Dr. Qamar Zaman

Professor/Precision Agriculture Research Chair

Department of Engineering
Precision Agriculture Research Program
Faculty of Agriculture, ĢAV
Truro, NS, Canada B2N 5E3
Phone: (902) 893-5426
Fax: (902) 893-1859
E-mail: qzaman@dal.ca

Research Topics:Sustainability, Bioinstrumentation, Water quality, Environmental management, Computer-vision, Imaging, Agricultural automation, Precision agriculture, GPS-GIS-VRT


  • Ph.D., (Agr. Engineering), Newcastle University
  • M.Sc., (Agr. Engineering), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
  • B.Sc., (Agr. Engineering), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad


Precision Agriculture, GPS/GIS, Sensor Development, Instrumentation, Machine Vision, Image Processing, Automation and Variable Rate Technologies


  • ENGN 2011(Technology for Precision Agriculture)
  • ENGN 2001(Agricultural Machinery)
  • ENGN 3016(Engineering Economy)
  • ENGN 4002(Management of Mechanized Agricultural Systems)
  • RESM 4000(Project-Seminar I)
  • AGRI 5710(Various Precision Agriculture Graduate Module)



Zaman, Q. U., Y. K. Chang and A. W. Schumann. 2013. “Variable rate sprayer system and method of variably applying agrochemicals”. US Patent No.: 8488874 B2.

Zaman, Q. U., Y. K. Chang and A. W. Schumann. 2014. “Variable rate sprayer system and method of variably applying agrochemicals”. Canadian Patent No.: 2,740,503 C.

Book Chapter

Swain, K. C. and Q. U. Zaman.  2012. Rice crop monitoring with unmanned helicopter remot sensing images, remote sensing of biomass - principles and applications, Dr. Lola Fatoyinbo (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0313-4, InTech, Available from:

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

Abbas, A., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Farooque, G. Brewster, R. Donald. 2016. Effect of split fertilization on subsurface water quality in wild blueberry fields. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 32(1): 79-88.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann and A. Madani. 2016. Estimation of the Rootzone Depth above a Gravel Layer (in Wild Blueberry Fields) Using Electromagnetic Induction Method.  Precision Agriculture. 17 (2):155-167. 

Ali, S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, C. C. Udenigwe and A. A. Farooque. 2016. Quantification of fruit losses at different harvesting times to evaluate the picking performance of the wild blueberry harvester. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. In Review.

Chang, Y., Q. Zaman, A. Farooque, H. Chattha, S. Read and A. Schumann. Sensing and control system for spot-specific fertilization in wild blueberry cropping system. 2016. Precision Agriculture. In Review.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, D. Groulx, Y. Chang, A. Schumann and P. Havard. 2016. Supplementary light source development for camera-based smart spraying in low light conditions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. In Review.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, D. Groulx, K. Corscadden, Y. Chang, A. Schumann and P. Havard. 2016. Economic analysis for smart sprayer application in wild blueberry fields. Precision Agriculture. In Review.

Farooque, A., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, K. Corscadden, A. Schumann, H. Chattha and A. Madani. 2016. Influence of soil properties and topographic features on wild blueberry fruit yield. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. In Review.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann and T. Quang. 2016. Response of spatial variation in crop characteristics and topographic features to the fruit losses for wild blueberry cropping system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. In Review.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann and G. R. Brewster. 2015. Effect of lighting conditions and ground speed on performance of intelligent fertilizer spreader for spot-application in wild blueberry. Precision Agriculture. 16: 654-667.

Abbas, A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schuman, G. R. Brewster, R. Donald, and H. S. Chattha. 2014. Effect of split variable rate fertilization on ammonia volatilization in wild blueberry cropping system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(4): 619-627. 

Chang, Y. K., Q. Zaman, T. Esau and A. Schumann. 2014. Sensing system using digital photography technique for spot-application of herbicide in pruned wild blueberry fields. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30 (2): 143-152.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, S. Read, A. W. Schumann, G. R. Brewster and A. A. Farooque. 2014. Variable rate spreader for real-time spot-application of granular fertilizer in wild blueberry. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 100: 70-78.

Esau, T.J., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann and A. A. Farooque. 2014. Prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30(5): 717-725.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Schumann, D. Percival, and A. Farooque. 2014. Spot-application of fungicide for wild blueberry using an automated prototype variable rate sprayer. Precision Agriculture. 15(2): 147-161.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann, D. Yarborough and T. Quang. 2014. Effect of ground speed and head revolutions on the picking efficiency of commercial wild blueberry harvester. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30 (4): 535-546. 

