Awards and Prizes

The Gold Award

Lisa Baxter, MMM Gold Award Recipient 2021
Lisa Baxter, MMM Gold Award Recipient 2021

The award is named in honour of Dr. Edgar Gold, CM, QC, one of the founders of the ĢAV Ocean Studies program. An annual financial award is presented to the most deserving MMM graduate at the end of each academic year in October. The candidate is identified within the annual peer group of MMM graduates. Equal emphasis is placed on academic performance and the ability to reflect the ideal graduate as the “honest broker” – i.e. one who is mindful of the complementary and competing multi-and inter-disciplinary interests which influence the design, implementation, and outcome of the management process in marine affairs. The Gold Award recipient is the student who best exemplifies MAP’s objectives of providing its graduates with the knowledge skills and attitudes necessary to be a leader in the field of marine affairs. Students must have met all requirements to graduate by December 31 after 16 months of full time study in order to be eligible for award consideration.

Marine Affairs Millenium Prizes

MAP Millennium Prize Awardees 2021
2021 MAP Millennium Prize Recipients

The Marine Affairs Millennium Prizes are awarded for outstanding student performances in the core courses of the Master of Marine Management degree: MARA 5010 (Contemporary Issues, Part 1), MARA 5003 (Marine Science and Technology) and MARA 5009 (Coastal Management).  In addition, a prize is also awarded to the student who best demonstrates a capacity to expand their knowledge base from disciplinary to interdisciplinary -  thereby utilizing a broad array of knowledge over the course of the degree program. The chosen candidates for these awards are expected  to have a respectable academic record, but need not possess the highest marks in their respective classes. Course instructors, when awarding a prize, also look for strong class participation, critical analysis and clear and concise communication skills.

Captain Earle Wagner Marine Management Award

Tianna Clarke, Captain Earle Wagner Marine Management Award Recipient 2021

The Captain Earle Wagner Marine Management Award is the result of a generous endowment from Captain Earle Wagner. It was developed to support the ideals of the Marine Affairs Program, and recognize Master of Marine Management students conducting visionary research on the impacts of climate change. Students are challenged to think originally about the impact of global warming on marine and human life, and make fact-based arguments related to their research.

MASC Scholarship in Marine Affairs

Ela Cichowski,  MASC Scholar 2021-2022

The Douglas M. Johnston - MASC Scholarship in Marine Affairs is a $5,000 award established by the  (MASC). The scholarship is conferred on an annual basis to a Canadian citizen to pursue the Master of Marine Management (MMM) degree. Qualified applicants to the MMM are automatically considered for this scholarship upon completion of their application.