
Presentation slides are linked as PDFs when available.



Johnston, G. & Lethbridge, L. (2013 – January 23) Meeting with Leads for a Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) proposal to Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Halifax, NS.


Burge, F. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.

Boudreau, J. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.

Howes, J. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.

Jensen, J. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G. (2012 – April 20) Provincial Cancer Network Meeting, Cancer Care Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.

McIntyre, P., Thornhill, G. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.

Rolls, E. (2012 – February 29) NELS ICE, Symptoms and Outcomes Measure for End of Life Care in Nova Scotia Workshop, Halifax, NS.


Burge, F. (2011 – September 8) NELS ICE - Highlighting NELS ICE Successes, Halifax, NS.

Carter, A., & Earle, R. (2011 – September 8) NELS ICE - Highlighting NELS ICE Successes, Halifax, NS.

Fisher, J. (2011 – May 11) The effect of an educational intervention on meperidine use in Nova Scotia, Canada: a time-series analysis. Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Annual Conference, Halfiax, NS.

Fisher, J. (2011 – September 8) NELS ICE - Highlighting NELS ICE Successes, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G. (2011 – September 8) NELS ICE - Highlighting NELS ICE Successes event, Halifax, NS.

Kelley, ML (2011 – January 27) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Kelley, ML (2011 – January 26) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE, Halifax NS.

Kelley, ML (2011 – January 26) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Kelley, ML (2011 – January 25) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE & School of Health Administration, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Korol, S., D’Intino, AF., & Profit, S. (2011 – May 13) Informal Caregivers’ Perceived Supports and Barriers in the Provision of End-of-Live Care. New Investigators. Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association Annual Conference, Baddeck, NS.

Lawson, B (2011 – May 11) Preferences for location of death: Are we meeting people’s wishes? Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Annual Conference, Halifax, NS.

Lethbridge, L (2011 – May 11) Utilizing Death Certificate Data for Health Services Planning: A Parkinson’s Disease Example. Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Annual Conference, Halifax, NS.

Maddison, A. (2011 – May) Inequalities in receipt of and wait times for care among colorectal cancer patients in Nova Scotia. Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research Annual Conference, Halifax, NS.

Rolls, E. & Johnston, G. (2011 – May) Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Lisbon, Portugal.


Baracos, V. (2010 – November 8) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.  

Baracos, V. (2010 – November 9) NELS ICE Visiting Scholar. Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute Symposium, Halifax, NS.

Beck, C. (2010 – January 15) NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Brazil, K. (2010 – January 14) Supporting Quality Care for the Dying in Long Term Care. Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE Public Presentation, Halifax, NS.

Brazil, K. (2010 – January 15) NELS ICE and Family Medicine Rounds, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Castleden, H. (2010 – March 31) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Fisher, J (2010 – October 29) Community-acquired medication use at end of life among a cohort of older Nova Scotians diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Work in Progress Session, NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Fisher, J. (2010 – April 16) Dying with or from Alzheimer’s disease in Nova Soctia 1998 to 2005: An analysis of death certificate data. Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Frager, G., Flavelle, S., MacConnell, G., Meenakshi, G., Randel, P. (2010 – October 6) Youth Facing End of Life: Listening and Learning. Seminar. 18th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Frager, G. & Flavelle, S. (2010 – February 24) Youth Facing End of Life – Listening and Learning. IWK Grand Rounds, Halifax, NS.

Frager, G. & Flavelle, S. (2010 – February 25) Youth Facing End of Life – Listening and Learning. Program in Health and Medical Education Research PHMER) Research in Health/Medical Education Series, Halifax, NS.

Johnston G (2010 – April 23) End of life and palliative care research development: An overview of NELS ICE in Nova Scotia. Palliative Medicine Rounds, Grey Nuns Hospital, Edmonton, AB

Johnston G (2010 – April 27) End of life and palliative care research development: An overview of NELS ICE in Nova Scotia. Regent College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Johnston G (2010 – April 28) End of life and palliative care research development: An overview of NELS ICE in Nova Scotia. School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC

Kellehear, A (2010 – October 18) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Lawson, B. (2010 – October 22) A population mortality follow-back survey: The Process and Challenges. Work in Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Maddalena, V., et al. (2010 – October 8) Palliative and End of Life Care in Newfoundland’s Deaf Community. 18th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Rocker, G. (2010 – May 20) INSPIRED: Implementing a Novel and Supportive Program of Individualized care (for people with) Respiratory Disease: A Capital Health Outreach Program for Patients and Families living with Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.


Burge, F., Johnston, G., Lawson, B., Asada, Y., Rocker, G., & McIntyre, P. (2009 – July 8-10) Building Interdisciplinary Research Capacity in End of Life Care: A Canadian Example. 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Academic Primary Care, St Andrews, Scotland, UK.