Saleem, S., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, Y. Chang and A. Farooque. 2014. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nutrients losses in surface runoff for wild blueberry fields. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 30 (2): 179-185.

Samson. D., Y. K. Chang, H. P. V. Rupasinghe and Q. U. Zaman. 2014. A dual-view computer-vision system for volume and image texture analysis in multiple apple slices drying. Journal of Food Engineering 127: 49-57.

Farooque, A. A., Y. K. Chang, Q. U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann, and T. J. Esau. 2013. Performance evaluation of multiple ground based sensor mounted on commercial wild blueberry harvester to sense fruit yield, plant height and topographic features. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. (91):135-144.

Saleem, S. R., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival and A. A. Farooque. 2013. Impact of variable rate fertilization on wild blueberry plant growth and fruit yield. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 29(5): 683-690. 

Saleem, S. R., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, A. A. Farooque, and D. C. Percival. 2013. Impact of variable rate fertilization on subsurface water contamination in wild blueberry cropping system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 29 (2): 225-232. 

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. Percival, T. J. Esau and G. Aylew. 2012. Development of color co-occurrence matrix based machine vision algorithms for wild blueberry fields. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 28 (3): 315-323.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann and D. Percival. 2012. An automated yield monitoring system II for commercial wild blueberry double-head harvester. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 81: 97-103.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani and D. C. Percival. 2012. Response of wild blueberry yield to spatial variability of soil properties. Soil Science. 177(1): 56-68.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. C. Percival and A. W. Schumann. 2012. Delineating management zones for site-specific fertilization in wild blueberry fields. Applied Engineering in Agriculture.  28 (1): 57-70. 

Maqbool, R., D. C. Percival, M. S. Adl, Q. U. Zaman, and D. Buszard. 2012. In situ estimation of foliar nitrogen in wild blueberry using reflectance spectra and partial least squares regression. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 92(6): 1155-1161. 

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, F. Abbas, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, and T. J. Esau. 2011. Ecological impacts of the N-Viro biosolids land-application for wild blueberry (Vacciniumangustifolium.Ait) production in Nova Scotia. Journal of Environmental Science. Health. Part B 46: 366-379. 

Farooque, A. A., F. Abbas, Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. C. Percival and M. Arshad. 2011. Soil nutrient availability, plant nutrients uptake, and wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium.Ait) yield in response to N-Viro biosolids and irrigation applications. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. 1-7.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, S. Read, T. J. Esau and A. A. Farooque. 2011. Development of cost-effective prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-specific application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry cropping systems. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. 76: 175-182. 

Zhang, F., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2010. Bare spot mapping in wild blueberry fields using digital photography. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(5): 723-728. 

Swain, K. C., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and D. D. Bochtis. 2010. Computer vision system for wild blueberry fruit yield mapping. Biosystem Engineering. 106: 389-394. 

Zaman, Q. U., K. C. Swain, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2010. Automated, low-cost yield mapping of wild blueberry fruit. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(2): 225-232. 

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2010. An automated slope measurement and mapping system. Hort. Technology. 20 (2): 431-437. 

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and R. J. Gordon. 2008. Estimation of wild blueberry fruit yield using digital color photography. Transaction of the ASABE. 51(5): 1539-1544.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann and K. Hostler. 2007.  Quantifying sources of error in ultrasonic measurements of citrus orchards. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(4): 449-453. 

Zaman, Q. U. and A. W. Schumann. 2006. Nutrient management zones for citrus based on variation in soil properties and tree performance. Precision Agriculture. 7(1): 45-63. 

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and K. Hostler. 2006. Estimation of citrus fruit yield using ultrasonically-sensed tree size. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 22(1): 39-44.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and K. Hostler. 2006. Rapid estimation of citrus tree damage from hurricanes in Florida using an ultrasonic tree measurement system. Hort. Tech. 16(2): 339-344.

Schumann, A. W., W. M. Miller, Q. U. Zaman, K. H. Hostler, S. Buchanon, and S. Cugati. 2006. Variable rate granular fertilization of citrus groves: Spreader performance with single-tree prescription zones. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 22(1): 19-24.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann and W. M. Miller. 2005. Variable rate nitrogen application in Florida citrus based on ultrasonically-sensed tree size. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 21(3): 331-335.

Zaman, Q. U. and A. W. Schumann. 2005.  Performance of ultrasonic tree size measurement system in different commercial citrus groves. Precision Agriculture. 6(5): 467-480.

Schumann A. W. and Q. U. Zaman. 2005. Software for real-time mapping of ultrasonic tree canopy size. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. 47(1):25-40.

