Kaitlyn Boulding

MA Classics candidate


Email: kaitlyn.bould@dal.ca

Why Dal?

I chose to study in the ĢAV Classics Department because it's a great place to study ancient philosophy and literature in the original languages.

What inspires me

I am inspired by the beauty of ancient poetry, the thought in ancient philosophy and the dedication of the scholars who do their best to uncover both.

Teaching and Research Assistanships

  • TA, Department of German, ĢAV, Halifax, N.S. 2011-2013
  • RA, Department of Classics, ĢAV, Halifax, N.S. 2012-2013
  • TA, Department of Classics, Univeristy of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Man. 2011-2012

Publications and conference papers

  1. "Plato's eros reflected in Ovid's Narcissus."Pseudo Dionysius XV. Halifax, Nova Scotia: ĢAV Department of Classics, 2013.
  2. “The Everlasting and mortal strength of men, cities, and trees in Virgil’s Aeneid.” Pseudo Dionysius XIV. Halifax, Nova Scotia: ĢAV Department of Classics, 2012.
  3. "Shakespeare's Aesthetics in The Winter's Tale: Art, Artifice, and Nature." For presentation at the 2013 Early Modern Studies Conference, University of King's College, Halifax, N.S. 2013.
  4. “Contra Cicero.” Undergraduate Classical Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Man. March 5, 2011.
  5. “The Medea Messenger speech: From graphic horror to comic humour.” Undergraduate Classical Studies Conference, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Man. March 6, 2010.


  • Desmond Conacher Scholarship, Classical Association of Canada, 2013
  • Izaak Walton Killam Predoctoral Scholarship, Killam Foundation, 2013
  • Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's Scholarship 2013
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship, University of King’s College, 2012-2013
  • EMSP Honours Seminar Prize, Early Modern StudiesDepartment,Universityof King's College, 2013
  • First Place Haliburton Society Annual Recitation Contest, University of King’s College, 2013
  • Howard Murray Prize, Pythian Games, ĢAV Department of Classics, 2012
  • Majorie Mader Study-Abroad Award, ĢAV Department of German, 2012