Burge, F., & Lawson, B (2009 – June 5) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Castleden, H. (2009 – November 26) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Fisher, J. (2009 – October 14) The application of data from the Nova Scotia Prescription Monitoring Program to End of Life Research: an exploration. Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Gillis, Jennifer (2009 – March 24). A logic model for palliative care and end of life services in Nova Scotia. Trainee. NELS ICE and School of Health Administration, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G. (2009 – September 24) Cancer Research Training Program, Integrated Learning Session, Halifax, NS.

Kuhl, D (2009 – April 29) Sustaining Health Care Providers in the Workplace. Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE Public Presentation, Halifax, NS.

Masalhmeh, S. (2009 – June 19) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Morrison, S. (2009 – February 3) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE and Medical Grand Rounds, Capital Health, Halifax, NS.

Morrison, S. (2009 – February 4) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE and Geriatric Rounds, Capital Health, Halifax, NS.

Morrison, S. (2009 – February 5) The Inner Life of the Physician and the Care of the Seriously Ill. Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE and Palliative Care Rounds, Capital Health, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2009 – June 1) Research Methods. Oral. Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB.

Rocker, G. (2009 – May 28) Role of Life Sustaining Therapies in Critically Ill Patients. Edmonton, AB.

Rocker, G. (2009 – April 22) Advanced COPD: Improving support and palliation. Charlotte County Hospital, St. Stephen, NB.

Rocker, G. (2009 – April 9) Advanced COPD: Whose needs are we meeting? University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Rocker, G. (2009 – April 8) Advanced COPD: Improving support and palliation. University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Rocker, G. (2009 – April 7) Advanced COPD: Improving support and palliation. Northwood Manor, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2009 – Feb 20) Advanced COPD: Improving support and palliation. Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital, Fredericton, NB.

Rocker, G. (2009 – Feb 19) Advanced COPD: Improving support and palliation. Saint John, NB.

Rocker, G. (2009 – Jan 23) Advanced COPD: More than a lung disease. Faculty of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK.

Rocker, G. (2009 – Jan 2) Educating residents in end of life care. Alberta Soc Intensive Care Physicians, Alberta.

Rolls, E. (2009 – June 5) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Simpson, C. (2009 – April 15) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Zwaagstra, A. & Asada, Y. (2009 – June 5) “Beyond Cancer Surveillance” – initial discussion of proposed Report after introduction of ideas. NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.


Asada, Y. (2008 – July 31) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Asada, Y. (2008 – May) Inequity and Vulnerability in Health Care: Ethical Analysis Using End-of-Life Care as an Example. Oral. Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference, Quebec, PQ.

Bailey, Cara (2008 – July 15) End of life care in the Emergency Department; a qualitative exploration of care. Trainee. NELS ICE Video Conference, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Burge, F. (2008 – June 13) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Burge, F. (2008 – October) End of Life Care in Nova Scotia: 2007 Surveillance Report. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.

Burge, F., & Lawson, B. (2008 – October) Which cancer patients receive provincial home care services in Nova Scotia during the end of life? Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.

Burge, F., Lawson, B., Johnston, G., & Grunfeld, E. (2008 – January 28) A population based study of inequalities in access to palliative care among cancer patients: A focus on age. Work-in-Progress Session. Palliative Care Rounds, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Chochinov, H. (2008 – October 23) Dying, Dignity and End of Life Care. Visiting Scholar. Robert C. Dickson Lecture, Halifax, NS.

Chochinov, H. (2008 – October 24) Dying with Dignity: A Contemporary Challenge in End of Life Care & Perceptions of Canadians. Visiting Scholar. Segelberg lecture Series, School of Public Administration, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Chochinov, H. (2008 – October 25) The ABC’s of Dignity Conserving Care. Visiting Scholar. Oncology Grand Rounds, Halifax, NS.

Fassbender, K. (2008 – October 30) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE and Community Health & Epidemiology Seminar Series, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Fisher, J. (2008) The Use of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (INSAIDS) in Osteoarthritis: Age Matters. IMPART Research Seminar, College of Pharmacy, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Frager, G., Stienstra, D., & Smeaton, M. (2008 – October 27) Vulnerable Populations and Hospice Palliative Care. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.

Grunfeld, E. & McIntyre, P. (2008 – June 13) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G. (2008 – September 9) Community Health & Epidemiology, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G., Burge, F., Grunfeld, E., Gao, J., Urquhart, R., O’Brien, M., & Gopal, V.M. (2008 – October 26-29) Palliative and End of Life Care for Persons with Advanced Colorectal Cancer: Basics upon which to Build. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.