Zaman, Q. U. and M. Salyani. 2004. Effect of canopy density and ground speed on ultrasonic measurement of citrus tree volume. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 20(2): 173-178. 

Schumann, A.W. and Q. U. Zaman. 2003. Mapping water table depth using electromagnetic induction. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 19(6): 675-688. 

Zaman, Q. U., R. S. Shiel and A. W. Schumann. 2003. Variable rate management of liming based on spatial variation in soil pH.  Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 40(1-2): 1-6. 

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Shumann and R. S. Shiel. 2003. Possibilities of precision fertilization with P and K based on varying nutrient content and yield potential. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 40(1-2): 7-10. 

Bakhsh, A., Q. U. Zaman, M. A. Rana, M. Younis and A. N. Awan. 1994. Performance evaluation of imported and locally manufactured alkatheline emitters. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 31(1): 11-14. 

Zaman, Q. U., A. D. Chaudhary and M. A. Rana. 1992. Wheat harvesting losses in combining as affected by machine and crop parameters. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 29(1): 1-4. 

Chaudhry, A. D., M. Javed, M. A. Rana, A. Sarwar and Q. U. Zaman. 1992. Comparative performance of direct drilling & conventional tillage practices under rice wheat rotations systemPak. J. Agri. Sci. 29(1): 5-8. 

Zaman, Q. U., A. D. Chaudhry and M. A. Rana. 1991. Inter-relationship between machine and crop parameters responsible for grain losses during wheat harvesting. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 28(3): 277-229. 

Javed, M., M. A. Rana, A. D. Chaudhry, Q. U. Zaman and M. Saleem. 1991. Effect of different levels of compaction on rice grain yield. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 29(1): 5-8.

Non Refereed Journal Papers

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, and R. J. Gordon. 2009. Estimation of wild blueberry fruit yield using digital color photography. Acta. Hort. 57-66.

Zaman Q. U. 2002. Planning variable tillage practices based on spatial variation in soil physical conditions and crop yield using DGPS/GIS. Agri. Mech. Asia, Africa and Latin America. 33 (3): 41-44.

International Conference Papers

Abbas A., Q. Zaman, A. Schuman, G. Brewster, A. Farooque, R. Donald and M. Jameel. 2015. Effect of Split Variable Rate Fertilization on Wild Blueberry Plant Growth and Berry Yield. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Ali, S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann and A. A. Farooque. 2015. Quantification of wild blueberry fruit losses at different time intervals during mechanical harvesting. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman and A. A. Farooque. 2015. Relationship of plant density and plant height with wild blueberry fruit yield. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, D. Groulx, K. Corscadden, Y. Chang, A. Schumann and P. Havard. 2015. Economic analysis for smart sprayer application in wild blueberry fields. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, D. Groulx, K. Corscadden, A. W. Schumann, T. Quang and T. J. Esau. 2015. Effect of spatial variability in crop characteristics and slope of the ground on wild blueberry fruit losses. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Jameel, M. W., Q. U. Zaman, A. Schumann, G. Brewster, T. Quang and A. A. Farooque. 2015. Effect of fruit characteristics on berry losses during harvesting. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Nadeem, M., M. Iqbal, A. A. Farooque, A. Munir, M. Ahmad, and Q. U. Zaman. 2015. Design indigenization of self-propelled reaper for harvesting multi crops. Annual Meeting ASABE, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 26-29.

Abbas, A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schuman, G. R. Brewster, R. Donald and H. S. Chattha. 2014. Effect of split fertilizer application on subsurface water quality in wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Montreal, QC, Canada. July 13-16.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, H. S. Chattha, S. Reed and A. W. Schumann. 2014. Sensing system using digital cameras for spot-application of fertilizer in wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Annual Joint Meeting ASABE/CSBE, Montreal, Quebec. July 13-16.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, G. R. Brewster, S. Read and A. Abbas. 2014. Evaluation of intelligent fertilizer spreader for spot-application under sunny and cloudy conditions in wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Annual Joint Meeting ASABE/CSBE, Montreal, Quebec. July 13-16.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, D. Groulx, Y. Chang, A. Schumann and P. Havard. 2014. Smart sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry fields. Annual Joint Meeting ASABE/CSBE, Montreal, Quebec. July 13-16.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, T. Quang, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann and Y. K. Chang. 2014. Predictive model for wild blueberry fruit losses during harvesting. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Montreal, Quebec. July 13-16.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman and D. Groulx. 2014. Development of accurate models to predict wild blueberry fruit losses using artificial neural network and multiple regression techniques. In Proc. of 7th Mechanical Engineering Research Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia. April 30.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schuman, A. Madani and A. A. Farooque. 2014. Estimation and mapping of soil properties using electromagnetic induction method in wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Montreal, Quebec. July 13-16.

