Student Research Day. Mar 28, Antigonish NS

Taylor, K. and Sherwood, O. 2018. Sources of Groundwater Methane in Proximity to Legacy Coal Mines in Nova Scotia. Global Methane Forum, April 16-18, Toronto, ON.

Taylor, K., Williams, J., O’Connell, E., Mckenzie, C., Watch, G., Risk, D., Sherwood, O. Occurrence and Origin of Groundwater Methane in Proximity to Legacy Coal Mines in Nova Scotia. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA, December 2018

Wach. G., Risk, D., Gray, M., Sherwood, O., MacQuarrie, K., Butler, K., and Dusseault, M. 2018. Assessing methane emissions from legacy fossil resource development and methane mitigation potential in Atlantic Canada, Nova Scotia (GaSP- Gas Seepage Project). Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.


Wach, G.D. 2018. "GaSP – Methane Mitigation in the Canadian Atlantic Provinces" UNECE 27th Session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy, Geneva, Switzerland. September 26-27, 2018.

Williams, J., Risk, D., Wach, G., Grace, M., and Butler, K. 2018. Methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells at the Stoney Creek oilfield, New Brunswick, Canada. Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, Truro NS.

Williams, J. and Risk, D. 2018. Methane Emissions from Legacy Infrastructure at the Stoney Creek Oilfield, New Brunswick. Global Methane Forum, April 16-18, Toronto, ON.

Student Theses

Taylor, K., Williams, J., Wach, G., Risk, D., Sherwood, O. 2019.Occurrence, Origin and Applications for Sampling Groundwater Methane in the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia. St. Francis Xavier University Thesis. Dec 4, Antigonish NS.

Taylor, K., Williams, J., Wach, G., Risk, D., Sherwood, O. 2019.Occurrence, Origin and Applications for Sampling Groundwater Methane in the Stellarton Basin, Nova Scotia. St. Francis Xavier University Thesis Defense. Nov 21, Antigonish NS.

Data collected as part of the GaSP is included as a component of the PhD thesis “Evaluating the occurrence of methane in groundwater in southeastern New Brunswick” by Diana B. Loomer, University of New Brunswick.


Data collected for the NS portion of Task 4 was disseminated to the individual homeowners who took part in the project. A letter with a table of results was accompanied by information about methane in groundwater and links to contractors in NS who specialize in well venting. All of the data was submitted to NSDNR for archiving.

Technical Reports

Grace, M., and Butler, K.E., 2018, Stoney Creek Legacy Well Site Present Conditions and Infrastructure Based on Site Visits and Magnetic Surveys, In review for publication as an Open File by the New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development.

Grace., M., Williams, J., Butler, K.E., McLachlan, E., and Wach, G.D., 2018, Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Petroleum Geology and Legacy Well Infrastructure at Stoney Creek Field, New Brunswick, In review for publication as an Open File by the New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development.

Henderson, F., Wach, G. and McLauchlan, E. (2018) Measuring and Estimating Methane Emissions from Abandoned Coal Mines in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Oyarhossein, M. and Dusseault, M. B. 2018. Mitigating Gas Seepage – Creating a Road Map. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON.

SkySquirrel technologies. 2018. Summary Report for Task 3, Milestone 7 of the Gas Seepage Project (GaSP).

Wach, G., McLauchlan, E. and Henderson, F. (2017) GaSP Seepage Project: ĢAV Initiative and Geologic Report

Walsh, R. 2018. Gas Seepage Project (GaSP): Modelling Subsurface Flow Paths at Stoney Creek Oil and Gas Field. Geofirma Engineering, Ltd. Ottawa, ON.

Withey, P., Plazek, B., Rowe, A., and Evans, J. 2018. Economic Analysis of Methane Mitigation. St. Francis Xavier University, Department of Economics.


Loomer, D.; MacQuarrie, K. and Al, T. 2020. Understanding the occurrence of methane in groundwater in southeastern New Brunswick. Invited speaker, IAH-CNC Atlantic and Nova Scotia Environment, 23 & 24 January 2020, Halifax.

Taylor, K., Williams, J., Wach, G., Risk, D., Sherwood, O. 2017. Examining the source and concentrations of dissolved methane in groundwater using isotopic signatures for the Gas Seepage Project (GaSP). Dawson Geology Graduate Research Talk, ĢAV. Halifax NS

GaSP Project Workshops

June 27, 2017, Joggins, NS
September 11, 2017, Joggins, NS
Atlantic Geoscience Society. Feb 2-3, 2018 Truro NS

Updated November 4, 2020