Johnston, G., Grunfeld, E., McIntyre, P., Maddalena, V., Rocker, G., Asada, Y., Lawson, B., & Burge, F. (2008 – September 24) Oral. 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Johnston, G., Lawson, B., Gao, J., Burge, F., McIntyre, P., & Grunfeld, E. (2008 – May) European Association for Palliative Care, Trondheim, Norway.

Lachance, Julie (2008 – September). Opportunities and Challenges for Palliative Care Development in Canada. 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Lavergne, Ruth (2008 – January 11). Mapping of Palliative Radiation Therapy in Nova Scotia. Trainee. Halifax, NS.

Maddalena, V. (2008 – April 22) A Qualitative Examination of End of Life Care for South Asian Immigrants in Halifax, Nova Scotia: Preliminary Findings from the Perspective of Caregivers. Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE and Community Health & Epidemiology, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

McIntyre, P. (2008 – October) Update in Palliative Medicine. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.

Murray, S. (2008 – May 22) Family Medicine Rounds. Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE and Department of Family Medicine, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Murray, S. (2008 – May 23) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Murray, S. (2008 – May 23) Visiting Scholar, NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2008 – September 25) COPD: More than a Lung Disease. 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Rocker, G. (2008 – September 24) Dyspnea: International Approaches to Supportive Care. 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Rocker, G. (2008 – June 17) Giving Bad News. Oral. Canadian Anaesthesiology Society, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2008 – June 22) Life and Death in the ICU: Patient and Family Perspectives. Canadian Respiratory Conference, Montréal, PQ.

Rocker, G. (2008 – April 2) Life and Death in the ICU: Patient and Family Perspectives. Medical Society, PEI.

Rocker, G. (2008 – April 2) Advanced COPD: Supportive Care and Innovative Approaches. Medical Society, PEI.

Rocker, G. (2008 – April 3) Some things Doctors do Better. Prince County Hospital, Summerside, PEI.

Rocker, G. (2008 – April 27) Chronic Lung Disease. Nova Scotia Hospice Palliative Care Association, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2008 – February 2) State of the Science: Advanced Lung Disease: Supportive Care and Innovative Approaches. American Academy Hospice Palliative Medicine, Tampa, Florida, USA.

Rocker, G. (2008 – February 2) Sate of the Science: Advanced COPD. American Academy Hospice Palliative Medicine, Tampa, Florida, USA.

Rocker, G. (2008 – January) Music Therapy. Alberta Society for Intensive Care Physicians, Alberta.

Rocker, G. (2008 – January) The REALISTIC -80 Study. Alberta Society for Intensive Care Physicians, Alberta.

Rocker, G. & Young, J. (2008 – June 13) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. & Young, J. (2008 – September) Advanced COPD: Beyond a Lung Disease. 17th International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, PQ.

Smith, Andrea (2008 – August) Allocating for the dying – Age and end-of-life in need-based resource allocation models. Community Health & Epidemiology, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Urquhart, R. (2008 – October) Palliative and End of Life Care for Persons with Advanced Colorectal Cancer: Basics upon which to build. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.

Weerasinghe, S., Maddalena, V., & Kanth F. (2008 – April 6). A Qualitative Examination of End of Life Care for South Asian Immigrants in Halifax, Nova Scotia: Preliminary Findings from the Perspective of Caregivers. Tenth National Metropolis Conference: Expanding the Debate: Multiple Perspectives on immigration to Canada, Halifax, NS.

Zwaagstra, A. (2008 – November 20) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.


Asada, Y. (2007 – April 18) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE & Community Health & Epidemiology, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Burge, F. (2007 – January) NELS ICE Surveillance Report Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Burge, F. (2007 – March) End of Life and Palliative Care Surveillance Access to Quality Care for Vulnerable Populations Dying of Chronic Disease. National Palliative and End of Life Care Surveillance Meeting, Health Canada, Ottawa.

Burge, F., & Lawson, B (2007 – June) Department of Family Medicine, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Burge, F., Lawson, B., & Johnston, G. (2007 – July) 18th WONCA World Conference, Singapore.

Burge, F., Lawson, B., Johnston, G., Grunfeld, E., & Kiceniuk, D. (2007 – June 6) Inequalities in end-of-life care for cancer patients: Do they exist and what contributes to them – early results. Work-in-Progress Session. Community Health & Epidemiology, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Dooley, Jessica (2007 – November 23) Scoping Data from Extant Administrative Databases to Better Understand End of Life Care for Children and Youth and Nova Scotia. Trainee. NELS ICE, Halifax, NS.

Dumont, Serge (2007 – March 6) Economic Assessment of Palliative Care in Five Canadian Cities, Including Halifax. Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE and Capital Health, Halifax, NS.

Earle, Craig (2007 – September 23) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE & Nova Scotia Cancer Centre, Halifax, NS.