Jameel, M. W., M. Ahmad, Q. Zaman, A. Munir and F. A. Warraich. 2014. Performance Evaluation of Photovoltaic Module Using Aluminum Reflectors. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Montreal, QC, Canada. July 13-16.

Abbas, A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schuman, R. Donald, G.R. Brewster and S. R. Saleem. 2013. Effect of split fertilizer application on ammonia volatilization losses in wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Kansas City, Missouri. July 21-24.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, G. R. Brewster, Y. K. Chang and S. Read. 2013. Evaluation of modified variable rate granular fertilizer spreader for spot-specific fertilization in wild blueberry fields. Annual Meeting ASABE, Kansas City, Missouri. July 21-24.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman and D. Groulx. 2013. Performance evaluation of commercial wild blueberry harvester to quantify fruit losses during harvesting. 6th Mechanical Engineering Research Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. April 26.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, D. Groulx, T. Quang, A. W. Schumann and T. J. Esau. 2013. Effect of ground speed and head revolutions on the picking efficiency of commercial wild blueberry harvester. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Kansas. July 21-24.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, D. Groulx, A. Schumann, P. Havard and Y. Chang. 2013. Development and performance testing of a light source system on a smart sprayer for spot-application of agrochemical in wild blueberry fields. Annual Meeting ASABE, Kansas City, Missouri. July 21-24.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, T. J. Esau, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2012. Development of sensing system using digital photography technique for spot-application of herbicide in wild blueberry fields. 11th Int. Conference on Precision Agric. Indianapolis, Indiana. July 15-18.

Chang, Y.K., Q. Zaman, T. Esau, A. Farooque, A.W. Schumann and D.C. Percival. 2012. Development of sensing system using digital photography technique for spot-application of herbicide in Wild Blueberry Fields. In Proc. of 11th Int. Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, Indiana. July 15-18.

Farooque, A., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, D. C. Percival, A. W. Schumann and T. J. Esau. 2012. Sensor fusion on blueberry harvester for fruit yield, plant height and topographic features mapping to improve crop productivity. In Proc. of 11th International, Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, Indiana. July 15-18.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, D. C. Percival, A. W. Schumann and T. J. Esau. 2012. Sensor fusion on blueberry harvester for fruit yield, plant height and topographic features mapping to improve crop productivity. 11th Int. Conference on Precision Agriculture. Indianapolis, IndianaJuly 15-18.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, A. Schumann and D. Percival. 2012. Development and performance testing of a commercial variable rate sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry fields. NABEC-CSBE/SCGAB 2012 Conference. Orillia, Ontario. July 15-18.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, A. Schumann, D. Percival and M. Cheema. 2012. Spot- application of herbicide using variable rate sprayer in wild blueberry. In Proc. of 11th International, Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, Indiana. July 15-18.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. A. Farooque and S. R. Saleem. 2012. Mapping soil properties using electromagnetic induction methods in wild blueberry. Plant Canada Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August 16-21.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. A. Farooque and S. R. Saleem. 2012. Relationship of soil properties to apparent ground conductivity. 11th International, Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, Indiana. July 15-18.

Saleem, S. R., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, A. Madani, S. Read and H. N. Ahmad. 2012. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nutrient losses in surface runoff within wild blueberry fields. 11th Int. Conference on Precision Agriculture. Indianapolis, Indiana. July 15-18.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2011. Performance tests of g ratio index and color co-occurrence matrix based machine vision algorithms in the wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, T. J. Esau, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2011. Development and evaluation of a green ratio based algorithm for the detection of weeds in mowed wild blueberry fields. Plant Canada Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August 16-21.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U.  Zaman, A. Madani, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, F. S. Khan and S. R. Saleem. 2011. Delineation of management zones for site-specific fertilization in wild blueberry fields. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. W. SchumannT. J. Esau, F. S. Khan, S. R. Saleem and Y. K. Chang, 2011. Characterize and quantify soil variability to delineate management zones for variable rate fertilization in wild blueberry fields. Plant Canada Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August 16-21.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. C. Percival and A. W. Schumann. 2011. Characterization and quantification of spatial variability of soil properties and fruit yield in wild blueberry field.  8th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Prague. July 11-14.

Esau, T. J., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and A. A. Farooque. 2011. Development of a prototype variable rate sprayer using digital color cameras for spot-specific application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry. Plant Canada Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August 16-21.

Esau T. J., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and A. A. Farooque. 2011. Performance evaluation of a prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-specific application of fungicide in wild blueberry. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Gashaw A. G., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, D. C Percival and T. J. Esau. 2011. Assessment of wavelet discrete technique for spot-application of pesticides in wild blueberry. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival and A. A. Farooque. 2011. Mapping water table depths using electromagnetic induction methods to develop variable rate technologies. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Saleem S. R., Q. U.  Zaman, A. W.  Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. A. Farooque and F. S. Khan. 2011. Impact of variable rate fertilization on ground water contamination in wild blueberry cropping system. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Saleem, S. R., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, A. Madani, A. A. Farooque and F. S. Khan 2011. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nutrients runoff losses in wild blueberry fields. Plant Canada Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August 16-21.

Zaman, Q. U., T. J. Esau, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and A. A. Farooque. 2011. Development of commercial prototype variable rate sprayer for spot- application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10.

Zaman, QU., Y. K. Chang, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2011. An automated yield monitoring system for commercial wild blueberry harvester. Plant Canada Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. August 16-21.

Zaman, Q. U., T. J. Esau, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and A. A. Farooque. 2011. Development of a commercial prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-specific application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry. ASABE. St. Joseph, Michigan.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schuman and D. C. Percival. 2010.  Development of real time based automated system for weeds and bare spot detection in the wild blueberry field. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. June 20-23.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. W.  Schumann and T. J. Esau. 2010. Mapping soil moisture variability using electromagnetic induction methods. 9th Int. Drain. Symposium, ASABE, Quebec City, Quebec. June 13-16.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival and T. J. Esau. 2010. Prediction of soil organic matter and clay content using electromagnetic induction methods. 10th Int. Precision Agriculture Conference. Denver, Colorado. July 21-23.

Percival, D. C, S. Sharpe and Q. U. Zaman. 2010. Narrow band reflectance measurements can be used to estimate leaf area index, flower number, fruit set and berry yield of the wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.), 28th Int. Hort. Congress - Lisboa. August 22.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, S. Read and T. J. Esau. 2010. Development of cost-effective prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-specific application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry cropping systems. Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. June 20-23.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, S. Read and T. J. Esau. 2010. Spot application of pesticide using variable rate sprayer in wild blueberry. CIGAR section III ASABE, Quebec City, Quebec. June 13-16.

Zaman, Q. U., F. Zhang, A. W. Schumann and D. C. Percival. 2009. Bare spot mapping in wild blueberry fields using digital photography. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Zhang, F., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, D. Nams and T. J. Esau. 2009. Detecting weeds in wild blueberry field based on color images. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Swain C. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, D. Nams and T. J. Esau. 2009. Detecting weed and bare-spot in wild blueberry using ultrasonic sensor technology. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Arshad, M., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, A.W. Shumann and K. C. Swain.  2009. Electromagnetic induction methods for water management enhancement. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Ahmad, H. N., P. Havard, R. Jamesen, A. Madani and Q. U. Zaman. 2009. Evaluation of an assessment tool for a small watershed under eastern Canada conditions. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann and D.C. Percival. 2008. Development of an automated system for real-time slope measurement and mapping. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

A. W. Schumann and Q. U. Zaman. 2008. Quantifying wild blueberry yield with image processing. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Zaman, Q. U. and A. W. Schumann. 2008. Evaluation of low-cost automated system for real-time slope measurement and mapping. CSBE Paper No. 08150

Swain, K. C., Q. U. Zaman and H .P. W. Jaysuria. 2008. Estimation of rice yield and protein content using remote sensing images acquired by radio controlled unmanned helicopter. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Arshad, M., QU.  Zaman and A. Madani. 2008. Modeling approach to stimulate water percolation in rice-wheat system. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Arshad, M., Q. U. Zaman and A. Madani. 2008. Lining impact on watercourse losses. CSBE Paper No.08171.

Schumann, A.W., L. G. Albrigo, Q. U. Zaman, M. Maliszewski and S. Bucanon. 2007. Feasibility of predicting citrus yield and canopy size with remote sensing imagery of different resolutions. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann and K. H. Hostler. 2005. Quantifying sources of error in ultrasonic measurements of citrus orchards. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Schumann A. W., K. H. Hostler, W. M. Miller and Q. U. Zaman. 2004.  Sensor –based automatic yield monitoring for manually harvested citrus. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

Zaman, Q. U. and M. Salyani, 2003. Effect of canopy density and ground speed on ultrasonic umeasurement of citrus tree volume. ASABE, St. Joseph, Michigan.