Gao, J. (2007 – July 12) Timely enrolment to a palliative care program for advance lung cancer patients. Trainee. NELS ICE and Cancer Care Nova Scotia Seminar Series, Halifax, NS.

Gao, J., Johnston, G., McIntyre, P., Orychock, D., & Rheume, D. (2007 – June 2-9) Time from advanced lung cancer diagnosis to enrolment in palliative care in Halifax and Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Hausman, D. (2007 – May) Visiting Scholar. NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Homer, S., Allan, D.E., Rocker, G., Dodek, P., & Heyland, D.K. (2007 – November) Discussing prognosis with patients at the end of life and their families: Impact on satisfaction with end of life care. Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Toronto, ON.

Johnston, G. (2007 – May 1-2) Palliative Data Needs Assessment Invitational Workshop: Canadian Strategy on Palliative and End-of-Life Care Surveillance Working Group, Ottawan, ON.

Kanth, Farhana (2007 – June) Trainee. BC NET Research Day, Vancouver, BC.

Lawson, B., Burge, F., Johnston, G., & Grunfeld, E. (2007 – October) Advocating for the disadvantaged at the end of life: who should primary care be concerned about?  35th North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Maddalena, V. (2007 – June 24)  Naturopathic Medicine and Health: Looking into the Future. Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors Annual Conference, Health Fusion 2007, Halifax, NS.

Maddalena, V. (2007 – May) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2007 – February 14) End of Life Care for COPD. New Brunswick Extra Mural Program, St. Stephen, NB.

Rocker, G. (2007 – February 28) View from the Other Side: Life and Death in the ICU, Patient and Family Perspectives. Ottawa Civic Hospital, Ottawa, ON.

Rocker, G. (2007 – January 29) Terry Schiavo: A Medical Perspective. Seigelberg Lecture Series, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2007 – June 1) Palliative Care ICU Interface. Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians, Halifax, NS.

Rocker, G. (2007 – June 5) Noninvasive Ventilation in Palliatve Care. Charlotte County Hospital, St. Stephen, NB.

Rocker, G. (2007 – June 6) End of Life Care for COPD. Respiratory Therapists Association, Saint John, NB.

Rocker, G. (2007 – November 30) A Canadian Breathlessness Intervention Service. Cicely Saunders Foundation, Cambridge, UK.

Rocker, G. (2007 – November 30) Creating Successful Research Networks: The Canadian Critical Care Trials Groups. Cicely Saunders Foundation, Cambridge, UK.

Rocker, G. (2007 – October 4)  Views from the Other Side: Life and Death in the ICU. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON.


Asada, Y. & Kephart, G. (2006 – June) Federal Health Care Funding in Canada: Is it Allocated According to Need? Oral. Inaugural Conference of the American Society of health Economists, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Asada, Y. & Kephart, G. (2006 – September) Federal Health Care Funding in Canada: Is it Allocated According to Need? Oral. Annual Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Asada, Y. & Kephart, G. (2006 – September) Federal Health Care Funding: Is it Allocated Equitably? Oral. Atlantic Association of Applied Economists, Halifax, NS.

Barnard, D. (2006 – December 12) Trainee. NELS ICE Quarterly Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Grunfeld, E., Johnston, G., Mykhalovskiy, E., Cicchelli, L., McIntyre, P., Burge, F., Dent, S., Zitzelsberger, L., Paszat, L., & Earle, C. (2006 – September 26-29) Quality Indicators for End-of-Life Breast Cancer Care: Is there agreement between stakeholder groups in two provinces? 16th International Congress on Care of the Terminally Ill, Montréal. PQ.

Johnston, G. (2006 – June 24) AUPHA.

Johnston, G. (2006 – June 15) North American Association of Cancer Registries, Regina SK.

Johnston, G. (2006 – June 14) Work-in-Progress Session. Saskatchewan Cancer Registry at time of North American Association of Cancer Registries, Regina, SK.

Johnston, G. (2006 – April 27) Semi Annual District Cancer Conference, Cancer Care Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS.

Johnston, G. & Burge, F. (2006 – October 26) Work-in-Progress Session. Community Health & Epidemiology, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Kanth, Farhana (2006 – September 8) Trainee. NELS ICE and School of Health Administration, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.

Maddalena, V. (2006 – May 16) NELS ICE Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Maddalena, V. (2006 – September 12) Work-in-Progress Session. NELS ICE Quarterly Meeting, Halifax, NS.

Maddalena, V., Bernard, W.T. (2006 – November 10) Cancer Care Experiences and the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Home Remedies in Nova Scotia’s Black Community. ĢAV Cancer Research Symposium, Halifax, NS.

Parker, S. (2006 – April 14) Trainee. NELS ICE and School of Health Administration, ĢAV, Halifax, NS.