International Conference Proceedings

S. R. Saleem, Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, A. Madani, S. Read, H. N. Ahmad. 2012. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nutrient losses in surface runoff within wild blueberry fields. 11th Int. Conf. on Precision Agric. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. July 15-18, 2012.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, D. C. Percival, A. W. Schumann, T. J. Esau. 2012. Sensor fusion on blueberry harvester for fruit yield, plant height and topographic features mapping to improve crop productivity. 11th Int. Conf. on Precision Agric. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. July 15-18, 2012.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, T. J. Esau, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann, and D. C. Percival. 2012. Development of sensing system using digital photography technique for spot-application of herbicide in wild blueberry fields. 11th Int. Conf. on Precision Agric. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. July 15-18, 2012.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. A. Farooque, and S. R. Saleem. 2012. Relationship of soil properties to apparent ground conductivity. 11th International, Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. July 15-18, 2012.

T. J. Esau, Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, and M. A. Cheema. 2012. Spot- application of herbicide using variable rate sprayer in wild blueberry. 11th Int. Conf. on Precision Agric. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. July 15-18, 2012.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. W. Schumann. 2011. Characterization and quantification of spatial variability of soil properties and fruit yield in wild blueberry field.  8th European Conf. on Precision Agric. Prague. July 11-14, 2011.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, S. Read, and T. J. Esau. 2010. Performance evaluation of cost-effective prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-specific application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry cropping systems. 10th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Denver, Colorado. July 21-23, 2010.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival. and T. J. Esau. 2010. Prediction of soil organic matter and clay content using electromagnetic induction methods. 10th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Denver, Colorado. July 21-23, 2010.

Swain, K. C., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival. 2009. Automated, low-cost yield mapping of wild blueberry fruit. 7th European Conf. Precision Agric. July 6-8, Wageningen, Netherland.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, K. C. Swain, D. C. Percival. 2009. Evaluation of low- cost automated system for real-time slope measurement and mapping. 7th European Conf. Precision Agric. July 6-8, Wageningen, Netherland.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and S. Shibusawa. 2006. Variable rate fertilization based on ultrasonically-sensed tree canopy volume in citrus orchards. 3rd Int. Symposium Machinery and Mechatronics for Agric. and Biosystems Engg. (ISMAB) Seoul, Korea – November 23-25, 2006.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and S. Shibusawa. 2006. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nitrate leaching in citrus orchards. 8th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Minnesota. July 24-26, 2006.

Schumann, A. W., H. K. Hostler, S. Buchanon, and Q. U. Zaman. 2006. Relating citrus canopy size and yield to precision fertilization. Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Soc. Tampa, FL. June 4 - 6, 2006.

Schumann, A. W., Q. U. Zaman and K. H. Hostler. 2006. Importance of soil organic matter in Florida citrus production. Annual Meeting of the Soil and Crop Sci. Soc. Florida, Tampa, FL. June 4 - 6, 2006.

Schumann, A. W., W. M. Miller, Q. U. Zaman, K. H. Hostler, S. Buchanon, G. Perkins and S. Cugati. 2005. Variable rate granular fertilization of citrus groves: Spreader performance with single-tree prescription zones. 6th Europen Precision Agric. Conf. Sweden, June 2005.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and W. M. Miller. 2004. Variable rate nitrogen application in Florida citrus based on ultrasonically-sensed tree size. 7th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Minnesota. July 2004.

Schumann A.W. and Q. U. Zaman. 2004.  Software for real-time ultrasonic mapping of tree canopy volume. 7th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Minnesota. July 2004.

Posters and Abstracts in National, International and Industry Meetings

Ali, S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann and A. A. Farooque. 2015. Quantification of wild blueberry fruit losses at different time intervals during mechanical harvesting. In: Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, July 2015. New Orleans, LA, USA.

Ali, S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann and A. A. Farooque. 2015. Quantification of wild blueberry fruit losses at different time intervals during mechanical harvesting. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia, November. 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Chang, Y. K., Q. Zaman, A. Farooque, T. Esau, H. Chattha and M. W. Jameel. New On-the-go plant height measurement system for wild blueberry. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, D. Groulx, Y. Chang, & A. Schumann. Economic analysis for smart sprayer application in wild blueberry fields. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia, November. 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, D. Groulx, & A. Schumann. Development and performance testing of a machine vision smart sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry fields. In: Ag Connect Summit poster, March 30 - April 1, 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, Y. Chang, T. J. Esau, A. W. Schumann, and W. Jameel. Variation in harvesting losses in relation to fruit yield, plant height and slope: A basis for automation of harvester. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster. November 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, T. Nguyen-Quang, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann, Y. Chang, A. Abbas, and W. Jameel. Mathematical modeling of wild blueberry fruit losses using artificial neural network. In: Ag Connect Summit poster, March 30 - April 1, 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, D. Groulx, T. J. Esau and H. Chattha. 2015. Non-destructive estimation of plant height, fruit yield and topographic features using multiple sensors in real-time. In: Ag Connect Summit poster, March 30 - April 1, 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman and D. Groulx. 2015. Response of wild blueberry fruit losses to spatial variability in crop characteristics and slope of the ground. Mechanical Engineering Research Conference, April 30, 2015. Halifax, Canada.

Jameel, M. W., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, T. Nguyen-Quang, G. Brewster and H. S. Chattha. Effect of Fruit Characteristics on Berry Losses during Harvesting. In: Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, July 2015. New Orleans, LA, USA.

Jameel, M. W., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, T. Nguyen-Quang, G. Brewster and A. A. Farooque 2015. Effect of Plant Characteristics on Wild Blueberry Losses during Mechanical Harvesting. In: Annual Int. Meeting CSBE, July 2015. Edmonton, AL, Canada.

Jameel, M. W., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, T. Nguyen-Quang, G. Brewster and H. S. Chattha. Effect of Plant Characteristics on the Picking Efficiency of the Wild Blueberry Harvester. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Jameel, M. W., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, T. Nguyen-Quang, G. Brewster and H. S. Chattha. Effect of Plant Characteristics on the Picking Efficiency of the Wild Blueberry Harvester. In: Ag Connect Summit poster, March 30 - April 1, 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.

Chang, Y. K., Q. Zaman, A. Farooque and M. W. Jameel. On-the-go plant height measurement system for wild blueberry. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2014. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, D. Groulx, & A. Schumann. Development and performance testing of a machine vision smart sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry fields. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia, Nov. 2014. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T. J., A. A. Farooque, B. Mc Lean, R. Giffen and Q. U. Zaman. 2014. Capacity analysis of wild blueberry harvester heads. WBPANS Annual Field Day, NS, and Wild Blueberry Producers Association Field Day NB, Canada.

Farooque, A. A. and Q. U. Zaman. Performance evaluation of commercial wild blueberry harvester for fruit loss. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster. November 2014. Truro, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Y. K. Chang, Q. U. Zaman, T. Quang, D. Groulx and A.W. Schumann. Sensor fusion to sense plant height, yield and topographic features in real-time. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster. November 2014. Truro, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, T. Quang, D. Groulx and A.W. Schumann. Bio-systems modeling to improve berry picking efficiency. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster. March 2014. Truro, NB, Canada.

Nadeem, M., H. S. Chattha and Q. U. Zaman. Comparison of 16 Bars and 12 Bars Harvester Heads for Picking Efficiency. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2014. Truro, NS and Wild Blueberry Producers Association Field Day NB, Canada.

Jameel, M. W., M. Ahmad, Q. U. Zaman, A. Munir, and F. A. Warraich. Performance evaluation of photovoltaic module using aluminum reflectors. In: Annual Int. Meeting ASABE, July 2014. Montreal, QC, Canada.

Jameel, M. W., Q. U. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, T. Quang and G. R. Brewster. Effect of plant height and density on wild blueberry fruit losses. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2014. Truro, NS and Wild Blueberry Producers Association Field Day NB, Canada.

Chang, Y. K., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann and T. Esau. Development of software for single boom smart sprayer using digital photography. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2013. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, D. Groulx, and A. Schumann. Development and performance testing of a light source system on a smart sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry fields. 2013. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia, November. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T., D. Groulx, and Q. Zaman. Commercial prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry. In: ĢAV Mechanical Engineering Research Conference, April. 2013. Halifax, NS, Canada.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A. W. Schumann, D. E. Yarborough and T. Quang. Quantification of wild blueberry fruit losses at various combinations of machine operating parameters. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster. November 2013. Truro, NS, Canada.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, D. Percival, and A. Schumann. Commercial prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-application of agrochemicals in wild blueberry. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia, November. 2012. Truro, NS, Canada.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. A. Farooque, A. W. Schumann, and D. C. Percival. 2011. An automated yield monitoring system for commercial wild blueberry double-head harvester. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association Annual Meeting, NS, NB and P.E.I and WABANA annual meeting Maine.

Esau, T., Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Schumann, and A. Farooque. Prototype variable rate sprayer for spot-application of fungicide in wild blueberry. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2011. Truro, NS, Canada.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann, and G. R. Brewster. 2013. Evaluation of intelligent fertilizer spreader for spot-application under sunny and cloudy conditions in wild blueberry fields. WBPANS Annual Meeting, NS, and Wild Blueberry Producers Association Annual Meeting, NB 17.

Chattha, H. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, G. R. Brewster, Y. K. Chang, and S. Read. 2012. Variable rate granular fertilizer spreader for spot specific fertilization. WBPANS Annual Meeting, NS, and Wild Blueberry Producers Association Annual Meeting, NB.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, Y. K. Chang, D. C. Percival, A. W. Schumann, and T. J. Esau. Sensor fusion on blueberry harvester for fruit yield, plant height, and topographic features mapping to improve crop productivity. Wild Blueberry Producers Association Annual Meeting 2011, NS, NB and P.E.I, Canada.

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. A. Farooque, and S. R. Saleem. 2011. Mapping soil properties using electromagnetic induction methods in wild blueberry fields. WBPANS Annual Meeting, Truro, NS, Canada.

Ayalew, G., Y. K. Chang, Q. U. Zaman, D. C. Percival, and A. W. Schumann. 2010. Development of image processing software for automated variable sprayer. WBPANS Annual Meeting, Truro, NS, Canada.

Zaman, Q. U. and A. W. Schumann. 2006. Variable rate technology reduces fertilizer use and limits nitrate leaching in citrus orchards. Abstract in 2006 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, November 12-16.

Chang, Y. K., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, and D. C. Percival. Development of real time based automated system for weeds and bare spot detection in the wild blueberry field. In: Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia meeting poster, November. 2009. Truro, NS, Canada.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and S. Shibusawa. 2006. Ground water mapping with electromagnetic induction method. International Workshop on Ecological Informatics of Chaos and Complex Systems. Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, March 02-03, 2006.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W. Schumann, and S. Shibusawa. 2006. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nitrate leaching in citrus orchards. 8th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Minnes. July, 2006.

Schumann A.W., Q. U. Zaman, and K. H. Hostler. 2005. Soil organic matter affects productivity of Florida citrus soils. Science to Secure Food and the Environment. 2004 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Int. Annual Meetings with the Canadian Soc. of Soil Sci. Seattle, Washington - Oct. 31 - Nov 4.

Zaman, Q. U., A. W Schumann, and W. M. Miller. 2004. Variable rate nitrogen application in Florida citrus based on ultrasonically-sensed tree size. 7th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Minnesota. July, 2004.

Schumann, A.W. and Q. U. Zaman. 2004. Non-contact measurement of spatial variability in sandy hydromorphic soils. Abstract in “International Citrus Congress”: Agadir, Morocco. February 15-20.

Schumann A.W. and Q. U. Zaman. 2004. Software for real-time ultrasonic mapping of tree canopy volume. 7th Int. Precision Agric. Conf. Minnesota. July, 2004.

Zaman, Q. U. and A. W. Schumann. 2003. Spatial variability of soil properties and citrus tree performance. Abstract in “Changing Sciences for a Changing World: Building a Broader Vision" 2003 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings Denver, Colorado. November 2-6.

Schumann, A.W. and Q. U. Zaman. 2003. Using electromagnetic induction methods to map groundwater in Florida citrus soils. Abstract in “Changing Sciences for a Changing World: Building a Broader Vision" 2003 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings Denver, Colorado. November 2-6.

Zaman, Q. U., M. A. Abbas, and M. Y. Bhatti. 2000. Precision maintenance of landscape plantation with mechanical Means. Int. Workshop on Landscape Management for the Gulf States, Sultan Qaboos Univ. Muscat, Oman, 4-7 Nov. 2000.

Non Refereed Conference Proceedings

Abbas, M. A.., S. Uchida, Q. A. Awan, and Q. U. Zaman. 2001.  Remote sensing and GIS technology for performance evaluation of the reclamation program of salt affected soils. 2nd National Seminar on Drainage in Pakistan, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.  April 18-19, 2001.

Azeemi, S. M., Q. A. Awan, Q. U. Zaman, and M. A. Sheikh. 2000. Regression modeling of the leaching behavior of agricultural chemicals. 2nd Int. Symposium on New Tech. for Env. Monitoring and Agro Application. Turkey. Oct.18-20, 2000.

Sial, J. K., M. Amjad, Q. U. Zaman, and M. A. Khan. 1992. Development of animal driven centrifugal jet pump for orchards. 1st Int. seminar on citriculture in Pakistan, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. 2-5 Dec., 1992.